Where do you come from and what languages do you speak?

I'm from the US. I speak English fluently and currently working on learning Dutch to move over to Amsterdam with my boyfriend.
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I come from Riverwood, darn dragons destroying the cities.
Born in Canada and fluent in English, but I really would like to be fluent in French. I guess I know around 25% by now lol
I'm from England. Fluent in English only :( I can speak some Korean (lived there for a while), and I used to speak some basic Irish but I've probably forgotten it all now. Same with French.
Only fluent in English. Know a tidbit of French. I am English and from America so all I ever talk is English.
I'm from Sweden so I speak Swedish on a daily basis, but I know that my English is good.
i'm polish and from poland so my native language is polish ^^ but i speak english fluently and i used to know spanish really well, i was at a nearly fluent level but i transferred from a bilingual school to a different one for my matura exams and stopped learning it. i can still understand a lot, especially by reading, but i find it really hard to speak the language.
and i know like 2 words in german, i took it in high school and learned absolutely nothing (in three years lol) because i hated it lol
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Well I was born in Ohio, and I've lived here my whole life, so the US is my homeland :)

I also (obviously) natively speak English, but I know some Spanish, and at some point I'm gonna take a German language class while I'm in college.
I'm from M?xico, I speak Spanish and English fluently and I'm learning French, Italian and German. I can already talk in French and Italian but not fluently, and I'm still at a basic level in German. I'd also like to learn Finnish and Swedish but probably not soon because German's kinda hard haha I'll focus on that language for now. :)
I'm from the US. I only fluently know English but I do know bits of Spanish and Japanese. I want to learn Korean, but I haven't had time to. :(
I'm from Korea, born and raised, but grew up in a Korean and english speaking household. My dad's cambodian but he never taught us khmer when I was growing up. I can understand a little now.
Originally from the Philippines but now I'm in the U.S. (California ;))
I'm only fluent in English but I can understand Tagalog and speak it a little, and I'm currently studying Korean so I can speak and understand a little of that too
I was born and spent most of my time living in England, now I live in India. I am fluent in English.
I was born in CA, USA.
I speak English and Spanish fluently, and can read both fluently,
and elementary Japanese (though I can read hiragana and katakana,
but just cause I can read it doesn?t mean I understand what I read XD)
I learned Japanese in college c: I can say simple phrases and what not..
But probably can?t have a full blown conversation XD
Unless the conversation is simple/introductory, other than that no.​
i'm from the US, and i know english/spanish/vietnamese fluently. trying to learn french but it's so hard :[
from england, and im fluent in english and learning german! im **** at it.
i'm from the US, and i know english/spanish/vietnamese fluently. trying to learn french but it's so hard :[
i tried learning french once too and it was sooo difficult to me, i feel you ;; its such a beautiful language though, and i want to try again one day ;;
Well if some of you guys want some help in French someday, feel free to ask :)
I was born in the USA. I do a pretty decent job at speaking Vietnamese, but I'm terrible at writing it. I also know a bit of Spanish (I'm currently taking a Spanish 2 class). :)