What greetings or catch phrases have you taught your villagers?

I made Eugene say OHHMYGAWD! GUURL as his greeting. Since he is a smug villager it doesn't suit him at all but I think that's what makes it funny
I'm trying to get everyone's greetings to "konnichiwa". The way they pronounce it is just adorable.
lol I'm boring because I try to keep their greetings/catchphrases as default as possible (like how I do with their interiors)
I've made Fang call me Crackling. I'm not very creative with greetings. I've also made Mitzi call me Kitten - which is kind of cute I guess.
I usually teach my villagers phrases that apply to their personality and look. For Rudy it's "Mmm Fish", For Sterling it's "Yo wassup", for Midge it's "Twello". Yup... pretty un-creative XD. Welp, that's how it is. :lemon:
I've made a few say Moshi Moshi as a greeting but Julian says Hold your horses! And Clyde says Haaaaay.
Marina has a catchphrase of Bloop
The horses say sugar cube
I made Stitches catchphrase be honey because I thought it was adorable for him at the time. Unfortunately now Wolfgang uses it as well...and it just doesn't seem all that cute now.

Drake's greeting is Flying Fishes! I still don't know what possessed me to have that.
I try for something to be unique to the characters, species and personality wise but it can be hard.
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I recently gave Rudy the greeting, "I've got the Chalk!"
It's been a good while since I got a request. It's mostly them trying to give me some stupid new nickname.
My villagers repeat different fruits/foods.. :D They're hungry all the time, hahah
Marina said "tentacles."
Kid Cat said "pest."
Not much tbh.
Punchy says "Groovy baby" as his greeting and "far out" as his catchphrase.

Felicitiy says "Like totally" as her greeting and "girlfriend" as her catchphrase.
Tasha is saying 'tiny paws'
Marshal is saying 'Marshie' lol
Genji is saying 'Gotchi'
Static is saying 'Zap'

and Both Flurry and Hamlet says 'Hamha' as a greeting.
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I have all of the hamster villagers and they're like my moogles, so I've been changing their catchphrases to "kupo", Twiggy's to "keen", and my various bunny villagers are "err err" (because Bun Bun would kinda grunt and it sounded like that, lol), except for O'Hare. He says "o'bun".
For their greetings I have them address me formally, generally "Your Majesty" or "Your Highness". For Dotty though I have her say "Your Bunnies" because she's just so cute and peppy ^_^ For their catchphrase, its generally also "Majesty" or "Highness", just so I'm sure they remember who the ruler is around town ^_~
Most of my villagers now say "Pam param" or some variant (thank you Witcher 3!)

Only Ricky still says Vampire Airplane as a greeting because he never pings me to change it.