• Thanks for playing! The closing ceremony for TBT World Championship 2024 has been posted. Congratulations to the winning team, Squirtle Squad! Update: The Master Ball raffle winners have now been announced and rewards have been distributed. Time to spend your Arcade Tokens!

what are your goals for 2016?

i really want to start exercising regularly and lose weight. pretty generic.
keep getting stronger for sure!!!!
be more organised and on top of my studies
stop relying on my parents' money so much
cut negative people and things out of my life and do me instead!!
Instead of the usual 'eat healthy, work out, etc.' that I usually set & fail within a month, I've set two big but achievable goals for myself:

  • Learn how to drive. (Because I should've done this like 5 years ago, oops.)
  • Organize my life to an acceptable degree (not perfection), since I'm planning on moving in a year or so.

Best of luck to those with resolutions! :)
2016 is coming soon so what are your new goals for the new year? for me, i'd like to at least know the basics of japanese. not just simple phrases/words that can be learned from watching animes.

Genki I and II were mine for class, so I HIGHLY recommend them, it'll get you WAY above what you need for doubutsu no mori.

For me, my goal is probably more Animal Crossing goals, stuff I plan to do in year 4, but I'm not sure how much I'll continue this daily play, I'm going to pass 1,000 straight days in March, and after that, maybe I'll go for 2,000 as I was around that in Wild World before I finally missed a day in 2009 after playing it daily for 4 years.
To be more social
Learn some self-defense
Learn to cook a couple of meals
Swim in the Great Barrier Reef again
Try to save money, like actually set up an automatic savings again so I can seriously plan things. I also hope to re-home my rat and get a snake because I need an easy pet who doesn't need my love but accepts it when I want it. >.<
I want to work out more, eat healthier, definitely try new things, be more outgoing and less introverted, read at least 30 books, learn more recipes and cook more, and become a master at folding fitted sheets.