What do You Collect?

I have a small collection of amiibos and amiibo cards. I also collect different flavors of loose leaf tea (I'm at over 50 varieties right now), fountain pens and ink, and I have around 20 old Star Trek TOS books that I used to collect from a used book store when I lived in California (mainly ones that focus on Spock or with writers who wrote episodes I enjoyed).
I have a few small binders with Pokemon cards, though they are mostly from when they first came out. I don't like the art for the newer cards as much. I also collect random cool looking coins like those machines that stamp a picture on a flattened penny. I also have a lot of Pokemon plushies.
80s toys, my Mom was an 80s kid so I grew up with her talking about these toys a lot, and despite the fact that I grew up in the 2000s, they are honestly kind of nostalgic to me as well because of her.
-Monster High Dolls
-Pullip Dolls
-Amiibo Cards
-Art Supplies

I am sure I am forgetting some other things too... just can't think clearly, I'm basically addicted to collecting things. I'm just a hoarder.

-Tsum Tsums
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I used to collect beer bottle caps, I have no idea what happened to them though. Now I've gotten into the habit of buying new notebooks that I don't really need, I just think the designs are cool
Hmmm, I always collect sea shells whenever I go to the beach, and recently, my younger brother picked up the habit. I never really use them for anything though since it doesn't fit in the theme for my room, but they're really pretty to look out.
When I was younger, I used to collect pretty stones with my sister since in my school, everyone went through a phase where pretty stones and gems were the greatest thing ever. So many people had huge rock collections lmao. I don't collect them anymore, but I do use them as decorations.
merch from things i like (generally artbooks/zines, keyrings, pins, prints) and i put em on a corkboard above my bed haha
Old bullets from the Civil War. Mostly anything from the Civil War. Buttons, bullets, artifact pieces of equipment (hooks, straps, corks, ect) You have to know what you're actually looking at to know if it's authentic or not. There's a lot of people who will go to great lengths to fake stuff to look old. Some are super noticeable because the forger is an amateur and others are really good at it.

So I don't collect them too often. Just when I know what it is.