What is the first video game you've ever played?

Uh. Pacman. On an arcade machine.
And not even the original, it was Ms. Pacman. Like how lame was my life

If we're talking at-home consoles, probably Super Mario All-Stars which is basically the first few Mario games revamped
Oh man. It was either CTR (Crash Team Racing) for the PlayStation 1, Kirby Dreamland 2 for the Gameboy Color, Pokemon Gold for the Gameboy Color as well, or Jazz JackRabbit on a freaking floppy disk (or was it the demo, I can't even remember now).
This is difficult for me to remember, but I'm pretty sure it was either Sonic 3 on Sega Genesis, Mario Kart 64, Pokemon Snap, or Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on Nintendo 64. Though, I didn't really play OOT, I just ran around the town with the dog.
Super Mario Bros. for the NES. However, the first game I truly got into was Tetris.

Yeah, I'm old. :rolleyes:

Haha, I feel ya. We didn't have much video gaming at my place except for like a Playstation until I was a bit too old so yeah my first was a gameboy color with some game when I turned.. 9 maybe.
Its one of my older brother's genesis' games. So its either; Earthworm Jim, Sonic the Hedgehog 3, NBA Jam, or either Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat (i cant remember which).

OR it can be my grandpa's NES, which wasnt much but they were Super Mario Bros or Duck Hunt.
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Spyro the dragon on ps1!
My ps1 bit the dust a while back, but I still have my original Spyro discs, in almost mint condition . 3.
mine was either Mario Kart 64 or Donkey Kong 64 ♥ ~
Super Mario Bros. 1

I was about 4-5 ish when I first played video games, and the first system I played and owned was an NES.
i dont remember... probably a mixture between super mario world / day of the tentacle / indiana jones / tetris
I remember my first video game VIVIDLY. It was Mario and Luigi: Super Star Saga. I played it on my bother's Gameboy Advance SP. I specifically remember where I was in the game. I was lost in the barrel maze in Chucklehuck Woods. It was tremendously fun even though I got nothing done. :)
Oh god, mine was probably Mickey's Safari in Letterland.

The only other two games we had were Super Mario Bros, and some beach volleyball game for the NES.
The one I had in my hands when I was like, 3, was Pokemon Firered.
What I actually played fully? Super Mario Sunshine. A lot of people hate it, but it brings back so many memories that I can't ever dislike it.