What was your first ever gaming system/video game?

My first console was my Nintendo GameCube and my first games were 007: Agent Under Fire, Super Mario Sunshine (I didn't know it was Sunshine until I opened the case as the previous owner put the disc in a Mario Party 5 case.) and Need for Speed: Underground 2, which was the first game I put into my GameCube.

My first handheld was an original Game Boy that didn't have a price tag at my local thrift store, so they gave it to me for .99 cents! The first game I got for it was Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins.
The first console I actually owned was a gameboy color that I got for my 5th birthday with Pokemon Yellow. However, we had nes, snes, and a sega genesis so those would likely be the first ones I played.
A PlayStation (one) with Crash Bandicoot. Ah nostalgia ^-^
A Sega Genesis and Sonic the Hedgehog 2! I may be a big nintendo fan, but Sega was my first love!
I think it was a wii and therefore my first game was therefore wii sport. It feels weird to me that I didn't have something before that, but I never have a gamecube or gameboy and I've only ever owned nintendo stuff, so I think it would have to be the wii.
I think my first game was Hamtaro: Ham Ham Heartbreak. I got a blue Gameboy Advance SP for (probably) my birthday... I also had some classic Gameboy games, but they were from my brother's system. Stuff like Tetris... He also had a Wario game, but I don't remember which one. I never played it lol.
Since I've not been around for long, I think my first system and game was the Wii with Mario Kart 7. I still have it, but the system's on its last legs and could bust any day now.
My very first game I played was my cousin's Pokemon Emerald on his grey Gameboy Advance SP. The first system I ever owned though was a Wii. I remember playing the game that came with it for a good while before I got anything anything else.
I had a super nintendo. I only played Super Mario World and basically knew it pretty thoroughly. It was really fun for me...

Since I've not been around for long, I think my first system and game was the Wii with Mario Kart 7. I still have it, but the system's on its last legs and could bust any day now.

Mario Kart 7 is for the 3DS though? Do mean MKWii...
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Well, technically I first started playing PC games when I was 7, but my first console was the N64 which I got when I was 9. My siblings and I have started playing it again recently. Good times.
My first console was the DSi and my first game was Harvest Moon DS: Cute.

Remembering this makes me want to go back and play it again ahhaha. I miss giving curry to Skye :c