To all the 18+ people... I have a question.

I thought this was gonna be some really dirty question that only 18+ could look at aha
But anyway I'm 19 and still look 16
A lot of people tell me I look like I'm in my 20's and I'm like... Wow thanks I look older than I really am. :\ (I'm 17)
Hm, when I was 13 people thought I was a older than my age.
But since I'm 17 now, people think the opposite & say I look younger than my age. ;;
I am 18 and I look the exact same as I did at age 11. Epona confirmed for member of Cullen family
I still look 12, and I'm 16 (not 18+ but oh well.) In fact...some days I feel like I've aged backwards and my face has gotten more baby-ish.

I'm probably Benjamin Button.
Thanks for the responses. I see a lot of varied responses, haha, I can relate to most of you guys because i too don't look 17...
I'm 22 and starting to notice bags under my eyes and lines around my lips. You'll notice different changes depending on culture, ethnicity, eating and lifestyle habits, etc.
My face didn't really change at all from 16-18. Only now at 20 am I starting to see subtle changes in my face. It's a pretty obvious difference when I compare pics from now to pics 4 years ago, but nothing major (20 is still really young obviously), just a general impression that the boyish adolescent look is kind of going away. I also grow noticeably more facial hair now a 20 than I did only 2 years ago. No signs of balding, yet, thank god.
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