Why Don't Villagers Have Mailboxes?


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2016
Small Mailbox
Tasty Cake
I just noticed that villagers don't have mailboxes. How do they even receive letters then? I've been playing ACNL for almost two years now and I've never noticed this!
Dunno. I've never noticed this either, but maybe they could pick it up from the post office? Like if they have a PO box idk? interesting thought. lol
i imagine they speak to pete, who they always get excited about whenever he's in town. i imagine they only "in theory" get post directly from him.
Probably directly from Pete. Or maybe down their chimneys because a lot of them don't have fireplaces.
Well, I have been to a house with no letter box and the postman knocks on the door so that's how. As to why they don't have them, same reason they don't expand their houses - they like the quaint cottage vibe and hate you for your overgrown monstrosity you kept upgrading over and over. No mailbox keeps their house looking small.
I don't have a mailbox irl :p
Mail is just left on the front porch/door step or through the mail slot in the door.

It's silly to imagine that fireplace thing though! Lol Christmas is every day!
My mail is delivered through a slot in my apartments front door...so that.