Worst "thank you" gift you've ever received from a villager?

they usually give me sports clothes 😅 especially rugby stuff (which I've never played in my life). I didn't have a jock for a while so I figured the villagers were trying to make me the local jock
A garbage can :( and Chrissy added insult to injury...
It seems like my villagers, collectively, are trying to send me a message - not sure what it is though. Each time they give me a gift, either as a thank you or a random thought, it has been more often than not a bathrobe. I have at least 5 different robes and I havent bought a single one...
My villagers seem to keep giving me the after school jacket, very rarely they give me something I actually like and want but I wish they'd stop giving me clothing all the time pls
Gonna say bells because i am desperately trying to expand my cataloug so i need more items than bells right now!
Probably just clothes. If I already have it in my catalog, then clothes are entirely useless to me. If I don't have something, then I don't really mind getting a shirt or whatever...but it's usually redundant.
Clothing or accessories that don't fit my style..
Like gym clothes...

I also got a toilet once.
There was a day not so long ago where ALL my villagers gave me PJ outfits as thanks. Oh, you’re giving me agift? PJ outfit. You did that delivery for me? PJ outfit. You caught that fish for me? PJ outfit.

I’m serious, it was VERY disturbing.