Welcome To Our Mansion. [Horror RP!]


Sickly Sweet <3
Dec 26, 2014
August Birthstone (Peridot)
July Birthstone (Ruby)
June Birthstone (Pearl)
May Birthstone (Emerald)
Togepi Easter Egg
April Birthstone (Diamond)
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
January Birthstone (Garnet)
Welcome To Our Mansion


Due to the creepy mansion in your neighborhood finally being bought, the owner decided to throw themselves an Welcoming party to get to know everyone!
You and some others were all invited to this luxurious party, which of itself was strange but exciting. not thinking Twice, you all decided to go check it out, because honestly, I'm sure the food and luxuries were enough to tempt You to let your guard down and come inside,

Not long after the party has already started, they were there to invite you inside, yet now there isn't any signs of The owners anywhere, what is even weirder would be how all of the windows are bolted up from the inside.

Soon enough, It's revealed that everyone invited is going to be used as chess pieces for an sick and twisted game Hosted by the owners of the mansion, having only invited those that wouldn't be missed, or are easy to erase.
Perhaps coming here wasn't your best option..

  • Please use correct grammar!
  • Make sure each reply is at least three sentences! each sentence being at least five words.
  • No mary-sues!
  • Please do not godmod! if you do, I'll be sure to personally kick you out!

  • We don't accept roleplays that RP like this --> *smiles kindly*
    We only accept this format of roleplay. -- > Suzuya grinned, quite pleased with himself.

  • If you are talking out of character, such as telling us you need to go, or want to just talk to us.
    Please use this format. (Hello guys! I need to go~) There will be NO OOC talking tolerated without this speech bubble.

  • Please stick to the story! do not go off and make your own story.
    We want This Roleplay to be scary, so don't just randomly decide it's going to be some laugh fest or make fun of it.

  • Shipping/Coupling is allowed, but ONLY if the other person agrees. you need to ask them in an PM or VM if it's Okay, because if it's not and they tell Us you are harassing them, we will have to give you warnings before we remove you from this Roleplay.

Be sure that an anime-styled photo is added at the end of your form




Favorite killing method?:
Things they hate:
Things they love:

Lolipup Ethre and Myst will be the adminstrators for this roleplay!

Name: Suzuya Juuzou
Age: 19
Gender: Male (Though he is usually always confused for female, so please contribute to this~)
Traits: Due to trauma from long before, he isn't very good at communication With people, living at an orphanage until recent. he only really shows happiness when He's talking with his adoptive dad. He can hurt people's feelings without even realizing it, though as heartless as it sounds. he really doesn't care either way.
Also, he's not very responsive to pain, which results in him passing out or getting very bad injuries because he doesn't understand the concept so well.
Personality: Eccentric, spontaneous, dense, sometimes childish and snarky
Other: Suzuya usually has about ten kinds of pocket knives with him at all times, along with his beloved sewing needle as he likes to stitch himself up from any cuts Or injuries. also noted how he likes to call his stitching 'Art'.


Name: Takeshi Ito
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Traits: Nervous, cautious, prefers to be in the background of things
Personality: Takeshi is a nervous young Japanese man, he's extremely incompetent and high-strung when in social situations. He loves science and technology, and is very good with computers. Almost as if he is one himself.
Other: He has two metal replacements for arms, they end in rudimentary hands. Basically it's a metal bone structure without the skin and muscle. As a result, these metal arms pack quite a punch. Takeshi also has a high pain tolerance, and a not-so-good relationship with his parents. He lives on the streets. He can play the viola and uses that to try and support himself as a street preformer.

Name: Mary Onette
Nicknames: Puppet Girl Get it? Because her name sounds like marionette, like the puppet? Eh? Ehh?
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Traits:Easily distracted, easily scared, clingy (physically), kind, loud, emotional, childish
Personality: Mary is exhausting. The nickname "Puppet Girl" is pretty accurate, considering her personality is on par with a Muppet. She's flamboyant, unpredictable, loud, and very expressive. Her childish outlook on life makes everything seem new and exciting. Mary tends to be very hyper and bouncy most of the time, but when she's hurt or scared, she tends to get "fussy". Acting her age is something she doesn't like to do.
Other: Sucks on her bottom lip a lot, and bites her cuticles.

Name: Kowareta (Koko)
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Traits: Unstable, dangerous, animalistic, instinctive, socially awkward
Personality: Koko was kept captive in her bedroom for most of her life, she had been taught to not be seen, and to not be heard. With her inability to visit the outside world other than her occasional sneaking out(which she was always caught doing), she developed mental issues, where she doesn't know how to determine what's good and what's bad. She never intends to do anything hurtful, but she's unsure of how to react to most situations, especially around others. She enjoys breaking the rules as an inner defiance towards her parents.
Other: She often remains silent, afraid of saying something that could lose her a potential friend. She acts impulsively without thinking.

Name: Teela
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Traits: Silly, playful, has a tendency to doubt herself. Her parents died in a car crash when she was only 9, leaving her with no living relitives. She was then hired by the owners of the mansion as a maid, happily taking the permanent job to ease her mind from her parent's death.
Personality: She can quickly open up to others. She isn't very smart, but she has excellent memory.
Other: Somewhat paranoid

Name: Alice Bell
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Traits: Calm, Composed, Mature, Intelligent, Can be seen as too "serious" at times.
Personality: She is the type of person who would rather observe others interact rather than talk to people. She is very analytical and enjoys solving puzzles. She is easily frustrated when things don't go as she expected them to. She enjoys structure and is not a huge fan of surprises. She's used to things coming easily to her but she enjoys a good challenge. She doesn't have very many friends and prefers the company of books to people.
Other: She carries around a notepad and writes down important things that happen and/or reminders to herself. She doesn't own a cell phone because she believes they're a complete waste of time.

Name:Sebastian Mikaelas
Gender: Male.
Traits: Irascible, Obstinate, Headstrong, Overbearing, Domineering, Exudes confidence, Handsome, can be charming if he really tries.
Personality:A thick-skinned male who typically likes to put on the tough-guy persona. He's rather grumpy and irascible when it comes to stressful situations. Sebastian's a prideful male with a prowess that goes unmatched by most males. To but it quite bluntly, he's an alpha male and he knows it. He likes to exert himself in an almost overbearing way, to the point where it becomes almost controlling. Organization and order are things he likes to keep close to himself, because without them he simply falls apart.
He's not a large believer in anything mythical. He claim's it's all children's toys and he dislikes the idea of fictitious notion, or anything that simply cannot be proven through science. Sebastian's obstinate in his decision making, as well as just in general. When he wants something, he wants it now. He can appear very demanding, even to the point of being spoiled.
Other:He's a big fat lame-o.

Name: Charlotte Emerson
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Traits: Clumsy, gullible, has a bad memory, rather childish and easily scared.
Personality: She's quite shy and talks very little around strangers, though once she's friends with someone she becomes far more bubbly and talkative around them. She is more trusting than she ideally should be and believes people easily, making it incredibly easy to trick her into thinking something that's wrong or even dangerous.
Other: She's a survivor of the last 'party' Monica and Charles held, kept captive in a cell so she can't leave and tell anyone what the house owners do to their dinner guests.

Name: Koizumi Mahiru
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Traits: optimistic, sensible, calm, not afraid to speak her mind, interested in photography and has self-esteem issues.
Personality: Can come off as motherly, has high expectations of men and can be rather harsh to them. She is more friendly towards girls. She wants to help as many people as she can and is quick to lecture those who are rude to her. She hates people with a lack of manners.
Other: She loves taking pictures to preserve the moments she shares with her friends - she normally takes pictures of girls since she gets bored of taking pictures of guys.

Name: Yuki Shiro
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Traits: Quiet, friendly, slightly naive, easily frightened
Personality: Yuki is very kind and tries to see the good side in people, but her downside is her tendency to be taken advantage of without ever knowing it. She's always trying to help, though it gets her in trouble often and she usually ends up in tears when she fails at this. She is somewhat sensitive, but she doesn't want to offend anyone so she tries hard not to cry when insulted or yelled at.
Other: She knows next to nothing about defending herself, however Yuki can run rather quickly and is good at acrobatic activities like climbing and jumping.

Name: Philip LaFresque
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Traits: The man enjoys coffee and tea to a unhealthy extent, Philip is usually found reading a good book.
Personality: Logical, short temper, pretty laid back, and can be charismatic at times.
Other: Philip comes from Greenland and is a very respected Physics Teacher, however as of late he likes to go on vacations quite a bit to investigate paranormal hot spots just so he can debunk them as false, it's a weird hobby but no one really complains about it since Philip is a hard worker.
Philip is quick to lose his temper, he tries to encourage others but will simply give up if they are too ignorant to deal with.
He also likes to research the death of his late father, Howard LaFresque disappeared over ten years ago and Philip has yet to find the answer to why.

Hi! this is a newly added section of which you can apply to be a murderer! <3
These people hold essential rules to help move the story forward and of course add a terrifying atmosphere~
You can apply the same way as you apply for players, however please PM this form to me~

Name: Daniel
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Weapon: Butcher Knife
Favorite killing method?: Daniel perfers to keep it fast and clean, stabbing his weapon of choice through his victims heart. talk about Heartbreak~
Things they hate: Being in crowds, small spaces. getting confused
Things they love: Animals, science and security, Root beer.
Personality: Daniel is the type of killer that doesn't like needless conversation, he perfers to get it over with quickly before he can even indenify the other person as a human being, his emotions a little bit out of wack as he's a very caring individual, which makes it hard to do what he must do in this psychotic mansion.
Traits: Socially awkward, shy, compassionate.
Other: Daniel has been overshadowed by his brother his whole life, causing him to have a complex of sorts to think he is less than superior to his sibling, he takes orders from his brother and follows through.

Name: Jasper
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Weapon: Axe
Favorite killing method?: Decapitation
Things they hate: Happiness, Love, Flowers
Things they love: Blood, Murder, Corpses
Personality: He's a very outgoing but dark person. He's not one to keep quiet and can go on and on about horrific topics that people normally don't discuss. He's not very secretive and enjoys teasing/playing with his victims up to the moment he kills them.
Traits: Social, Outgoing, Dark, Murderous, Blood-Thirsty
Other: He's a bit addicted to murdering people. When he first meets a person, he sizes up the best way to kill him and how to lure them away from a crowd should he meet them on a busy street. As a result, he has very little friends apart from the few who know how crazy he is. He enjoys talking about various methods of murder with other people but his favorite will always be decapitation.

Name: Z
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Weapon: Scissors
Favorite killing method?: Playful, likes to tease and injure over time. She would prefer to hurt people over time than kill them quickly, so she's the type to leave traps out to deliberately injure someone until they could hardly move, then when it got boring, she would finally kill them in utter disappointment. She prefers people who are stronger and even ends up liking and helping out the players who can keep themselves alive for longer.
Things they hate: Water, weakness, crying, hearing complaints, criticism of her game.
Things they love: Strong players, people who challenge her, anyone who can injure her.
Personality: Child-like and oblivious, she skips around and sings a lot. It's as if she's still stuck in her younger years, where she adores cute things and teddy bears. If one were to see her outside of the home, they would think she was just a happy young adult who enjoys life, but inside these walls, she's a sociopath with no regrets and only cares about her own fun.
Traits: Giggly, "innocent", playful, plays favorites.
Other: She's either liked or hated, there's no in between.

Name: Steven
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Weapon: A good old-fashioned sword
Favorite killing method?: Running them straight through the chest with his sword, though anything's nice as long as they die.
Things they hate: Smart-alecks, people who think they know everything, people who think they can escape.
Things they love: Giving false names, fancy things, entertainment, animals.
Personality: Steven is a rather cheerful man who just so happens to have the biggest murderous streak ever seen. He greatly enjoys killing, in as many creative ways as he can think of. He deceives people on how he really is, long enough for them to maybe trust him a bit. But he slowly and slowly reveals his true nature. Until the moment when he finally kills them. Very manipulative as well. Another thing of his is that he just likes to watch, he likes to watch people die by their own or others hands as well as killing them himself. Also he has a soft spot for animals.
Traits: Laughs easily, good liar, sociable
Other: I was thinking maybe he could be in charge of security cameras if there are any? It's alright if he's not, just an idea.

Name: Nagito Komaeda
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Favorite killing method?: Usually plans out everything he is going to do to commit a murder, analyzes who he's gonna kill thoroughly and doesn't care how long or how short the murder is, as long as it's done. He can frame someone else when he wants to.
Things they hate: Despair. (That's pretty much it.)
Things they love: Hope.
Personality: He could come off as a polite and kind boy at first. He doesn't really care about his own life, and could often encourage others to kill him as long as they gain hope from it.
Traits: can be self-degrading and always rambles on about how hope is the most amazing thing in the world.
Other: Often considers self worthless compared to everyone else. Even though he is always going on about hope, he doesn't have any of his own since he drifted aimlessly through life without friends or family.

Name: Sendo Senkusha
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Weapon: Razor cords resembling puppet strings
Favorite killing method?: Sendo's favorite way to kill is to first play a life-threatening game with them. If they don't die before losing, he will kill them as a penalty. No one knows what happens when a person wins because no one ever has, or made it out alive to tell anyone about it.
Things they hate: Daylight, justice-seekers, police, people who quit his games
Things they love: Drama, blood, games, danger, feisty victims, women
Traits: Outstandingly strange, talkative, easygoing to an extent
Other: People often believe he is a vampire upon meeting him, though while he's just an ordinary human, he likes to let them believe he is not because he wishes he was something else, himself. Sendo is usually gentler with his female victims, as he has a soft spot for them. He can't help talking to his victims either, so he generally spends a long time with them before he actually kills anyone. When there are no victims around, he enjoys chatting up other killers to cure his boredom. Overall, despite the fact that he's a murderer, Sendo is actually quite the gentlemen and has even had tea and cake with his victims before.


"You can't decline a challenge from death, you know. Might as well play my game before you die trying to quit."

Favorite killing method?:
Lets burn them all!
Things they hate:
Rain: Cold areas, sudden loud noises, the dark, needles.
Belle: Being mistaken for Rain, tacky clothing, boring people, having no one to entertain her.
Things they love:
Rain: Toys, books, sleeping, warm blankets, tea, clothing, flowers, hugs, insects, spiders.
Belle: Fire, glittery clothing and jewelry, old fashioned music, lots of makeup.
Rain has DID, or Dissociative Identity Disorder. When under large amounts of stress or panic, or simply after large amounts of time without a switch, her personality alters itself into the other hosting personality - Belle.
Belle: A murderess girl who claims to originally be from the 1920s and is trapped inside of Rain's body and mind; kind of like a spirit having taken possession. She's angry and astute, as well as manipulative and curious. She has a wild flair about her, one that's impulsive and jovial. She enjoys drinking, as well as flashy jewelry/clothing and loud heels. She tends to kill as a purpose to entertain herself, as well as satisfy a desire to inflict pain on others due to her own proclaimed suffering.
Rain: A much calmer, if not more skittish girl. Rain is the dominant personality, and is the one who is most usually in control, unless Belle becomes too hard to contain. She acts younger than Belle by a large majority, both in the way that she dresses and her preferences. She enjoys the ideas of solace and confinement, as well as excessively sugary sweets and things perceived as 'childish,' such as stuffed animals and bright colors. She's very friendly, but generally doesn't approach others first.
-When Rain changes to Belle, it's sort of like a stop-motion picture. She does not contain the same memories as Belle, therefore, she does not remember anything that Belle has done. The same goes for Belle - she knows nothing of Rain's memories.
-Belle and Rain are aware of each other's existences. Each have a perceived idea of the other, including an image portrayal and an idea of their personalities.

Name: Wysp
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Weapon: Anything she finds, though she carries knives or a sword occasionally.
Favorite killing method?: As long as they die, she's good with whatever.
Things they hate: Obnoxious people, brats, show offs, just about anything can tick her off, but mostly annoying things.
Things they love: Puppets, swords, fighting, Mochi, just to name a few.
Traits: Good with weaponry, a traitor as she switches from good to evil just for the fun, and MAY kill who she is in alliance with unless she likes them. Judges with looks, also.
Other: Secretly hired by Charles, so not most know of her.


Name: Evan
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Title: Private investigator
Traits: Intelligent, Strange, Friendly, Cooperative
Personality: He uses unconventional methods to solve cases, such as staying at a crime scene long after all the possible evidence has been removed, believing that he can sense the energy of the suspects that linger at the scene. He usually has great results but is known to slip up every once in a while. If something isn't working well, he asks for feedback in order to improve. He's very cooperative and loves to hear what other people think before drawing his own conclusions.
Other: He's a distant cousin of Alice who never talked to her much but wishes that he could find out what had happened to her all those years ago. He went into the investigation field to make sure history doesn't repeat itself.



Name: Shinohara Yukinori
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Title: S.W.A.T
Traits: Friendly, Not so bright, Horrible sense of humour.
Personality: Shinohara is a friendly guy and quite skilled for his age, The man recently got a promotion to the S.W.A.T force and has loved it ever since, Shinohara specializes in brute strength, but he's also quite the father character, caring for others and cracking horrible dad jokes a little too often.
Other: Shinohara is Suzuya's adoptive father, and as such tends to baby Suzuya and care for him above others.
Shinohara is kind of a big dolt, but he's also family orientated and if anything comes between that, the man isn't afraid to show some punks a lesson for messing with his family or even friends.



Name: Kenai
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Title: Criminal Profiler
Traits: Kind-hearted, diligent, work-oriented, serious, humorless
Personality: Kenai is an awkward workaholic, not really understanding jokes and fake laughing whenever someone else laughs. People who know him would say he has a heart of gold and he tries his best to make people happy, but he is very serious when it comes to his job. He has issues with always attempting to diagnose someone mentally and it irritates him, but he tries to ignore it and socialize like a normal human being.
Other: Kenai has been on the case of missing people since before the rest of the police force acknowledged it. The police didn't even know people were going missing until Kenai was proven right.



Name: Saionji Hiyoko
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Title: Detective
Traits: blunt, rude, loud, gives off a childish appearance and harbors love for cute and sweet things
Personality: Cruel and malicious at nature - would act cutesy in order to have someone talk. She often patronizes anyone she doesn't like, which is a lot of people because nobody really accepts her. She has childish and innocent traits like a love for gummy bears and loves Japanese culture. She is also prone to tears when humiliated.
Other: Passes off as a child due to her height being 4'10" and her appearance.



Finally, thank you very much for reading all of this!
I'm very sorry if it Was very long, but If you are interested in joining our Roleplay, it will be an requirement.

NOTICE! APPLICATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED, If you still wish to join, you can talk to me about it over PM, but I believe this Roleplay has enough players right now and if we add more then it might get confusing, HOWEVER, don't worry! if you like this Roleplay and really want to play something similar to it, I want to let you know that I will be opening a brand new Roleplay soon! <3

NOTICE! Three strikes and you're out~ If you get a warning from all THREE mods, it means you will be kicked from the Roleplay, please have no hard feelings, it is just to ensure the Roleplay runs smoothly and only will happen if you disobey the rules. <3
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Name: Ai Takara

Age: sixteen

Gender: female

Traits: Bad liar, optimistic, bites her fingerails, lazy most of the time, makes not very good grades, good under pressure, when scared she tends to grab onto anyone she knows is an ally

Personality Ai is very sensitive, getting her feelings hurt of the simplist of things and gets embarresed easily also. Though, most of the time she will keep it inside, pretending to be happy about most everything that happens to her. Though, in reality, she is wanting to sob. She hates being an annoyance to people, unless they freak out over small things, then she loves to tease them. She gets nervous when talking to people that are known as 'fancy' and/or 'elaborate' as she's terrified that they will judge her for what she really acts like.

-Ai lives with her small dog, other than that alone
-she hates dry places, hot weather, and being outdoors
-she usually wears baggy clothes, such as a big shirt with a short skirt
-She is very into horror/ mystery films.

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Name: Suzuya Juuzou
Age: 19
Gender: Male (Though he is usually always confused for female, so please contribute to this~)
Traits: Due to trauma from long before, he isn't very good at communication with people, living at an Orphanage until recent. he only really shows happiness when he's talking with his adoptive dad.
He can hurt people's feelings without even realizing it, though as heartless as it sounds.
He really doesn't care either way.
Also, he's not very responsive to pain, which results in him passing out or getting very bad injuries
Because he doesn't understand the concept so well.
Personality: Eccentric, spontaneous, dense, sometimes childish and snarky
Other: Suzuya usually has about ten kinds of pocket knives with him at all times, along with his beloved Sewing needle as he likes to stitch himself up from any cuts Or injuries. also noted how he likes to call his stitching 'Art'.

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Name: Takeshi (Timmy) Ito
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Traits: Nervous, cautious, prefers to be in the background of things
Personality: Timmy is a nervous young Japanese man, he's extremely incompetent and high-strung when in social situations. He loves science and technology, and is very good with computers. Almost as if he is one himself.
Other: He has two metal replacements for arms, they end in rudimentary hands. Basically it's a metal bone structure without the skin and muscle. As a result, these metal arms pack quite a punch. Timmy also has a high pain tolerance, and a not-so-good relationship with his parents. He lives on the streets. He can play the viola and uses that to try and support himself as a street preformer.
(I hope that was a good enough profile .~. also does this count as an anime picture? Sorry it's so small >n<)
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Name: Takeshi Ito
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Traits: Nervous, cautious, prefers to be in the background of things
Personality: Takeshi is a nervous young Japanese man, he's extremely incompetent and high-strung when in social situations. He loves science and technology, and is very good with computers. Almost as if he is one himself.
Other: He has two metal replacements for arms, they end in rudimentary hands. Basically it's a metal bone structure without the skin and muscle. As a result, these metal arms pack quite a punch. Takeshi also has a high pain tolerance, and a not-so-good relationship with his parents. He lives on the streets. He can play the viola and uses that to try and support himself as a street preformer.
(I hope that was a good enough profile .~. also does this count as an anime picture? Sorry it's so small >n<)


Do you have any other pictures you can provide?? though if not due to how perfect your form is, I don't think we should have any problems. ^^
LOL this is temping to try. cause like idk I feel like just filling out the form, that's it xD
LOL this is temping to try. cause like idk I feel like just filling out the form, that's it xD
Kimmy honeybae you do not understand how automatically I will accept you No seriously please come play with me. <3 <3
Name: Teela
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Traits: Silly, playful, has a tendency to doubt herself
Personality: She can quickly open up to others. She isn't very smart, but she has excellent memory.
Other: Somewhat paranoid
[Will get picture.]
Name: Mary Onette
Nicknames: Puppet Girl Get it? Because her name sounds like marionette, like the puppet? Eh? Ehh?
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Traits:Easily distracted, easily scared, clingy (physically), kind, loud, emotional, childish
Personality: Mary is exhausting. The nickname "Puppet Girl" is pretty accurate, considering her personality is on par with a Muppet. She's flamboyant, unpredictable, loud, and very expressive. Her childish outlook on life makes everything seem new and exciting. Mary tends to be very hyper and bouncy most of the time, but when she's hurt or scared, she tends to get "fussy". Acting her age is something she doesn't like to do.
Other: Sucks on her bottom lip a lot, and bites her cuticles.

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Name: Teela
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Traits: Silly, playful, has a tendency to doubt herself
Personality: She can quickly open up to others. She isn't very smart, but she has excellent memory.
Other: Somewhat paranoid
[Will get picture.]

Hi um!~ sorry if this is asking a little much, but could you please include a little more information about her?? ^^ Everyone else has given quite a bit of information about their characters, and as I would like to really know the character, with how little you wrote, it's hard to understand Teela. ;w;
Sorry if it's a lot to ask! <3

- - - Post Merge - - -

Name: Mary Onette
Nicknames: Puppet Girl Get it? Because her name sounds like marionette, like the puppet? Eh? Ehh?
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Traits:Easily distracted, easily scared, clingy (physically), kind, loud, emotional, childish
Personality: Mary is exhausting. The nickname "Puppet Girl" is pretty accurate, considering her personality is on par with a Muppet. She's flamboyant, unpredictable, loud, and very expressive. Her childish outlook on life makes everything seem new and exciting. Mary tends to be very hyper and bouncy most of the time, but when she's hurt or scared, she tends to get "fussy". Acting her age is something she doesn't like to do.
Other: Sucks on her bottom lip a lot, and bites her cuticles.

Hi. <3
I'm going to review your character but first I would like to ask which of the pictures you would like to use, as we can only use one for the profile?? ^^
Sorry, I'm horrible at character bios XD... Would it be okay if she works for the owners of the mansion but has no idea on what they're planning" I think it would add alittle chaos... Lovely, lovely chaos...
The second one, please.
Thank you. <3 I sent you an quick pm~

- - - Post Merge - - -

Sorry, I'm horrible at character bios XD... Would it be okay if she works for the owners of the mansion but has no idea on what they're planning" I think it would add alittle chaos... Lovely, lovely chaos...
Oh no it's fine, just please try your best. ^^ It'll help a lot! eeeek, sorry we're strict. <3 but it will really fun I promise~

On the other hand, I can't decide that on my own, we have to wait for Deerui and I will ask her, I can take your request into consideration however. ^^
Name: Teela
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Traits: Silly, playful, has a tendency to doubt herself. Her parents died in a car crash when she was only 9, leaving her with no living relitives. She was then hired by the owners of the mansion as a maid, happily taking the permanent job to ease her mind from her parent's death.
Personality: She can quickly open up to others. She isn't very smart, but she has excellent memory.
Other: Somewhat paranoid
The second one, please.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Name: Teela
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Traits: Silly, playful, has a tendency to doubt herself. Her parents died in a car crash when she was only 9, leaving her with no living relitives. She was then hired by the owners of the mansion as a maid, happily taking the permanent job to ease her mind from her parent's death.
Personality: She can quickly open up to others. She isn't very smart, but she has excellent memory.
Other: Somewhat paranoid
Thank you for filling out the form again. ^^ before I accept I will sending it to Deerui for review since you want a different role than most. <3
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