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Has anyone ever suffered from Sleep Paralysis?

yeah this is so scary! It's also known as "the hag"? lol anyone else who watches AGP knows! I don't like it and I don't know why people would practice this but aye, whatever butters your toast, I guess!
Yes! One time like 5 years ago when I was 13. I was trying to lucid dream, and I suppose I did it wrong? I woke up on my back and I couldn't move but I could open my eyes and look around, and there was like this CREEPY demonic looking thing with wings and red eyes just staring at me from across the room. Obviously a hallucination caused by the paralysis but I've never been brave enough to try again.
No but I read somewhere that 50% of all people get it sometime in their lives, so it could happen to me when I'm older. I still got 80 something years left.
I think I've been having it recently. Sometimes although I'm not awake, I still feel it when I'm sleeping. Most likely in my dreams, like for example I try to scream in my dream but I feel my whole body is paralyzed and can't do anything. But luckily I've never had it when I'm awake, it would be much scarier.
I've never had it, don't want to though. Probably because I've never been able to lucid dream, but I guess sleep paralysis can still happen when you can't.
I tend to get episodes of sleep paralysis when I'm both sleep deprived and quite stressed. (not just one, but has to be both together for some reason)

I've never been able to lucid dream. I do often realize that I'm dreaming, but instinctually I will think "oh I'm dreaming" and immediately open my eyes and wake up (which is infuriating when it's a good dream I don't want to wake up from). Over the past few years or so, though, I've had some instances where that same "oh I'm dreaming" realization will happen, particularly during bad dreams. I'll try to wake myself up but nothing happens. I remain dreaming. The first time this happened I really started to freak out. I was so confused. I started to think that maybe whatever horrible thing happening in my dream was actually real, since I wasn't waking up. I started to panic and kept trying to will myself awake and I started to realized that I could feel my body lying in my bed, but I couldn't move or even open my eyes until a few moments later. The dream went on for a little bit as I started to feel myself slowly rolling over as I regained control of my limbs, and then finally I opened my eyes and the dream ended. It was honestly one of the most bizarre feelings I've ever experienced.

More recently I sometimes get the more classically described episodes of sleep paralysis; most often when I'm just falling asleep, and during that weird pre-dream state I can't move and my limbs feel like they're tingling/vibrating. Twice I've had that kind of sleep paralysis where after waking up from sleeping I'll open my eyes but be frozen otherwise. Both times the hallucinations were just auditory. Menacing footsteps outside my window (despite being nowhere near the ground floor of the building). Very scary in the moment, and even after I break the paralysis and hallucination I usually need to calm myself down a bit with music or something.

Though I hate the feelings that come with sleep paralysis, I still find it really fascinating.
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YES and it was traumatic, I now know the horrifying things I saw manifesting in my room were a form of waking dream, not that I'd somehow slipped into the shadow realm or something. It was absolutely terrifying, dark figures in the corner of my room and at the end of my bed. Absolutely terrifying.
I've never had it, don't want to though. Probably because I've never been able to lucid dream, but I guess sleep paralysis can still happen when you can't.

yes it can, and it's creepy af, especially when it makes your body parts 'disappear'.. happens all the time with my leg and it makes me stiff as hell.. Sometimes it does with my arms but it's more when I'm awake.. but yeah my joints are kinda good with this lol
It hasn't happened to me before, but I believe my brother has experienced something similar.
ohh, this happened to me as a child. my dream would become static and i would just be there unable to move or breathe until i woke up gasping for breath. after a couple times i would know it was coming and i think that was the worst part because i couldnt do anything and just continued to suffocate in my sleep. it went away tho .__.
Yeah it usually goes away after a while... I hate when I poke my feet so they cramp in my sleep and then you woke up and are all.. ouch ffff
I used to get it every day for about six months.
It became more annoying than scary because my mom would try to wake me up or something, and then she'd think I was ignoring her or something/in a really deep sleep, but I really just couldn't move. Longest I had it was about 2 hours.
I experience this when I'm really really tired. It's like there's something heavy on top of me that I have to force myself to get up. I don't feel afraid anymore though. I usually change my sleeping position for it not to happen again.
I have. I had a lot of panic attacks at the time, and I was relatively young, so I thought it was a very extreme panic attack. The type of attacks I had at the time were ones where I would wake up, (at four in the morning every time), think things were moving in the dark and panic in my bed for a good few hours. So when I woke up but I couldn't /move/, I thought that something in the room didn't want me to move. I didn't learn about sleep paralysis until much later, but the memory is still very frightening to me to this very day.
Several times, and never have I had a lucid dream... But they do usually happen if I've pulled an all nighter then gotten like little sleep.
This only ever happened to me once. It was at night and it only lasted a few seconds but one thing I remember is seeing writing on the wall, but I couldn't remember what the writing said.
It's only been this year I've started to get sleep paralysis. So far I've gotten it three times. All of which it was during napping.

Though I've heard stories of people being near strange entities while going through the paralysis, I've never seen anything? I'm surprised people can even open their eyes during it, I have found I couldn't open my eyes during the entire thing. Though, the strangest bit about it is that I can still feel my limbs struggling to move, as if it kinda 'is ripping away from my actual body' in attempts to get up? Well, that was what happened the first time for me. I was kinda scared after all.

I've cut down on my naps ever since the last time I had it. which is a shame, I feel like I need frequent naps but I'm worried that the next time I experience sleep paralysis, it might be longer for than the usual 2 minutes.