What's bothering you?

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My psychology class is bothering me right now. The teacher thinks the only way of learning is getting up in front of the entire class and embarrassing yourself.
boyf's in scotland, i'm scared about losing all my bells and also my hamster might be dying )':
I can't add any pictures to my signature. Someone help? Dx
My neighbor's dog just had babies. Don't get me wrong, their cute and everything, but I stayed up all night because they won't shut up and they sleep outside. Closing the window literally doesn't even help. ; m ;
My neighbor's dog just had babies. Don't get me wrong, their cute and everything, but I stayed up all night because they won't shut up and they sleep outside. Closing the window literally doesn't even help. ; m ;
Do you have a loud fan like a box fan or some sort? They seem to block out unwanted noise for me.
Do you have a loud fan like a box fan or some sort? They seem to block out unwanted noise for me.
Yeah, I have one in my bedroom that comes on at night because it helps me sleep, but the neighbor's house is right next to mine. Even if the fan is on, you can still hear them pretty clearly.
Thank you, though!
Yeah, I have one in my bedroom that comes on at night because it helps me sleep, but the neighbor's house is right next to mine. Even if the fan is on, you can still hear them pretty clearly.
Thank you, though!

Is it actually that close? xD
My iPhone 2g has been stuck on the apple loading screen for the last 10 minutes. I just wanted to listen to music,,,
I've had to defer my first year of university due to health issues :( Another year at home while my friends are away... not looking forward to it.
Currently have a mouth full of fresh stitches as of this morning. Very painful. I miss solid food already.
My grandpa died this morning, dude.
It happened really fast and while I'm not the most devastated person in the world,
stuff like this makes me see life as so short and pointless
and I get really down on myself.

The last funeral I went to was for a baby.
I was so close to killing myself afterwards.
I still remember that and I will remember that forever.

And even though this isn't like that, it still gets to me a bit.
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