• "Join us at 8 PM EDT for a special, for-fun (no spectator points) staff stream of ACNH hide-and-seek!"
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What's bothering you?

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The fact that I wanna party my brains out and it's 2:30 am and everyone's asleep cuz they're lame.

I'm bummed now.
My stomach hurts really badly right now and I have no idea what to do. It feels like something sharp is poking my insides.
I posted it on another thread but i think it got overlooked, never mind xD

My birthday quote a while ago and one of my friends got me a really cheap present. I know it's the thought that counts and I'm grateful for it, I wear it all the time. It was my friends birthday a week ago and she bought her presents which added up to a lot more, like a lot. For Christmas I got her a gift which was pretty expensive as well. It's her birthday in a few days. Should I get her something which was the same value as what she got me, or just treat her equally to my other friends? I'll probably end up treating her normally but I'm worried I might regret it.

I'm sorry this was really long and I probably sound so spoilt and selfish but it don't know what to do asdfghjkl
I already got her some stuff which is pretty much the same value as whats she got me (she left the price tag on one of the presents...) and I was just wondering whether to add another ?10 onto it because she might hold a grudge. She is that kind of person x_x I'm so indecisive wahhh

Btw, how I know how much the present she gave me was, was because I was shopping and saw the present she got me. I wasn't intentionally looking for it, I just saw it. She told me it was double the price it actually was :L
This is why I'm glad I have no real life friends. xD It's up to you I guess, she doesn't sound like friend material but thats just me.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Can't it take like a thousand eggs to get a shiny lol

It can, but this is the longest it's ever taken me to hatch a shiny lol. Usually I have one by like the 60th egg
School is coming by too quickly and I just found out I'm switching schools again so I have about five days to finish all the summer work.
Having anxiety because I forgot to do the summer reading project and it's due Tuesday. The teacher says we can either speed read through the assigned book(s) and do the essay, or we have to do a 1 page essay on what we did this summer and why it was more important than summer reading. A lot of other people didn't do it but the difference is that they actually did something this summer/had atleast 1 important thing this summer. All I did was stay home 24/7 just eating, playing video games, and watch tv. The only thing "productive" I did this summer was practice on my clarinet, but I just did that for fun not for homework... I hate being a procrastinator. Also I suck at writing essays because I know how to form it, but the intro and concluding paragraphs always get to me. Also I don't know how to write a page on nothing.
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