What are your favourite games to play beside Animal Crossing?

I like Postal because you can kill dogs and cats and pee on people and kill people it's fun...... wish they made more :(

What I actually thought about recently is ... what if... they made an AC x POSTAL? Would be really cool I think.
I really like Splatoon and Minecraft. I also got into the Sims, which makes me realize that I really like life simulators.
Stardew Valley, Harvest Moon DS, Sonic Adventure 2, Kirby games, Sonic Heroes, Sims 2 Pets, Katamari Damacy, Mario Kart 7/8
On my switch my go to is usually Sonic Mania. I love how chaotic the speed is when you’re zipping across the map, and it reminds me of when I was younger and played Sonic 3 often.

Other then that my pool of video games is pretty casual haha. I like the DS Pokémon games from time to time.
I play a lot of games, but lately it's been Dragon Quest Builders 2 and the Yakuza series.

I also play a lot of JRPGs in general, but there haven't been any new ones recently that I've been interested in.
Toontown Rewritten. Old family-friendly MMORPG, running as a private server since Disney shut it down, great community. I change my character's outfit every time I log in just like in ACNH lol. You also get a lil house to customize, a few plants to water, some games to play with people... and an ez turn-based grindy battle system. it's had quite a jump in active players since the pestilence

Occasionally I whip out my 2DS and mess around with Flipnote a little. Granted that's not really a game but
I play a lot of GTA and Red Dead. My favorite is Dying Light tho. (I used to be a Nintendo Only guy, but these days I tend to lean more towards my PS4.)
Stardew Valley, Sonic Adventure DX, Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Megaman 2. Honestly, I could list about a hundred more, but those are the ones that stand out the most.
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Aside from animal crossing, I mainly like to play long RPG style games like the fallout series, bloodborne, and the witcher 3. Since I can be a bit stingy with my money when it comes to games, I like to get a lot of playtime out of one game, and i've played all of these games for over 200 hours so they're definitely worth the investment. One of the other reasons i'm so obsessed with rpg's is the loot and levelling up systems in which you slowly get stronger, and can adapt your character into so many different playstyles. For instance, in the witcher 3, i've used 4 seperate builds so far, and all of them have played very differently to each other!

I don't really play many other games that aren't RPG's, but around the time that Black Ops 4 was all the rage, I grinded that game to hell and back. I think I got about prestige 10 before I eventually stopped playing it (that's getting max level 10 times haha), and because I have such fond memories of that game, I do occasionally enjoy playing a few rounds of call of duty every now and then. Plus, the small game times mean that, even when I have a busy work schedule, I can still get in a few games here and there in my very limited free time.