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My big long terrible week and nice weekend! (5/23-5/27/19).


Sleepy Bear
Aug 17, 2018
Ancient Candle
Voodoo Doll
Pumpkin Cupcake
Hoo boy, it has been a week.

A family friend died. Actually they're kind of family. My uncle's mother passed away (he is an uncle by marriage, not by blood), but my mom's side of the family was really close with that uncle's family. So our entire extended family went to the funeral/visitation. Everyone came into town from Boston, New Orleans, Atlanta, Colombus, etc. I come from a big Catholic family so there were like 80 million of us it seemed like.

The funeral was really nice. My uncle's mother looked really good. I've been to funerals where the deceased looks basically like a skin stretched too thinly over a skeleton. You can really tell when you look at their fingers, which look all sunken and gross. However, she looked just like she was sleeping and her fingers looked great, lol!

My cousin from Boston was staying with me while she was in town. In addition to working all week/weekend, I was her wheels. We ran errands on Friday and then I had to drive her to New Orleans so she could see her brothers before heading off to the airport to fly home.

Then I had to work Saturday and immediately drive to New Orleans again for a friend's housewarming party. We didn't get home until 1am. Then I got to go to work the next day. But our AC at work has been out since Thursday, and it was so hot that they let us close early. Then I drove an hour and a half to my mom's house to spend the holiday with her swimming in her pool and eating bbq. Didn't get back until dinner time yesterday. I'm exhausted.

Now I'm at work again and the AC still isn't fixed. It is 86 degrees Fahrenheit in this building. And we're all windows and it's summer time so we're basically baking. We have fans and the doors open to create breeze, but it's miserable. They might close us for a few hours and open us again later this evening. I'm pretty mad about it. If maintenance manages to fix the AC today, it won't be cool until tomorrow. But they don't like to let us be closed or be off, so we might have to go to another library and work until ours can open again. I'm pretty upset.

Anyway, I did manage to get two good days of play time in, lol. Let's see if I can remember what I did.

We'll start with Gracey because there wasn't much that I got done. I've been mostly playing as Mayor William, trying to collect enough money to build my house. I got my tent payed off and I've got some furniture placed in my house. It's really cramped, but it looks nice. It's the rococo series, so I'm fancy. I also made my own design to look like the Haunted Mansion Wallpaper. It isn't a perfect replica, but I'm still pretty proud of it.

I also made my town tune (the opening high notes of "Grim Grinning Ghosts" from the ride) and my town flag (a black raven landing on a grey tombstone in front of a purple background). Tres spooky. I'm still waiting on my approval rating to reach 100% tho. I was at 97 the last time I checked. I should be at 100 today. Then I can finally start working on this town.

I think the first thing I'll do is make the Bell Boom Ordinance so I can start earning bells quicker. I've also got a list of PWPs I want to use, but I don't know that I'm quite ready to start building them. I want to get my house a little bigger first. I really have to strategize with my spending in this town, lol. Hence, my alts are all going to be in tents for a very long while until I can earn some bells or buy some here.

I'm aiming to make Gracey look like a once-proud town gone to seed. I was trying not to pull out any weeds, but I forgot I needed to have a clean town for a 100% approval rating, lol. And then the flower clock PWP I want to use requires a perfect town rating, so I'm going to have to clean it up a bit. Perhaps I can roleplay a bit. Master William Gracey will build up the town and then "die" and the town can die with him. I think playing it that way will make me feel like there's an actual story in this town, lol.

I've been working on unlocking the QR machine, of course. It's slow-going, but what can you do.

The flower shop opened in town. I haven't bought any thing yet because it opened last night and by the time I was ready to play in Gracey, it was after 11 pm and I only had energy to do some dailies. I will probably play in Gracey quite a bit tonight to make up for it, though, so we'll see what I can accomplish.

I did some trading with Yuki (RedTropicalPeachyFish) who is always so great and kind to me. She gave William "an allowance" of about 200k bells, which I didn't even ask for! She's so great! She's the first person I'm going to invite to town when it's done so I can show off what she's been helping me do! Maybe I will give her her own haunted mansion-style rhyming tombstone in town. Would that be cute or too morbid? lol.

Anyway, that's about all I managed to do in Gracey. I think today when I get home, I'm going to use one of my alts to lay down some preliminary paths in town and then save a new design over them when I unlock the QR machine. Right now I am just kind of running around like an idiot all over my town. No one has a house in a particularly bad spot, but I need to put down paths just in case, lol.

I need to look for a QR code that has some nice stone paths with some broken bits in them. Maybe a missing stone here and there. I might even learn to draw a path myself, but so far, I'm really only feeling kind of okay with doing clothes, and even then, I'm not wild about my work compared to others that I've seen. But we won't get anywhere without practice, so I'll see what I can do!

I FIIIIIIINALLY built my camp site. I found a nice under-developed area that had a lot of space, so I built it there. It's between two small ponds and there's plenty of trees around it, so it looks so picturesque! Last night I built a water pump near it and I think next I would like to build a log bench next to it so it looks like the campers will have a little place to sit and drink water and hang out. It's going to look as nice as my park area. I'm so very pleased with it! Especially since I didn't really plan it out. It was just a stroke of serendipity!

My Gardening shop is going to have bushes after today! I'm so excited!!!! I can finally start sectioning certain areas off. It's going to look so good when I start laying them out. In fact, the town will start to look like it's nearing completion! Of course, the houses still have a long way to go, and I'm still waiting on certain villagers to move and others to suggest wooden bridges, but I'm well on my way to being able to upload SOMETHING to the dream suite for now. It makes me so happy to run through town and see the way things are coming together.

Portia moved out of town while I wasn't playing this week. Kind of sad that I missed her, but her house was blocking a pathway, so I'm excited that I can now have that area fixed up. There's only about 3 more villagers (Chops, Sprinkle, and Teddy) who have houses in the middle of my pathways, so we're getting there. I've got nine villagers now. I need to go see if someone will sell me another dreamie, lol.

My alts and I almost have a full page of emotes from Dr. Shrunk. Two more days and we can start on page 2. I'm excited for everyone to have the Shrunk Shuffle because that's my favorite one. It looks so silly and stupid.

I finally went into my ABD account and pulled out bells to pay for my alts to upgrade their houses. I felt like it was time. Mostly I just felt bad because I kept forgetting or putting it off. I expanded all their top floors. I think next time I'm just going to build a secret store room for them because I don't think it's as expensive and they can put all their furniture in there so I can clean up town a bit.

Still haven't been to the island in a while. Can't stop won't stop, yolo, only God can judge me, etc.

I visited two dream addresses this weekend.

The first dream I visited was the town of Aoki (4E00-000F-8775). Honestly... I wasn't very impressed. I think the landscaping was mostly fine, but the houses didn't seem coherent. They seemed very spartan compared to what I've seen in other dreams. Or maybe not spartan, but sparse. I don't know. I mean, it was fine, everything was cute, but I feel like maybe I've been spoiled by other dreams where there's a lot more STUFF. Just felt like maybe they were still working on some areas.

The second dream I visited was a Japanese one and I'm fairly certain the characters read "Onigiri" (2A00-0072-F2E0). This one was so freaking cute!!! A lot of self-made patterns that were gorgeous. Really cute and realistically cluttered interiors too. My favorite area was the little duck pond. I took those QRs for my town, but I don't think I actually have a place for them. I just liked looking at the little quacking ducks. Quack quack.

That was about all I managed to get done this weekend. It seems like I played a really long time, but now that I'm reading it typed out, it doesn't look like a lot, lol. Oh well. Gotta keep on truckin', I suppose.