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I hate the furniture and PWP limit


Arize from Azulon
Nov 23, 2016
Pearl-Oyster Shell Plush
Pink Moon Jellyfish
Blue Moon Jellyfish
Green Moon Jellyfish
Pearl-Oyster Shell Plush
Dino Plush
Bee Plush
Mom's Plush
Sheep Plush
Celeste Chick Plush
I mean, I understand the PWP limit more since you don't want to block the animals from moving around town but I feel like 30 is a little stingy.. I mean, you should be able to line your paths with lamps and such and still have room for more PWPs. A lot of PWPs don't take up much room so i feel like if the devs were concerned about the space in town that animals could roam around in, the limit should have been space based because it seems unfair that PWPs could take up to either 30 squares (1x1) to 270 squares (3x3) depending on which you chose to build in town. So if up to 270 squares could be taken up by PWPs potentially then that should be the limit. Or 120 squares might be more realistic? Anyway the math might be wonky, I'm sure my point is pretty clear though? Not fair to be able to have a 1x1 count towards the limit the same as a 3x3. Hopefully this gets adjusted in the Switch game.

As for furniture, I'm hoping it's just an issue of how many items the game is able to load on a 3ds. Because oh boy.. you can only have 48 furniture items in a room but you could have those 48 items and still have SO MUCH useable space left over. Maybe because you put a lot of wall items, or like a similar point as the PWP one, you used a lot of 1x1 items and even put more 1x1 items on top of tables, etc. So now your rooms looks empty still but is considered completely full with "no space" to put any more in there?? Like you can use up a 2x1 floor space and have it be counted as 6 items (2 wall items, 2 table items, 2 table top items). I'm not good at math but that means you can be taking up only 16 floor spaces out of 64 squares of walkable space! Correct me if I'm wrong with my math.. but that sucks.. sure.. this is just if you're using a lot of 1x1 items up by the walls.. but that's why it's flawed.. I really hope they remove the furniture limit completely. I know people always say that the furniture limit is the highest it's ever been, but it just doesn't satisfy me. I want to remove the limit completely for houses because you can clutter it up as much as you want with big items and cover the whole floor with no problem and still not reach the 48 limit so it's not an issue of the game wanting there to be walkable space for you or visiting villagers.

Do you guys agree with any of this? Am I the only one going crazy over this?? Most of my rooms have never really felt incomplete either under 48 items but now for my Japanese restaurant and any museum rooms I make (rooms displaying my favourite items), it's become an issue.

Are any of my solutions viable for the switch version (making PWP limit dependent on squares used and abolishing furniture limit completely)? Or do you think everything is fine and dandy and I should just be happy with what we've got?
i didn't know there was a limit (i'm a newb), now i'm iffy about my PWP list ;w; and i'm someone that likes rly cluttered rooms so the furniture limit could also be an issue aaaaaaaa i didn't know
I haven't had issues with the PWP limit yet because I so far don't really have anything I really want in town (my villagers are stingy as heck when it comes to suggesting stuff aaaa) but the furniture thing is a massive issue for me, my cafe room looks completely fine but it's apparently "too full" because of all the food items all over the counters and small things sitting around, so if I find something I might want to put in, I have to make a sacrifice for something else in order to make room, meanwhile my game room upstairs is super stuffed and it's a lil ridiculous, but I'm still able to throw down items all over the place when I can find room because I haven't technically reached the limit, I just have a lot of larger items in there.
I think it would be a lot better if PWPs were space based like you suggested. When I first heard of PWPs (back when NL wasn't even released yet), I expected to be able to place street lamps as plentifully as you could place trees. Unfortunately that's impossible if you want anything other than street lamps.

I'm no technical expert, but I think that if we can have hundreds of trees in one town, then it wouldn't be that difficult to have a hundred one-tile PWPs in your town. Especially since the Switch is much more powerful than the original 3DS.
I haven't personally had an issue with either of these limits, but I can see how it would be frustrating. My town is complete and I haven't counted the PWPs I have, but I know that if I talk to Isabelle I can still build more so I haven't hit the limit. I'm probably around 25+ in my town.

For my rooms, I don't really like them to look too cluttered, so I've never hit the furniture limit. The only room where that might happen is my museum room where I display all of my NPC and villager pics. Since I keep cycling through villagers because I like new faces, I'm sure one day I'll hit the limit and have to rethink how I use that room. But for the time being, it's fine.

Speaking from an IT perspective, I'm pretty sure the limits are there to keep the game from glitching or crashing. They wouldn't have come up with the number arbitrarily. I'm sure they tested numerous times and found the perfect number that didn't put too much strain on the system. With the Switch being more powerful than the 3DS, I'm sure those numbers will increase in the next game.
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Speaking from an IT perspective, I'm pretty sure the limits are there to keep the game from glitching or crashing. They wouldn't have come up with the number arbitrarily. I'm sure they tested numerous times and found the perfect number that didn't put too much strain on the system. With the Switch being more powerful than the 3DS, I'm sure those numbers will increase in the next game.

ohhhh, that makes sense!
I have my public work projects picked out that I want for my town.
.there's still a couple idk where I'm gonna put. I think 30 is good considering just how small our towns are in this game. I didnt know about the furniture limit. That's kinda lame tbh.

I'm hoping the next game will have significantly bigger towns and the maximum project cap will go up too.
I think they should definitely take off the limit in the newer games. I?m not sure if there?s a purpose for the limit, but if it really isn?t necessary then it should be taken off.
I had a similar experience with one of my rooms, I was trying to make a room in my house with all the available flowers and make it a sort of ?garden room? but since all the individual flowers added up to so many items I couldn?t make the room look the way I wanted it to! I ended up changing it but I would rather have it as my flower room.
I didn?t know about the PWP limit yet (because it?s so hard to get all the ones I want) but if I did have a way I wanted to plot them out in the town and I wasn?t allowed because of the ?limit? I?d be irritated at that too :)
I know there is a limit, but normally by the time I hit that limit I find the room looking more like a warehouse then what I originally envisioned. So I normally end up sacrificing some pieces to make it look proper.
I know there is a limit, but normally by the time I hit that limit I find the room looking more like a warehouse then what I originally envisioned. So I normally end up sacrificing some pieces to make it look proper.

I use a lot of table top and wall items so my room never is cluttered by the time I reach the limit in every room, you still have space to walk around and see everything/sit on the chairs, etc. So it's frustrating for me. I really like decorating the walls but unfortunately that's the first thing that I have to sacrifice in my interiors so the walls are barren lol.
Finally, I know the limit of how many furniture you can have in a room, as I never know this, lol.
Reminds me of how I had back then a nice idea for my basement, but couldn't really realize this
idea because of said limit. At the end, I kinda change this idea and it still worked, but I wish I
could have had it in the way I wanted it in first place, as it would have looked much better then,
but yeah, thanks furniture limit for ruining it, ugh.

As for the PWP limit, I think I only had once or twice a problem with this? I built lots of PWPs
and one day I found out that I couldn't build any more PWPs and so I started to remove those
which aren't that important to keep. I think this was when I played New Leaf just for a few
weeks and was amazed with the new feature of building PWPs, lol.

So after all, I don't have such a big problem with the PWP limit, but the furniture limit is for
sure stupid and I hope they gonna fix this one at least in the Switch game (I finally want to
realize this idea I had for my basement completely...).
I think the design of ?Animal Crossing: New Leaf? in limiting towns with 30 Public Works Projects was intended for players to have work within limitations. That it was a dose of reality. That you, the player, must choose. That you, the player, can?t have them all. And that what this ultimately did was get you, the player, to even better appreciate your development of your town.