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What series are you currently watching?

last week i finished watching derry girls (channel 4 / netflix). recco!

also it's the last episode of the 4th series of the masked singer (UK version) on saturday. i've watched a specific character's performances on youtube (probably will be about 20 ish times before this saturday) since the show's been on.

viking's cover of take on me from series 2 affects the soul
Rewatching The Owl House to try and get my little brother interested in it. He liked Amphibia, but he’s not so interested in TOH
Operation: Get my brother interested in TOH is a huge failure, but I’m at the beginning of season 2 so I’m continuing the rewatch alone.
^ Amphibia is great. I watched a bit of that when I first subbed to Disney+ and then forgot about it...but I recently watched a lot more of it during a time when I had a lot of boring free-time. Just a great comfort show for me. Definitely helped me through the last month or so. - Think I also tried Owl House and didn't quite click with it. Not sure why.
Currently watching The Last of Us on HBO Max, based on the Playstation video games. Hell of a show so far 5 episodes in.


It's interesting to replay the first game and see things they changed for the show...I really wonder what the thought process was behind some of it. - Many things are spot-on, pretty much exactly how they happened in the game...even down to the exact dialogue, but...other things are quite different. (No wharf in the beginning, no subway, far less encounters with infected early on, obvious changes to the Bill and Frank narrative, etc)...
I started watching quite a few shows during a period of down time, and now several others have premiered that I want to follow, so I'm kind of drowning in series right now. Luckily, some of them are very episodic so I can take extended breaks and some only air weekly. Hopefully, I can keep up.

Shameless (US version) - I'm only a few episodes into this but I can already see why I've heard such good things about it. I'm hooked.

Carnival Row - Season 2 just started airing. I loved season 1 and I've been looking forward to the series' return.

Curb Your Enthusiasm - How can one man cause so much trouble over such insignificant things? It's fun seeing how Larry is going to screw up in each episode.

Not Dead Yet - A new series that I'm giving a chance. So far it's been fun. A journalist sees the ghosts of people she has to write obituaries for and they help her make progress in her own life.

Animal Control - Another series that I'm trying out and I'll admit I'm mainly watching it for the animals. Waiting to pass judgement since I've only seen the first episode so far.

Aggretsuko - The final season aired on Netflix and I'm excited to get into it. I watched the first episode today.

RWBY - I just saw that volume 9 has started airing and I do want to watch this one too.

All of this is alongside the currently airing anime I'm already following: My Hero Academia, Bungo Stray Dogs, and The Tale of the Outcasts.
Recently I finished watching The Glory on Netflix. It’s a revenge k-drama. I was hooked from start to finish and am content with it being my first k-drama series. Now I’ll have to wait until March for part 2.
i gotta get away from stone ocean

also besides finishing that, right now just Flash and The Last of Us
Just finished watching Happy Valley. Mixed feelings about it but overall I enjoyed it. It’s one of those shows where after it’s finished you’re craving something similar. Now I’m starting Last Tango in Halifax, which is by the same writer.
Was watching the animation Star Vs the forces of evil. I have Disney+ for a little bit because I paid for a month of it. People told me it was good, but honestly I'm not feeling it.
Frasier. I’m actually enjoying it. It used to play before The Simpson’s when I was a kid, and I thought it was boring since it was mainly adult themes that went over my head, so I mostly caught the end of the show. I always liked the song they played at the end credits, so I started watching it on Hulu for that reason alone, lol. But it’s a good show, well written.
I'm rewatching Charmed, but I'm going to stop once I get to the season three finale because I was not a fan of any of the seasons after that.
I'm watching Law and Order: Criminal Intent, it's the only series of the Law and Order franchise that I haven't watched. I'm really enjoying it so far.
I recently started watching That 90s Show. Episode 1 was good, and I'm looking forward to see the rest.

Oh, and I've seen That 70s Show before.
I just finished rewatching most of Community, and my wife and I are watching Perfect Match right now on Netflix. It's such garbage TV, but that's part of what makes it entertaining lol
i tried watching bridgerton when it came out but i just did not enjoy it but i forced myself to watch more of it and i'm actually kinda enjoying it ! i'm also watching crash course in romance & do you like brahms (both v good)