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Roommates or no?

Roommates or no?

  • yes!

    Votes: 6 20.0%
  • no!

    Votes: 24 80.0%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
Oct 9, 2016
November Birthstone (Topaz)
Pink Hybrid Cosmos
Yellow Cosmos
White Cosmos
Red Cosmos
Just got an apartment with only my boyfriend and me. We love it.

What do you guys think? You like having roommates or nah? Why or why not?
No. I prefer to have my privacy.
I'm about to have some in university this fall, guess I'm going to find out :p
Well, I dealt with roommates for the past 4 1/2 years while in university. It's a hit or miss.

Basically for those who are about to have roommates for school and anything else; be upfront on rules. Don't be a pushover and don't be passive-aggressive. No little notes. Talk face to face.

I think the only roommates I could tolerate are friends. People who know me and are like-minded. I got paired up with party type people and it's dreadful. I would also need my own room because uni roommates were all about bunk beds.
I live with my bf, but I've never really considered him a "roommate" before? I always thought of a roommate as a person you aren't in a relationship with, like a friend or acquaintance. Like, I don't think someone would call their husband a roommate, but maybe that's just me lol. Personally, I would love to have lived with a roommate like my friends (back when I had friends), just because it would have been really fun and not lonely. But living with my boyfriend is fun too. ^_^ Just in a different way. I just get lonely, so I don't think I would want to have a place all by myself unless I lived really close to friends.
Well considering my trust issues that'd be fun lol. Never had though always lived with family and when I went to uni it was in the same town so I never really needed to move.
Yes, I need someone who can kill bugs for me asdf

But that aside, I like having roommates because of the small conversations we have. Talking about each other's day and whatnot :)
If it's with my boyfriend or my sibling or something, I'd love it. If it was with a friend or a random stranger, no way. I'd hate someone being all up in my business and rushing me when I'm in the bathroom and all.
I could easily do it if I knew the person and liked them a lot. Otherwise, you'll see reports on the news of a murder, and I won't be the one who died.
No honestly I need my own space I can not deal with other people's messes and problems
I will never have room mates again. When I was 19, my boyfriend and I had two room mates who were also a couple (already bad, but it gets worse). The guy room mate was my boyfriend's childhood friend. I didn't have a problem with him, but his girlfriend (now wife) drove me nuts. During the entire year we lived together, she spoke to me fewer than 10 times, even though I tried to start conversations with her. She was like a mouse of a human being that would whisper to her boyfriend even when we were all in the same room.

About two months into us all living together, they got a cat, even though we weren't supposed to have pets. I didn't mind at all, though, because their cat absolutely loved me and would scratch at their door to get out every morning when he heard me in the kitchen. He was super sweet and wasn't destructive at all (I still love that kitty).

Not long after they got their cat, we found out they also had a dog. My boyfriend and I heard a lot of barking going on, but thought it was our neighbor's Chihuahua, Cowboy, who would bark a lot throughout the day when his owner was gone. It sounded like it was coming from the apartment next door at first, but any time we went into the kitchen, it stopped. We were usually really respectful of our room mates space and never went in their room unless they asked us to get something for them, but we were pretty convinced after hours of hearing barking and it stopping every time we got close to their door that there was a dog in there. So we went in to investigate and sure enough, there's a kennel in their room. It was covered with a blanket, so it was totally dark and the puppy couldn't see. We lifted the blanket and saw a little Dachshund/Chihuahua puppy. There was poop in her kennel and she hadn't been out in hours, so we let her out, took her outside, gave her food and water and kept her company until our room mates got home.

I wanted to scream at them both. I couldn't believe those ****heads were totally fine with leaving a puppy in a dark, unsanitary kennel with no food or water for 8 hours. We figured out she was in there after about 4, so at least she didn't have to spend the rest of the day in there. We found out that the girlfriend's mom and stepmom gave her the pup as a house warming gift. Why they thought it was a good idea to give a puppy that isn't housebroken to someone that works all day and lives in an apartment without a yard, I will never understand.

The guy room mate didn't bother me at first, but he did after we found out about the pup. He kept telling my boyfriend that he'd talk to his girlfriend about finding another home for the puppy, then turned around and told her that there was no way they'd give it up. So, of course, they ended up keeping the puppy and she absolutely ruined the carpet in that apartment. They weren't home all day to take her out, and after we had a serious talk with them, they stopped leaving her in that dark kennel all day, so she just pooped anywhere she felt like it, even on OUR couch, which she ruined.

So in the end, those idiots lost us our $1,500 security deposit (expensive ass apartment, I know) that they didn't even pay part of. They also ruined our vacuum cleaner after they decided that vacuuming up wet, used cat litter that their cat had scooped out of the box was a good idea.

Oh, and that hoe also wrote us a chore list and put it on the fridge because she felt like we didn't clean enough. After her dog ruined the carpet and **** all over our couch. After she ruined our vacuum. And after hardly talking to us for the entire time we lived together. I didn't clean **** after that, unless it was our dishes, or our side of the apartment. They're lucky we even let them continue to use our washer and dryer.

Never again.
Unless I can choose the roommate, I don't wanna share my place. I can't handle mess or clutter.
I would definitely say no. It's usually better to live alone- unless the roommates are furry that is!!
No way, man. I rarely want people in my house as it is, so having a permanent annoyance like that is all kinds of no.

I'll just chill over here in my perpetual state of hermitage, thanks.
I prefer my own place, I don't mind sharing in general with family, friends or people but it's different having to live with someone and it can get iffy and all. Just need my own space and time too