Do you wear glasses?

Do you wear glasses?

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I've glasses since I was 11 and I hated them but now I think I look weird without them. I'm not really keen to get contacts because I'm not a fan of things being near my eye and also the added pressure that you can't leave the store until you can put them in and take them out yourself.

Also in the end they'll be cheaper because you don't have to pay for new contacts every few weeks or however long it is and glasses last for two years unless you break them
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I had to start wearing glasses in my early 20s. I don't really mind them. A lot of people think I look better with them. And I have no desire at all to try contacts. The thought of putting stuff IN MY EYEBALL is terrifying.
I got glasses recently, last summer, I think. I'm far-sighted, so they're basically just reading glasses. I still wear them every day, though, so I don't lose them. They're extremely dirty because I rarely clean them. My friend is absolutely baffled as to how I'm able to see out of them with all of the dirt, dust, and smudges all over them.
Not yet, but I need them. I like glasses and I think they look really cute on me, so I hope I can get some soon, I am going to maybe try on my days off to get my boyfriend to take me because I am really sad that I can't properly see the moon and stars.
I've had them since I was 7, apparently I was always having to move to the front of the class in order to see the board. I even remember TV screens being really blurry, but I never really thought it was a problem. Fast forward to me at the optometrist and apparently I had really bad eyesight. So I've been wearing them ever since! I love mine, I honestly look like a dwarf if I'm not wearing them.
i love my glasses! i wear them all the time! i think i look unattractive without my glasses, because you can see my eye bags much more clearly :(
No but that's subject to change seeing that my left eye is getting a lot worse.

Ironically, my left eye is also worse than my right.

Like, I do wear glasses, but if I take them off and look through my left eye I literally am blind. I can see almost perfectly through my right though.

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i think i look unattractive without my glasses, because you can see my eye bags much more clearly :(


Like I literally can't be seen in public without my glasses on or I would make others go blind :lemon:
I wear glasses constantly because I'm nearsighted and I have a lazy eye. I look way better with them than without. To be quite blunt, I HATE contacts. Never wore them, never will. I do wish I could see clearly without them though, because then I could wear my sunglasses.
I wear glasses constantly because I'm nearsighted and I have a lazy eye. I look way better with them than without. To be quite blunt, I HATE contacts. Never wore them, never will. I do wish I could see clearly without them though, because then I could wear my sunglasses.

other than the lazy eye, i feel the exact same way. my glasses make me feel MUCH more secure in my appearance, but unfortunately if i need to wear sunglasses or 3D glasses i have to put them over, because my eyesight is horrendous without my glasses.

no but really, i have glasses but I never wear them because contact lenses. i already have acne, meh teeth and meh hair, glasses won't be doin' me any favors
No but I wish. When I was little I would lie to the eye doctor so I could get glasses, but either I wasn't taken enough or I didn't make a strong enough argument because I never got them. Nowadays I think I might actually need them but I don't go to the doctor pretty much ever.
Nah, I can see just fine. I just don't pay attention to where I am going or what I am reading half the time.
I've been wearing glasses for like 2 years now, my vision is horrible without them lol
No, however i was recommended i should wear a pair, my eyesight is bad at all, just having trouble with things like reading traffic sighs ect from far away
I wear them. I don't mind them. I just look totally different with them on than with them off. With them on I age about 10 years :,)
I don't wear proper ones, but I've always liked how they look on other people, and have wanted some for myself for the longest time. About a year or so ago I finally bought myself a fake pair which I really like.