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To People With Multiple Towns:


Senior Member
Jun 13, 2015
Do you ever feel like you're cheating on your original town?

I recently got a second copy of the game (For free because Gamestop made a mistake!) I had been getting a little bored in the game, and had been tempted to start over, but I'd spent so much time and energy on my town, and I love it so much that I couldn't bear to demolish it. Now that I have another town, I feel kind of bad for spending less time in my original game. I still check in everyday, but I don't spend as much time in it because of the other town. It is kind of fun though, I've chosen a better map, my mayor has a better face, and I feel like I can plan the town better because I'm more familiar with what's coming. Also, the villagers have been golden: Portia, Stitches, Bam, and Tia have all been starters or moved in on their own, so that's not hurting life.

For starting a new town this no longer plotting on patterns is beautiful, no plot resetting, and I can choose exactly where move ins are allowed, I've temporarily put patterns all over town, but hey, it's a small price to pay.
These are my exact thoughts and I haven't even gotten my second copy yet. I do fear that I will be spending more time playing my second town than my first. Sure my first town is great and almost done, but there is nothing really left to do. I hope to find a balance.
Don't worry. This happened to me when I first got my second town :p If you're bored of your first town, you're gonna be bored of it regardless. It's nice to have a second town to do something new and fresh. Eventually, you'll start to want to play in your original town more, and will end up spending most of your time there :p Especially once your second one becomes really developed. Overall, this is a shiny new town you have. Of course you're going to want to spend more time. But eventually it'll just end up being which town you feel like playing in :)
Do you ever feel like you're cheating on your original town?

I recently got a second copy of the game (For free because Gamestop made a mistake!) I had been getting a little bored in the game, and had been tempted to start over, but I'd spent so much time and energy on my town, and I love it so much that I couldn't bear to demolish it. Now that I have another town, I feel kind of bad for spending less time in my original game. I still check in everyday, but I don't spend as much time in it because of the other town. It is kind of fun though, I've chosen a better map, my mayor has a better face, and I feel like I can plan the town better because I'm more familiar with what's coming. Also, the villagers have been golden: Portia, Stitches, Bam, and Tia have all been starters or moved in on their own, so that's not hurting life.

For starting a new town this no longer plotting on patterns is beautiful, no plot resetting, and I can choose exactly where move ins are allowed, I've temporarily put patterns all over town, but hey, it's a small price to pay.

I hate Gamestop, you are my hero!
I've never felt this way. The reason I created multiple towns was to acquire villagers I wanted but that didn't fit into my other towns, either because I was full of dream villagers I wanted to keep already or because the villager didn't fit with the other towns' themes.

That said, I'm not as sentimental as others here regarding Animal Crossing and I actually don't play it most of the time. I take long breaks, sometimes months long, and keep track of the last time I played so I can just time travel back to it and not lose any villagers or suffer any other damage. When I do play, I tend to get interested again and check up on all of my towns, so none of them really go neglected.

I'm also far less involved than many, as I have never bothered to decorate my towns with patterns. As such, there isn't much I'd be abandoning or "cheating on."
I kind of hate them too, but I needed an NFC reader and Happy Home Designer for my Mom for Christmas and they had the best deal on it, but when they sent it, they only sent me HHD, no NFC. So I took it in there and they called their assistance line or whatever, I stood there for 25 minutes while the dude was on hold. Finally, they just gave me the game back, and told me they'd give me a call when they got through. About 15 minutes later they called and I was still in the mall. They told me the right game would be sent overnight, and I could keep the other HHD. However, I already have HHD, and no one needs three copies of HHD. So, I went back over and asked if I could exchange it for a copy of New Leaf, and they agreed. It was a good day.
When you want to make another town, do you need to buy a new 3DS or just a new game? I kind of want to make a new town, too.
When you want to make another town, do you need to buy a new 3DS or just a new game? I kind of want to make a new town, too.
If you want to trade between the town's a second 3ds is a great idea. If not then just buy a new game.
ahh yeah I miss my first town, especially since it has a lot of my favourite villagers. I'm resetting it on jan 1 to start over because I'm just not that attached to it anymore and only kept it because of the villagers.. so I'll be playing both soon. I'm gonna come up with a time schedule to play each town now so I don't feel so bad hahah.
I kind of know what you mean. I have two towns and I can't maintain interest in the both of them at the same time. I always neglect the other one while playing the other. It's just the way I am. I get super into something and can't find a balance.

It doesn't really make me feel like I'm cheating on my older town but I do feel bad that I spent money on two copies when one of them is always laying around unused. Not to mention that all the time and effort I put into a town goes to waste when I suddenly decide to reset it after coming back to it later.
I have two copies and use my first a lot more. I have finished my town or house yet so I'm waiting to start my second town's paths and such until I'm satisfied with town 1.
What your other town doesn't know, won't hurt it c; c; c; c; c; c; c; c;
Lol anyway nah, I don't feel like I'm cheating or anything. You always go back eventually, it's whatever.
I never felt that I was cheating my villagers or town, my first will always be my main. I have achieved many things in it that I do not plan to re-achieve in my second town. My second copy was mainly to help me better my main town anyways. For example, I do weeding in the second town to get a badge, I have higher chances for good turnip prices, I can get more mushrooms and clovers and more. On top of all of this it gives me an opportunity to create another pretty town which is so much fun. :)

I probably would feel like this if my original Anthroia hadn't been deleted by my cousin :/ 2 years of love and bad choices, that are completely gone now thanks to the update eating my old dream address </3

As it is, I started Milky Sky as a replacement town. I still miss my old one, but MilkySky is my ideal town. I set everything up just the way I want with everyone I want... But I did it through a combination of a year in-game and, well, since I lost my original town, I started hacking. But I won't go into detail because forum rules~ Basically, it's my new main town and I set the dates to the NA release date, etc. I love it to bits.

However, not everyone is a fan of hacking, and a friend of mine got on my case about not really playing the game (even though I earned all my badges and actively played the game, all I did was move trees). I wanted to keep my cycling town, and I don't care how anyone feels about it, MilkySky is my pride and joy, and I'll never erase it. None the less, I wanted to play with people that didn't support hacking, and I wanted to prove to my friend that I could play just fine without cheating or hacking stuff to move it. So, I got a digital copy, and re-named it Anthroia as a call-back to my original town. I got Daisy, one of my favorite villagers from my GC town, so I stuck with an AWFUL town layout. I kinda regret that...

Now, I've been working on my digital copy of the game, but I still visit MilkySky. I neglected MilkySky for three months while I was working on the other town. When I can back, all my dreamies were so concerned about me, and so caring... Being back there reminded me of how much I love that town. It kinda feels wierd jumping back and fourth now, but it's nice having something to work towards. I dunno~ I guess I feel like I'm cheating on MS with Anthroia--- or even the other way around... But they each have their own charm! I'm not going to lie though, I frequently think very seriously about wiping out Anthroia and starting fresh... I might do that for the 2017 1/1 challenge, I haven't decided yet.

Try not to feel bad though! I mean, each town has its charm, and you probably have two totally different attachments to each one, right? They're special in their own ways <3

I don't think it's cheating, cheating brings methods of what's seen as negative aspects but with a second town you get more villagers to explore their personalities, and who knows what you'll end up falling in love with all over again or from a brand new start !
I have three towns, and I just try to balance them all out. Depending on my mood, I'll play one town more than the others, but that's normal. It's okay to play one town more than the other(s), but just remember to check up on your other town(s) to make sure you don't lose a villager you like.