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Have you ever felt like if you were to die it wouldn't make a difference?


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2017
EDIT: i'm deleting the original content of this post because it was years ago and it doesn't reflect how i feel anymore. i'm sorry if the topic triggered anyone or anything like that. thank you all for checking up on me <33333
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well technically everybody's going to be forgotten soon but why even does anybody want to be remembered you won't be alive to experience it anyways
If it's any reassurance, I understand how you feel. I often have depression relapses after a long high and end up slowly feeling like shi all over again. A lot of the time when this happens I tend not to vent to people I know because I would feel like a huge burden/unwanted presence. I've vented to kids help phone (which by all means isn't only for children, people of all ages can call in if they need to talk and it's 100% confidential) so perhaps it would help you as well. I don't know if this will help you like it helps me, but a very important person once told me no one is an empty existence, in this world everybody has a purpose that they just haven't found yet. All the best to you, I hope you are able to heal from this terrible time.
If I died...

The news would spread to my relatives, they would spread the news but there's no problem with that I guess.

My baby brother will be able to share my room with my little sister. No need to worry about that.

Less people in the family means less stress, and less money spent. More saved.

My family won't have to worry about me being jobless in the future because I'm bad at everything.

More free space. I take up it for no reason.

Basically more problems solved than created.

Same... I'm literally sitting in my bed thinking about all the outcomes from my death. I wish my friend would answer me so I could talk to someone about this... no one else really cares... honestly I don't think she cares anymore

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If it's any reassurance, I understand how you feel. I often have depression relapses after a long high and end up slowly feeling like shi all over again. A lot of the time when this happens I tend not to vent to people I know because I would feel like a huge burden/unwanted presence. I've vented to kids help phone (which by all means isn't only for children, people of all ages can call in if they need to talk and it's 100% confidential) so perhaps it would help you as well. I don't know if this will help you like it helps me, but a very important person once told me no one is an empty existence, in this world everybody has a purpose that they just haven't found yet. All the best to you, I hope you are able to heal from this terrible time.

Thank you so much. I'll try kids help phone, I've never heard of it though. Is it like a phone hotline? I've wanted to try one for a while...

Thank you so much. I'll try kids help phone, I've never heard of it though. Is it like a phone hotline? I've wanted to try one for a while...

Yes! It's a helpline, and it's really helped me out. I'm not sure the number for your country, but in Canada it's 1 800-668-6868. All the counselors are trained and listen to you carefully, I hope this helps you out!
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We are trapped in the never ending cycle of life and death

What would happen if I die
Why do we exist, our purpose?

It's frighting, will I disappear forever or reincarnated to someone else
If reincarnated as someone what will happen to my memories?

Memory... The most cruelest and the most beautiful of gifts
The more we come to learn, the greater our regrets, our sorrows grow

Save me... well I guess no one will help us. We can only cry and scream
Why do we think of this? What am I fighting for? Who am I living for?
I dunno anymore, do you think theres no meaning in this world?
I guess this is how painful yet beautiful this world is...
Yes! It's a helpline, and it's really helped me out. I'm not sure the number for your country, but in Canada it's 1 800-668-6868. All the counselors are trained and listen to you carefully, I hope this helps you out!

Thank you so much
No, not at all. I understand that depression can be a horrible part in anyone's life, but commuting suicide is an incredibly selfish solution to a temporary problem. If I died, sure things would become easier to pay for since my parents wouldn't need to deal with my medical costs, but it would break their hearts forever. Even if you don't think anyone cares about you, your death would affect someone even if you don't realize it.
No, not at all. I understand that depression can be a horrible part in anyone's life, but commuting suicide is an incredibly selfish solution to a temporary problem. If I died, sure things would become easier to pay for since my parents wouldn't need to deal with my medical costs, but it would break their hearts forever. Even if you don't think anyone cares about you, your death would affect someone even if you don't realize it.

My mom once told me that I was the reason she thought about killing herself so much. It was a while ago, and my mom and I are best friends now, but that comment is always one I come back to. Obviously she doesn't care that much. Also, I don't think I've ever told anyone that she said that...
My mom once told me that I was the reason she thought about killing herself so much. It was a while ago, and my mom and I are best friends now, but that comment is always one I come back to. Obviously she doesn't care that much. Also, I don't think I've ever told anyone that she said that...

OP, we have two separate lives we've experienced, and I see you're struggling. Try not to dwell on the past, but rather things that are currently positive in your life! It's good that you and your mother have a healthy relationship now, so that must mean that she loves you. Perhaps the reasoning your mom said that was she was struggling in her life around that time as well.

If you feel bad about events currently going on in your life, then maybe it would be best to have a serious talk with your mom about it. I'm sure that it would help both you and her if you already haven't.
no.. if i died a lot of people would lose a person in their life who means a lot to them
I know it'd hurt the ones I love, but no, the world wouldn't stop spinning.
If I were to die now, I'd be fine with that. I'm eighteen currently, and being eighteen is a beautiful age. You're not a child anymore, and you're not yet an adult. There's a fine line, and that's eighteen.

If you're thinking about dying, see someone. Please. Keep a journal, keep your mind occupied, do things you enjoy, call a helpline. You seem like you'd be an amazing person from what I can gather, you've just sorta gone off the rails mentality-wise. I'm sure if you apologised to your friends, they'd forgive and forget. At least you have your brother. Talk to him. Tell him your problems. Just try to stay alive, please.
I know it'd hurt the ones I love, but no, the world wouldn't stop spinning.
If I were to die now, I'd be fine with that. I'm eighteen currently, and being eighteen is a beautiful age. You're not a child anymore, and you're not yet an adult. There's a fine line, and that's eighteen.

If you're thinking about dying, see someone. Please. Keep a journal, keep your mind occupied, do things you enjoy, call a helpline. You seem like you'd be an amazing person from what I can gather, you've just sorta gone off the rails mentality-wise. I'm sure if you apologised to your friends, they'd forgive and forget. At least you have your brother. Talk to him. Tell him your problems. Just try to stay alive, please.

I used to see a therapist, but we can't afford it anymore, and I refuse to start seeing a new one. I knew my old therapist for years, and she was the only person who kept me stable. Now that's gone.

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yea lol im suicidal

same omggg
I used to see a therapist, but we can't afford it anymore, and I refuse to start seeing a new one. I knew my old therapist for years, and she was the only person who kept me stable. Now that's gone.

Yeah I know what you mean. I can't afford my therapist anymore and I can't trust anyone else. I always hated therapy anyway; it made me feel guilty about being mentally ill.
If you ever need someone to vent or rant to, you can always message me on here or on my other social medias if you're comfortable with that. You don't have to, though. Just letting you know that there are people out here who can support you. :) Stay safe!
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Yeah I know what you mean. I can't afford my therapist anymore and I can't trust anyone else. I always hated therapy anyway; it made me feel guilty about being mentally ill.
If you ever need someone to vent or rant to, you can always message me on here or on my other social medias if you're comfortable with that. You don't have to, though. Just letting you know that there are people out here who can support you. :) Stay safe!

thank you. you too.