What has politics done to your family?

What has politics done to your family?

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Dec 22, 2016
Would you say that politics destroyed your family? Would you say politics put tension in your family? Would you say your family isn't disrupted by politics? Please vote in the poll.

My family is very understanding and we all have our opinions. My Grandmother (Mom's side) supported Hillary Clinton (Killary). My older brother supported Senator Sanders. As all you know, I support Trump. My Mother supports Trump but not whole-heartedly. My Dad was for Gary Johnson. My older sister preferred Trump over Hillary but didn't like either.

We have political discussions all the time! It is so intriguing and interesting! Never once did it grow into tension that disrupted the family! I can't believe that we are so chill with politics.
My mother and I have polar opposite views, but we have a good enough relation that it hasn't broken us. But boy does it cause tension. The topic is constantly brought up from TV, facebook, the newspaper, everywhere, so it's unavoidable, but when the discussion escalates I have to tell her we gotta stop. It sucks, but at least we have a strong relationship so it isn't as bad as it could be.
there's certainly heated debates between my immediate family (they're basically from the "choose the lesser of two evils" croud) and the rest of our family (they're all staunch trumpettes), however tension usually stays within those debates and we can get along

personally I always stay out of political discussions because the two major parties get on my nerves equally. I consider myself a centrist, so i'm often attacked by everyone lol
For the most part my family understands each other's differences enough that it's not an issue. I had one college age cousin post that Trump supporters should no longer talk to her, but she deleted the post when my based uncle (edit - not her father, our shared uncle) and I said we were disappointed she no longer wanted us in her life.
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My mom and I have the same opinions politically, but my grandmother and uncle voted for Drumpf and they've always been kind of on the racist side.

This is the main reason my hubby and I decided to go to a Steelers game on Christmas instead of listening to them talk **** and get upset.
tension i guess, i fight with my mom and dad about them being trump supporters a lot
Been a lot of tension. I'm not a Trump supporter like almost everyone else in my immediate family.
None of these, honestly. In a time of crisis, my family has united for the first time in two decades.
My mom and I have don't agree much on our views, but it hasn't done anything bad. My family doesn't really like talking about politics in general, though.
Like every single member of my family that I see at least semi-regularly is not a fan of Trump. There's one exception: My sister's husband. He's a mess... But I don't see him regularly. I haven't seen him since August. There really isn't much tension in my family. It's always my sister's partner choices that cause any political discourse in my family. But really, I should stop there.
I just realized I spelt 'destroyed' as 'destoryed'.
My family doesn't really care. My mom said that the rioters were crazy for wrecking other people's property (local stores and etc. around DC) because they had nothing to do with Trump winning the election. That's pretty much it though.
I have a lot of tension with my dad, but we try not to talk about politics. We have different views, to the point where I fear he would kick me out if he found out I was bi. But I love my dad.
even though we had differing views i don't think it got tense. maybe a little uncomfortable but it doesn't go past that really
no matter what I say, my family will just discredit anything I say about politics....

my mom, dad, and brother-in-law are all trump supporters, and I just saved talking about it with them
we rarely discuss politics but it doesnt cause any fights when we do. as for american politics we all hate trymp tbh if i met someone who said they liked trump i'd be like Yikes and avoid them.
We don't talk about politics much so it hasn't had an impact. I don't even know for sure what parties my family members stand up for. All I know is that none of us likes Trump. It doesn't tell much though, I think only around 7% of people here would've voted for him given the chance.