what is your town's theme?

mine is just...

flower explosion

i have to stop hoarding flowers ;;;; but in all honesty, i just put in what i think is pretty, so i guess it leans towards being a foresty/magical-like town :)
Mine doesn't really have a theme, but I want it to feel foresty, cause I love they way trees look in the game.
is a confused town theme a thing? Cuz I honestly have no idea what I'm doing with my town right now ahahahahaha
Journey's a futuristic / space themed town with blue paths and blue and purple flowers. It's got a bit of a park-like feel to it I guess because there's also lots of trees and bushes. My other town Fairwind is still empty for the most part but I want to do something more minimalist and close-to-nature with it!
A wintery-forest town. I've seen people say that winter themes are cliche, but I've also seen people say they're under-used so I don't know what to think, and I'm just gonna go for it.
My first town doesn't have one, it's just a summer town with color schemes.
I haven't figured out what to do with my town of Pies.
Well my first town is a more cute and pink town. I didn't really plan to have it cute in the first place.

My second town is a more foresty look to it. It's based off of my very first town in ACNL. I'm going to recreate it and actually make what I wanted my very first town to look like.
LaWonder is going to be a town inspired by Alice in Wonderland and Alice of Human Sacrifice / the Alice killings (creepy pasta). I'm planning to have the main part of the town inspired by Alice in Wonderland. There's gonna be a natural path, signs with quotes on them, villagers such as Pietro and Tia, some pine woods and so on. The rest of the town is going to be divided into four sectors, representing the four Alices.

New Leaf (very original town name, I know) is pretty much just a mess at the moment. I'm planning to have it divided into a part zen, part desert and part European town, but that might change later on. I don't really care too much about the theme, I just enjoy relaxing in it.