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What do you think of NH's take on the personalities so far?


Rascally Researcher
Mar 23, 2020
New Horizons Token
I know there's been some split feelings on the dialogue and interactions in this game (after you get through the tutorial part) but I think it's pretty solid personally! They kinda talk a bit too much about events and what the player character is doing, but other than that I find a lot of the actual conversations to be a lot of fun!

I'm thinking about this because I realized how much I've really liked the Jock villager interactions! I honestly can't tell if I'm biased from recently taking up an interest in working out in between NL and this game or if they're just better in this game (then again NL wasn't the best in interaction, but it's what I have the most experience in). They seem so much more entertaining and have a lot of absurd but funny jokes relating to their gimmick. They seem less "sporty" and more general and feel a lot more relatable. Jocks used to be my least favorite personality, I hated almost every jock that didn't immediately grow on me in New Leaf, but they've very quickly went up to being one of my favorite personalities so far
Well Jock still talks about Working Out and Stuff, but it’s not as bad as in the older Games.

Cranky is ruined. They are way to nice to be a Cranky. Pretty much the Male Version of Female Normals for me. I miss GameCube Animal Crossing already. Why couldn’t they keep the sass and salt?
I usually can't stand peppy villagers and had none in New Leaf but they've actually improved the peppy personality alot in this game. I do find all of my villagers constantly talking about Bunny Day right now to be absolutely grating. I do wish snooty villagers and cranky villagers were a bit more sassy but eh, they're still pretty good.
so far I like most of the villager personality types! I still feel eh about jock, but I probably have't interacted enough with them to really make a final decision.. I wish snooty villagers were about more snooty. I don't want them to be at the point they were in the original AC especially cuz some kids would prob freak out, but I wish they were more uptight initially then began to be kinder the more you interact (maybe I just haven't witnessed any snooty comments and other people have tho, idk)
I like the dialogue. I've laughed out loud even reading some of it. However, I was hoping that the snooty/cranky villagers would start off very mean.. it would have been more fun having to earn their friendship. What's the point of calling them cranky or snooty if they are neither of those things lol
Well Jock still talks about Working Out and Stuff, but it’s not as bad as in the older Games.

Cranky is ruined. They are way to nice to be a Cranky. Pretty much the Male Version of Female Normals for me. I miss GameCube Animal Crossing already. Why couldn’t they keep the sass and salt?
The oldest game I played was WW, so i mostly missed the boat on the sass and salt, but I do still wish there was a little bit of that in the new games :'0 it adds a lot more depth and interaction I feel

I usually can't stand peppy villagers and had none in New Leaf but they've actually improved the peppy personality alot in this game. I do find all of my villagers constantly talking about Bunny Day right now to be absolutely grating. I do wish snooty villagers and cranky villagers were a bit more sassy but eh, they're still pretty good.
Oh yeah my villagers either go one about bunny day or me burying money yesterday aha,, takes a couple chats to get something else but the results are usually pretty good! I agree with ya on wishing for a bit more sass in them
i havent managed to see all the personalities yet, but so far uchi and normal are my favorites. while personalities like jock and peppy kind of do have a specific niche, i feel like they went too much into it??? like i wish jock characters were more like a frat boy who sometimes dabbles in sports and working out, instead of just going all in on muscles. i feel like that way it would have some breathing room, because the way they are now i definitely dont want more than one on my island. peppy is similar to this too; how can there be two popstars on an island??

lazy is pretty decent imo. they lean more towards uchi & normals in terms of how severe their personalities are, but i dont rly want a lot of villagers talking about the bugs in their flooring. smug is... ive never liked smug lol and i feel like i like them even less in this game but i consider that to be an improvement. i just got a snooty today and they seem to be a bit lowkey, but ive yet to seem them fully. i know nothing about cranky as i dont have one at the moment.
Snooty and Cranky were my favorite personalities, but they're completely ruined. They're really nice from the get-go, I miss being teased and abused tbh. Snooty seems to be more like housewives than adult and independent women.
Uchis have very defined personalities, much more than in NL. I appreciate it because they feel much more lively and unique but they're not for me.

Lazy and Peppy have been greatly improved!
Maybe it's because my peppy, Bubbles, is my least favorite villager, but I find it the most grating personality type at the moment. Just chill out. We're on an island getaway. Woosah
I think Peppy villagers are so much better in this game! Might actually be my favorite personality now. I also think Smug was improved -they're much less creepy and more flamboyant than they were in New Leaf. I've always loved Normal - they're still great. I also like the way they redid the Snooty personality - I love that they're less like a typical high school mean girl and more like that cool older cousin/sister that you always looked up to.

Uchis are kind of boring in this game IMO...
It's all so much better in this game than New Leaf! The villagers actually feel alive in this game rather than just the same 4 characters with different coats of paint. I've actually laughed at some of the things the lazy villagers have to say, rather than them just talking about food all the time.
I haven’t met all of the personality types yet, but I do find that peppies are improved! Lazy is really cute too and jocks are alright. Normal is pretty much the same, I think although I find uchis to be a little bit boring. As a whole, I find the dialogue to be on the bland side and they talk way too much about events. I also wish I could talk to them more than twice without them getting sick of me. :/
I haven’t met all of the personality types yet, but I do find that peppies are improved! Lazy is really cute too and jocks are alright. Normal is pretty much the same, I think although I find uchis to be a little bit boring. As a whole, I find the dialogue to be on the bland side and they talk way too much about events. I also wish I could talk to them more than twice without them getting sick of me. :/

The longer you play, the more times you can talk to them! I started at 2, then was able to talk to them 5 times for awhile, and now I can talk to them 10 times before they get sick of me!
i like jocks more for sure, and the smugs seems so sweet, but i wish they left out that the uchis always make comments about how i talk to them too much lmao
i think generally i just want MORE dialogue- i feel like i've heard the same stuff before whenever i talk to my villagers, which is... not great... since the game is only like 2 weeks old
I feel like the Snootys and Crankys got a lot more chilled out in this game.. they almost feel ... soothing?! Weird!
I think my least favorite personality types so far are Jock and Peppy. I can't stand the vocab they chose for the peppy personality type.....
One of my favorites now are Uchi though. They kind of felt like this in New Leaf but eh.
I think I like it a bit more than NL, but I wish they would bring back dialogues about their hobbies.
- Also, as many people said, they made the crankies/snooties feel a little more mellower and less aggressive than the previous games.
- Jocks are cool, but I will agree they can fall a little flat sometimes and it seems like all they do is talk about their abs. I think it would have been cool if each jock had a favorite sport that they don't all feel the same when talking to them.
I like the dialogue and personalities so far! Once you get through the initial "Everyone heard you popping balloons yesterday" and "shake a tree and get eggs" dialogue, they start to say something interesting. I think the peppies took a big step up in my book, but the uchis aren't hitting me the same way. Haven't met a snooty yet, unfortunately. I miss how condescending they were in the first three games lol.

My biggest complaint with New Leaf was the way they seriously toned down the cranky personality. They were WAY too nice, they might as well have not been called crankies anymore.

But I got Butch in NH as a random move in (my favorite dog villager <3), and I was worried... the crankies are still watered down and will never be the same as they were in GC or WW, but I was surprised he actually said something kinda crabby today! He pinged me and said something like "Can you believe this clumsy litterbug left this DIY recipe in front of my house?" And that's something they'd never dare to say in NL, so I'm pretty satisfied right now. As tame as it was, I'll take anything I can get from crankies at this point.
I like the dialogue and personalities so far! Once you get through the initial "Everyone heard you popping balloons yesterday" and "shake a tree and get eggs" dialogue, they start to say something interesting. I think the peppies took a big step up in my book, but the uchis aren't hitting me the same way. Haven't met a snooty yet, unfortunately. I miss how condescending they were in the first three games lol.

My biggest complaint with New Leaf was the way they seriously toned down the cranky personality. They were WAY too nice, they might as well have not been called crankies anymore.

But I got Butch in NH as a random move in (my favorite dog villager <3), and I was worried... the crankies are still watered down and will never be the same as they were in GC or WW, but I was surprised he actually said something kinda crabby today! He pinged me and said something like "Can you believe this clumsy litterbug left this DIY recipe in front of my house?" And that's something they'd never dare to say in NL, so I'm pretty satisfied right now. As tame as it was, I'll take anything I can get from crankies at this point.

honestly the snooty in WW wasn't so bad that I think they couldn't be like that again.. gamecube I can understand but give us WW snooty back ):
I used to dislike peppy but now it's my favorite personality tbh. I love the cranky villagers as well. Jock and uchi doesnt really seem to stand out to me yet.
I feel like they're all upgraded from NL (especially jock and snooty), but snooty and cranky are still a downgrade from CF, WW and definitely GC.

WW had the most balanced snooty and cranky types, they weren't as mean as the GC ones but they were definitely defined. CF toned them down a bit (I think it's been so long since I played) before they were...nerfed (?) considerably in NL.

I do love the dialogue though, it's sometimes repeated but I've laughed aloud at some of the stuff they've said.