Your worst villagers?

Erik, he was just being a dickbag. Like he pinged to move, changed his mind andI flipped the switch but he still didn't move so had to kick him out with an amiibo card :(
Wendy was one of my starters, she asked to move out like 2 times but would stop herself cause she would get mad that I'm not wanting her to stay or something stupid like that after the 3rd time as soon as she tried to pull the "nvm i'm not moving out ^w^" I turned the game off even though I did a lot of things before she pinged me to move. Was worth it because she's finally gone after like 6 months of her being in town (that's not including the days I've tted either, I mean 6 irl months)

Canberra was a void move in from my friend, and she ruined the area I was going to make a picnic spot with a cute heart stump I managed to get a hold of with a normal axe. Was not happy and I would ignore her, she luckily did not last too long in town but it was annoying none the less.

And I had this orange squirrel for like, a week at most cause I was tting a lot, but he moved in right in front of the bridge leading to my train station, so I was very happy when he left that quick. Genuinely didn't care to learn his name tbh I said hi once and avoided him while I was tting.
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I remember distinctly Pashmina and Peaches in both my main town and my second town. Pashmina is not a bad looking villager, plus i was already farming her for pings so she can suggest a wind mill for town. The only problem was her house was RIGHT in the spot where I wanted to put the damn wind mill! (and also smack right in front of one of my players houses). Pashmina was also my very last move in, which made it near impossible to get her to move out. I had to kick another one of my villagers out to get her to consider moving. Also, this was before the update so I couldn't use the QR path method to force villagers into certain spots. In my second town, Peaches was just a random voided villager. It was a similar case where I had plans for landscaping the area but an unexpected move in thwarted my plans. By that time I already acquired amiibo cards so I was able to move her out quickly and made sure to block off all areas. But no one likes a random voided villager surprising them :< I always feel really bad when one of my voided villagers move into a traders town ;.;
Have I got some villagers got you!

Deena. She's a stalker. She has appeared in Treehut as a starter, but refused to move out. Worse, her house was RIGHT where I wanted to put my whole camp area. Eventually she moved, and now I have a nice little camp area next to my orchard. She then appeared in Luminosa as a starter, again! Leave me alone! Worse part was, she was right next to my house. She moved out quicker then the other one in Treehut, yay.

Drift. Appeared as a starter and first random move in in Secret and Luminosa? Stop it. Stop stalking me. Then he moved in throu a town visit in Moriyo.

Deirdre. Don't know what her problem was with me, hated my guts. Called me an idiot and wafflehanger once I left the town she lived in (I needed her to sign a petition). Then she has the nerve to move in New Town.

Wendy hated me, idk why. She only ever pinged me to move once. I can't remember if that's why she left or cause I forced her out with an amiibo card.

Charlise. Hated her. Didn't want to leave for a while. Put her ugly house where I wanted to put a log bench.

Peewee? Put his ugly self WAY TOO CLOSE to my mayors house. Crushed my starts.

With six towns played (2 remade) annoying villagers are inevitable.
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Like, half the villagers I have right now. Diva is the worst, she's right beside my house. >:|
Katt. This creaton has plagued all five towns I?ve had. Refused for move for month! In one town that face was what I was forced to look at right when I started my town everyday. Because she decided to move right next to me.
i had Freckles as a starter and she was awful. i couldn't wait to see her move out
Tipper the cow - she was snooty and not in a good way to me. Ankha I can stand, but Tipper was just mean rude to me a lot of the time.
Baabara the sheep - also another mean snooty person! I wanted her to move out for sooo long and she never pinged me.
I try to get the least amount of snooty villagers in my town as possible.

I restarted my town at least 6 times. 4 out of 6 of those restarts she always found her way in. It made me feel like I was cursed. Butts was cursed. (my town's name is butts)
She would move in the worse spots & at the worse times possible. I talked to her a bit at first just to give her a chance. Still didn't like her no matter how many convos we've had.
To make it worse, she was annoying af. Not only that she made my favorite villagers sad. Like she made Poppy sad & I didn't like that because Poppy is my favorite charter in the entire game. This bear was a BULLY.
I never had her in the beginning of my towns. She would eventually find her way in somehow. It was scary! Let me remind you that this was before the Welcome Amiibo update so I couldn't just kick her fat bear ass out. NOPE! I had to wait until she felt like moving out.
One time she ran up to me & said she was gonna move out & this made me very happy! I was like, "yeah u can go, gurl. live ur dream but not HERE!" She stared at me & was like, "SIKE BITC I AINT MOVING BECAUSE I NOW JUST THOUGHT OF MORE WAYS TO RUIN UR PLAYING EXPERIENCE!" and i cried i cried and cried because she would not leave me ALONE!

This criminal's name is Paula. She is over 5ft & weighs over 400lbs. If you see her then tell her that I'm coming over to beat her out of the game with a stick.

I think she heard me tell her that I didn't want to see her dumb ass ever again & that's why I haven't seen her in my last two towns.
But if I ever do then we will throw down & I will end her ass right then & there.
I will do the same in Pocket Camp & the new game as well.
Fang... Yeah that little wolf was about to get skinned if his tom foolery kept up in my town. Moved into my gorgeous town inches away from Re-tail blocking the view and also uncomfortably close to the only bridge at the time. So I harassed him for days on end by beating a hammer over his thick skull and hes moving out next week :relieved: he also had a fat attitude
Ken moved kind of too close to my second bridge and no sir I don't like that. He's a smug too so not a favorite personality of mine at all. :D At least I like his appearance so that isn't too bad. Maybe I'll get used to him, though I probably wouldn't stop him when he eventually ends up wanting to move.
I haven't moved out villagers very many times, so I haven't experienced quite that many bad move-ins.
However, when Knox moved into Twinleaf, I got rid of him immediately. I accidentally got him as a Spotpass move-in from my friend and his house placement really bothered me since it was right in front of a bridge. I replaced him with Inkwell as soon as I could.

On the topic of bad house placements, Kiki's house is right in front of the campground entrance in Popstar. It's really unfortunate because she's one of my starting villagers I love and the campground did not exist when the town started.
Fang... Yeah that little wolf was about to get skinned if his tom foolery kept up in my town. Moved into my gorgeous town inches away from Re-tail blocking the view and also uncomfortably close to the only bridge at the time. So I harassed him for days on end by beating a hammer over his thick skull and hes moving out next week :relieved: he also had a fat attitude

Fang is one of my originals and I actually like him. He's cool, though a bit snarky at times. He's down in the corner all by himself, so he doesn't get in the way of anything. He pinged to move once and I asked him to stay.

The only character I have that I don't like is Octavian. He doesn't do anything irritating or anything. I just don't like the way he looks. He looks creepy to me. Now that I have some Amiibo cards, I'm thinking of moving him out by moving someone else in. Haven't decided for sure yet.
For me it‘s Tom and Boomer.

Tom moved right in front of the bridge next to my house, so not only getting around that was a massive pain, I also couldn‘t lay out my paths. Thank god he moved out fairly fast again.
As for Boomer, no such luck. I don‘t like him in any way - be it his personality type or the way he looks - and he also had his house in a spot where it was inconvenient for me; I put a public‘s work project there after he moved out, which felt like it took forever. No matter what I tried, this penguin didn‘t feel like moving.
Here's my top 5:

5.Did I say Canberra?

Jokes aside on my list, Canberra is my most disliked villager. Bones claimed that she made fun of his catchphrase one time which gave me an impression that she was being a pain in the arse. From there, I did things like pushing her, making her fall in pitfalls, and sending her garbage in a letter. You know, the typical stuff that we all do to certain villagers we don't like. I'll also mention that my friendship with her was maxed out and it just went downhill from there. I was happy that she moved and I celebrated by burying a pitfall seed where she used to live. As for Octavian, it was a very brief experience with him but it didn't end well anyways.
Cesar. Just Cesar. <_< he’s been in my town since Day 1 and straight up REFUSES to leave, even when I say I’m okay with him going whenever he says he wants to move out. I’m starting to think I’m stuck with him forever at this point lmao
Cobbs, Freckles, Gigi, and Paula.
ugly villagers, annoying, and Cobbs put his house in front of Tom's.
Katt when she plopped her house down right in the middle of my fountain plaza. Plus she was ugly
Rory. Oh god... I still remember seeing that thing in front of my house.