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Long Distance Relationships

Hope you guys have lots of fun~

I've been with my boyfriend for almost 11 years now--we started dating after knowing eachother for 2 years and my family would drive me down to see him during random weekends and sometimes he'd come up here to stay longer. He moved in about 3 years ago. He originally lived in Virginia.
ahhhhhh, i'm so happy for you, op! ^-^ and everyone who has a successful ldr story! this thread is super cute, i love it!

there are mentions of suicide and mental illness in my story, so be careful if you're triggered by mentions of it!

i met my current girlfriend seven months ago, and we've been dating for almost five. we're both rpers and we met while trying to trying to plot out stuff to write together. it started out rather simply, just messaging back and forth about our rp. i always try to become friends ooc with my rp partners, but she was more of the shy type who didn't like giving out that sort of information so easily and hated iming with people. but somehow, i was able to become close enough with her to where she didn't mind doing it with me.

i liked her pretty much right off the bat, because she was easy to talk to and didn't judge me over my lack of ability of being a good adult (we're the same age, but my depression and anxiety keeps me from being as as mature as i'd like to be, or should be able to). we also had lots of things in common, ranging from bad childhood memories to silly things, like sleeping with stuffed animals. even online, i never had a person i could tell these things to, but i was able to with her rather quickly, within the time frame of a month.

it really wasn't a secret that we liked each other, because we constantly flirted and weren't particularly quiet about our feelings. but she made it rather clear that she hated the idea of a relationship, because all of hers were bad and made her apathetic towards them. and i had felt the same way, since just a couple of weeks ago before we met, i tried to commit suicide, and my girlfriend, at the time, dumped me once i got out of the hospital for "not paying attention to her". even with all of that, i couldn't deny how i felt about her, so i brought it up one day and luckily, she agreed.

it's so weird to me, because before, relationships were about being ~comfortable~ and i didn't believe that sort of ~dreamy romance~ was something i'd ever find. but being with her, i just... fall for her more and more each day. she doesn't judge me, she's always there to listen to me, she's caring in a way that i've never felt from my own parents, she knows literally everything that i've failed to learn about life (like i got sick recently, which is something that doesn't happen to me ever and i had no idea what to do, and she gave me this whole list on what to take and what to eat / drink), she doesn't make me feel worthless in regards to my collection of mental illnesses like my family tends to do, but she doesn't treat me like a fragile doll that's going to break either. people hardly ever talk to me like i'm just a normal sort of person, but she's always done just that, and she was there for me at a time i really needed someone, and i'll never forget it.

sadly, we don't get to skype, because she shares a laptop with her family and due to it being rather filled up and slow already, they won't let her download it. she's sent me a video before though, so there's no catfish sort of stuff going on lol but she only lives a state away from me! only about three or four hours apart ^^ so it won't be tough at all to meet up, once we are able to. too bad we're both kind of broke, aha. though there's also the whole thing about having to come out to my family about not only being in a ldr but also about being in a gay ldr ergh. not looking forward to that :c

oh gosh, i put that under a spoiler, because it's really long and lame lol but oh man, it's rare that i get to talk about her, so i got excited, sorry!
D'awww this thread. I love reading this stuff.
Yay a sticky <3 :) I'm off to go get him! Pictures might be posted today. :)

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All your stories warm my heart <3
some people wouldnt class army as long distance, but i do. I've spent most of our relationship (4 years) apart than together, i was thinking about this the other day, we've probably not spent even a full year together if all the time weve been together. BUT I NO CARE ITS FUN.

He's actually of to Canada for 8 months next weekend!

also, enjoy yourself! Make sure you make the most of it! I look forward to reading more!
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I've been in my Long Distance Relationship for almost 2 and a half years now, I live in England and he's in Sweden. I have known of him online since I was 13/14 (through my ex-boyfriend actually...), but we only used to talk here and there and I never really got to know him until later! He began talking to me a lot after my last relationship ended when I was 18. We quickly got pretty close and started to have feelings for each other. We decided to stay as just friends until we actually met, so I went to see him about 5 months later (I was 19 then) and we clicked just as well in real life! :) We usually see each other every couple of months, and I'm going to visit him in May for a month (I haven't been able to see him since January!). Exciting stuff. :D
I've only been in LDR my whole life and my current relationship has been going on for a few months and I'm sooo happy. Happier than any other time in my life I think, she really cheers me up. The only thing is, I want to do more fun stuff with her but I've run out of ideas... we play epicmafia and osu together but sometimes that can get repetitive, and I want to make sure she's having as much fun as I am. I'm a little stumped.
I've only been in LDR my whole life and my current relationship has been going on for a few months and I'm sooo happy. Happier than any other time in my life I think, she really cheers me up. The only thing is, I want to do more fun stuff with her but I've run out of ideas... we play epicmafia and osu together but sometimes that can get repetitive, and I want to make sure she's having as much fun as I am. I'm a little stumped.

Watch movies together! That's always a fun time with me and my gf :)
I'm currently in a LDR, with our 10 months coming up in like 2 weeks. I actually met him on League of Legends through our mutual friend, and I hooked her up with another friend of mine hehe. Their anniversary just happens to be exactly 2 weeks after ours. ^_^ So the four of us would always play League together and sometimes get a friend to 5th wheel LOL. We still play league together, but we also play things like Pokemon or Diablo ! But yeah, I talk to him on Skype pretty much everyday and we fall asleep on Skype almost everyday. Sometimes he's not home or won't be home 'til late, or vice versa. :p Oh, and he lives in Missouri while I live in California! So he's only 2 hours ahead of me haha. We'll probably be meeting sometime closer to the end of this year, as I'm starting uni in late August. I know I can't wait to see him, so I know your feels!

His whole family + his best friend pretty much knows me and loves me hehe. My family doesn't know about him because.. well, asian parents/family struggles. :< He understands my situation though, and I'll eventually tell them if our LDR continues for a long time. ^_^ Oh, but do share pictures after!! I can't wait to see your pictures. c: I loved reading all the other LDR stories in this thread! <3
I'll post pictures tomorrow, we only got SOME good ones today, he was being a girl about his hair and how he looked in the picture. LOL
Well me and him get to sleep together at night and cuddle, I'm gonna miss it way too much, he's such a cuddler and I love it.<3