Who is your Favorite Villager?

Before I knew of tiers or this site altogether, I was in love with Marshal. He's quirky and sweet, but I'd have to say my all-time favorite is Chrissy in the end. I love how dark peppies can be, despite being super happy and excited. They say some stuff that is like whoaa damn that's cold.
I have such a soft spot for Pekoe. Seeing her and talking to her always brightens my mood a little bit. She was in my first NL town before I reset (as was Kidd) so I have a feeling of familiarity with her that I don't have with most of my other villagers.
Who are your Favorite not Tier 1 or 2 villagers? Why?

Mine is Eunice, because she was in my first Animal Crossing town, and she showed up again in my New Leaf town, so i've always started with her. Also: She's SO cute!! :3

Anyways, how about you?

Eunice is one of my faves too! She was one of my starters, so sweet....
My fav villager would be Biskit, so lazy and dawgy! I also like Rasher, which is tier 5, what a pity! :(
Pietro is my all-time favourite villager.
He's so adorable asdfghjkl-- ♥♥♥
Fang without a doubt. Not because he's Tier 1 or anything, though. I just love wolves and his personality, plus he's adorable.

But if Tarou was still in the game, it would definitely be him.
Okay, I'm gonna pick out of the villagers I currently have rather than the entire list of tiers 3, 4, and 5. (You can do this Momo... you can do it...!)

I just got Klaus last night so it's too soon for me to really call him my favorite, seeing as I felt the same rush of excitement every other time I got a dreamie, but as my lovely friend Valval pointed out, he looks like he's wearing a dwemer pipe and I just... omg he cracks me up because of it. I love this guy.

Pekoe is always so nice and calming to talk to... but Agent S and Carmen are such cute lil weirdos...

omg maybe I can't pick after all D:
out of all villagers, my favourites are in my town but I have too many others~ c;

if I had to pick a single favourite, I guess I would say Chief because I'm cycling 16 just to keep him in my town. ;-;
Probably Merry. I find her absolutely adorable! :)
Miranda is seriously underrated imo. She's actually very endearing. :)

I loved Miranda when I had her! It was just the quacky tone for the town jingle that did me in. It grated my nerves. But she was, as a villager, great (and utterly adorbs).
lol OP Eunice was in my very first animal crossing village for the GC and I remember traveling 30 years into the future and she was the only one who never moved

Also I can't choose a favorite, maybe Bud. The name/design/personality choice/house. All perfect.
well if it was tier one or two then Wolfgang

but you're asking for favorite from lower tires, right? well, that'd be my baby Lobo! I love him so much because he's the coolest and cutest thing ever and has good taste and style ;)
The villagers I thought I like ended up being the ones I don't like
I didn't like lucky but now he's my favorite. I haven't played for days and I got a full inbox with letters of his concern.
Also Walt and Fauna.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Oops didn't read