What is the first video game you've ever played?

The first game I played was a Spyro one for the GBA. I dont remember that much about it, but it was a game I constantly played. It was one of those 2 in 1 games that also came with Crash Racing
ngl my first game was probably super mario world for the snes.

which i never beat.

until a few months ago when i marathoned it all in a week and felt so freakin accomplished for achieving my childhood dream.
it had something to do with fighting. i wanna say it was mortal kombat on the original playstation. but yeah, i was so young i can barely remember if that was really the first. it sticks out anyway.
I think my first was Fire Emblem: Twin Swords or something? But the first game I remember beating was Pkm Crystal~
The first game I can remember playing was Pokemon Sapphire. My bro gave it to me and I couldn't stop playing, I remember beating it several times and soft resetting for a Shiny Regice and actully getting after a few resets. I was only 8 then.
probably Super Mario World or one of the Street Fighter IIs during my schools afterschool daycare thing
First one I owned though was Star Fox 64 ahh *bliss*
God, I have to jump in the wayback machine for this one. I remember a lot of games I played with my father on the old Atari Consoles (Including The Empire Strikes Back from 1982.)

The most memorable in the 'first game' experiences though was when I was three or four.. my dad would put in Mario Bros for the old Nintendo. I tried playing but I was a kid. Never got far. I was also terrified of Bowser and would run and hide under the dining room table while dad beat him for me. Good times :')
God, I have to jump in the wayback machine for this one. I remember a lot of games I played with my father on the old Atari Consoles (Including The Empire Strikes Back from 1982.)

The most memorable in the 'first game' experiences though was when I was three or four.. my dad would put in Mario Bros for the old Nintendo. I tried playing but I was a kid. Never got far. I was also terrified of Bowser and would run and hide under the dining room table while dad beat him for me. Good times :')
And now your a ex TBT staff member.