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how do you go about making friends?


#1 dweeb
Feb 10, 2016
Poptart Easter Egg
Yellow Pansy
Mother's Day Carnation
alright, this is super dorky, but like, how do you go about making friends? i'm kinda in need of new friends, but honestly, i don't know how to approach people; i guess that's because of my anxiety and whatever. so yeah just give me some advice i guess? haha
this can be for online for real life ^^
Honestly I'm the most awkward person around. I usually kinda just wait for fate to have someone socialize with me and end up talking to me. Very rarely have I started a convo with people I don't know well enough. So yeah...I just kind of wait.
Honestly I'm the most awkward person around. I usually kinda just wait for fate to have someone socialize with me and end up talking to me. Very rarely have I started a convo with people I don't know well enough. So yeah...I just kind of wait.

i do the same thing lmao and that never ever works.
and tbh there's a lot of people i wanna befriend on here, and mostly everyone is so nice it's like almost intimidating??
i do the same thing lmao and that never ever works.
and tbh there's a lot of people i wanna befriend on here, and mostly everyone is so nice it's like almost intimidating??

Yeah, it can be intimidating...That's how I feel myself. Tons of people on here who I'd love to talk to more but I just don't know how to go about doing it.
alright, this is super dorky, but like, how do you go about making friends? i'm kinda in need of new friends, but honestly, i don't know how to approach people; i guess that's because of my anxiety and whatever. so yeah just give me some advice i guess? haha
this can be for online for real life ^^

Tbh I posted the exact same thing a while back and nobody replied. I'm glad you're actually getting responses.

I honestly have no idea how to make friends irl. I'm very, very socially anxious and there are many normal situations that feel super awkward to me, like making small talk. I literally have to have a conversation with someone or I feel like an idiot. If I can really have some time to talk to someone, I don't have an issue approaching them.

First thing you could do, if you're with someone for a while and want to get to know them, you can ask them something like what they think of school, and if they are planning on going to college, what they want to major in. You can ask them what types of places they like to go, what restaurants they like, if they like to play video games, what their idea of a fun time is, etc.

I'm sorry I can't help you with getting to know a random person in school. Unless you sit close to them in a class; that would be much easier for me.

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i mean like, do you just send them a vm and be like "BE MY FRIEND" or what lmao

No, you can find them on a thread and see what they like to talk about, and if you can get into it, start talking with them about it. That's how I've made a lot of friends on here.

I think threads like The Miscellaneous really help, because you can talk about anything there and nobody will judge you.
usually people approach me but sometimes i make the effort and approach them. i wouldn't say i'm awkward, i'm rarely shy but i'm terrible with conversations and if you don't get to know me you'll probably find me really boring
Tbh I posted the exact same thing a while back and nobody replied. I'm glad you're actually getting responses.

I honestly have no idea how to make friends irl. I'm very, very socially anxious and there are many normal situations that feel super awkward to me, like making small talk. I literally have to have a conversation with someone or I feel like an idiot. If I can really have some time to talk to someone, I don't have an issue approaching them.

First thing you could do, if you're with someone for a while and want to get to know them, you can ask them something like what they think of school, and if they are planning on going to college, what they want to major in. You can ask them what types of places they like to go, what restaurants they like, if they like to play video games, what their idea of a fun time is, etc.

I'm sorry I can't help you with getting to know a random person in school. Unless you sit close to them in a class; that would be much easier for me.

- - - Post Merge - - -

No, you can find them on a thread and see what they like to talk about, and if you can get into it, start talking with them about it. That's how I've made a lot of friends on here.

I think threads like The Miscellaneous really help, because you can talk about anything there and nobody will judge you.

thank you!! this was really helpful ^^
i wish i were better at just coming up with random things to talk to. i honeslty will just sit in silence with my boyfriend a lot of the time because i have no idea what to talk about hahah. i think when i was in school, it was easier for me to make friends because i had daily contact with a lot more people than i do now.
I have trouble making close friends. I talk to people easily but I have trouble connecting with them. I don't know why but my interests seem to be very different from others so I have trouble making a connection.
I have trouble making close friends. I talk to people easily but I have trouble connecting with them. I don't know why but my interests seem to be very different from others so I have trouble making a connection.

same here. i can talk to people about random stuff all day, especially online, but its hard for me to make that connection. :(
i mean like, do you just send them a vm and be like "BE MY FRIEND" or what lmao

me lmao

I find socialising extremely hard. I struggle to even make eye contact and I even dropped out of group counselling because it was too hard for me to go and socialise, mainly because of my lack of self confidence, self worth and trust issues.

I did have friends surprisingly, I found it to be the hardest thing and I had those same friends for nearly my entire teen-hood (idk what you'd call that). One of them I met on a rollercoaster on a school trip, his group had ditched him for another ride and I tagged along with him, we were friends for 3 years. Outside of the one friend I made, I found it extremely difficult to make friends whatsoever. It was mainly perseverance, forcing awkward conversation and trying to find something in common to talk about.

I haven't made any friends here, but everyone seems nice! It sounds cheesy to just say "go for it" and walk into a minefield, but there's no harm in trying I suppose. Imsorryimsobadatsocialisingorgivingadvicedonotsuethanks
thank you!! this was really helpful ^^
i wish i were better at just coming up with random things to talk to. i honeslty will just sit in silence with my boyfriend a lot of the time because i have no idea what to talk about hahah. i think when i was in school, it was easier for me to make friends because i had daily contact with a lot more people than i do now.

If I've seen a person a lot of times, like in school, it's even more awkward for me, because I feel like I've established to them that I'm not talkative and if I were to suddenly start talking to them it would be like seriously awkward.

If I know someone really well I could talk to them for hours. But most people I don't know really well so I just sit and listen.

That's the good thing about introverts; they're great listeners.
i wait for them to come to me which hasnt really helped... i have been putting myself out there a lot lately though so thats good
Depends on where and how I meet them. If I meet them on an AC forum, I start the talk with anything related to Animal Crossing. If it's in the office, I talk about the job and how they're dealing with stuff everyday. If I see them in a bar or restaurant, I talk about food and ambience. I try to avoid talking about myself all the time and I'd rather ask them about their interests first. Who knows? I might find something that we might have common interest with. If they start talking about personal things, I'll make sure to lend my ear and make them feel I'm going to listen. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't like if I feel that they don't seem interested to talk, I'll leave them be and start replying to them in a few words or just "Okay, thank you. Bye" until we no longer have things to talk about lol then move on and make friends with another.
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I've always struggled with making friends because no one likes a boring ass "lame" introvert with limited social skills except for the few people who really saw the friendship value in me. I just really try to be myself and if people liked me enough to be friends it's awesome and if not then so be it, I'm not gonna depend on the number of friends I have or want to have for my happiness and my flaws are nothing to be ashamed of.
Compliment people, include all people in conversations, treat the person you are talking to like s/he is the most important person in the room.
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I don't.

I have an extremely small circle of friends and would be lucky if I could name three people I could genuinely consider a friend. I think that's okay, though. As long as I have one person I can talk to, I don't have a problem with being alone.
I put on my fur suit o_O lick their ear :3 nuzzle their nose ^.^ then we sniff each other to establish a bond <3 and we share our fursonas :eek:

edit: if anyone is wondering what my fursuit looks like it looks like foxy from fnaf!
I can post a picture in the what do you look like thread later ^o^
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