• "Join us at 8 PM EDT for a special, for-fun (no spectator points) staff stream of ACNH hide-and-seek!"
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Who did you stop from moving?

After getting Phoebe's pic in the mail this morning, she told me girls like her have to run wild. I told her, "Woman! Run to your house and stay there until you come to your senses!" LOL.
Cranston told me Rosie was thinking about leaving, so I had to run around until she pinged me. Girl, you aren't goin' anywhere.
Coco. I was hesitating to let her go as I prefer Maple and Flurry over her now but I let her stay as I'm still searching for Maple d:
So there's plenty of time.
Mr. Limberg tried to skip town. It took 2 save and quits before he asked.
He's my cranky BFF and still has his tuxedo from New Years. Man I love my cranky dudes
Dora. I was not having that. My cute mouse neighbor plopped her house at the perfect spot near mine and when I leave my house in the mornings she's by my doorstep, watering my flowers and smiling at me. She's too cute for this world.
Chrissy. I really don't want anyone to move except Paula and Harry who I really don't like/care too much about, plus I accidentally let Ricky move out before, although Mira replaced him so I don't mind too much.

This is like the umpteenth time he's asked to move in the past couple of months. Excuse me, but you're not leaving. Neither is the majority of my town, so they may as well not even ask.
no, no you are never moving. You're my main mascot in town
I stopped Prince! He's the last villager I want to move out right now...

And he has asked me like at least 3 times :/
Anabelle for the umpteenth time. I've decided to keep what I have for the moment in main town. Too worried about plot placement of a new one.
Coco asked to move today and I asked her to stay. This has been the second time.
Ruby asked to move and I asked her to stay. She had really grown on me. I thought she was creepy, but she's creepy-cute. :p