Thought Bubble Over The Same Villager Again?


Tom Nook Fan
May 5, 2020
Tasty Cake
New Horizons Token
Okay so I'm having a bit of an issue with the "moving out" thought bubble. On Friday Anabelle had the thought bubble over her head. I made sure it was the "I want to move" bubble and closed the game before it could give me the option to either make her stay or go. (I don't want for her leave, I want for Olaf to leave.) I re-started the game and the thought bubble was back over her head and she kept walking around, thinking. I didn't talk to her again on that day, just as it's recommended because the bubble is supposed to go to another villager, right? And since I want for Olaf to leave, at some point the bubble should be over his head, right? At least that's what I've gathered so far?

I played the game again on Saturday (I don't do time travel) and there was no thought bubble whatsoever because my villagers were either inside their homes or listening to KK Slider who was playing in front of Resident Services. Okay. So far, so good. Then I played the game again yesterday (Sunday) and the thought bubble was back, alright - but again over Anabelle's head. Is this normal? I checked again to make sure it was the "I want to leave" bubble and yup, it was. Closed the game again before it could make me choose and the bubble was back over her head when I re-started. Didn't talk to her for the rest of the day at all. I played again today and there hasn't been a thought bubble yet. Which is kinda strange? I mean every single Youtube video I've watched about this said that the thought bubble will move on to a different villager. But mine was over Anabelle's head on two different days (with one day without any thought bubble in between).

What am I supposed to do now? Does this mean Anabelle REALLY wants to leave VERY BADLY or is it some kind of glitch?
you're just unlucky unfortunately. i tted for days to get a certain villager to move and there were multiple times where the same villager would want to move twice in a row for whatever reason, genji and zucker in particular really seemed to want to leave and it was honestly really hard to get anyone else.

i'm not sure what exactly decides which villager asks, the only thing i know for sure though is that the most recent villager to move in cannot ask to move. i would say tho that it is gonna be difficult to get one specific villager to leave without tting. ;_; it took almost 3 months ingame for the villager i wanted to ping me
there is no "amount" that a villager wants to move, it should be the same for everyone so long as they meet the criteria to move out. I think the chance that a villager ends up giving you the "move out" dialogue goes down if they have given you their photo goes down simply because there are other dialogue options you can get from the thought bubble at that point. Other than that, yeah looks like you may have just got unlucky.
just unlucky rng unfortunately. sometimes villagers won't prompt if its a saturday or an event or what ever reason have you. i get a lot of pings on sundays but other people get em during the week.

i think CATEGORICALLY the best way to FORCE CHANGE who has the bubble is this way

sometimes the rng will still pick the same person, but in my experience this is much less likely than the method of simply changing the day.

good luck !
Thanks for the replies, everyone - first and foremost I'm glad it isn't a glitch. I was really worried I'd done something to upset the game.

just unlucky rng unfortunately. sometimes villagers won't prompt if its a saturday or an event or what ever reason have you. i get a lot of pings on sundays but other people get em during the week.

i think CATEGORICALLY the best way to FORCE CHANGE who has the bubble is this way

sometimes the rng will still pick the same person, but in my experience this is much less likely than the method of simply changing the day.

good luck !

Unfortunately this method seems to involve time traveling which is not something I want to do... I'm determined to play this the old-fashioned way, lol. But again, I'm really glad it's not a glitch.

And yeah I think the reason why there wasn't any thought bubble on Saturday was KK Slider. My villagers love him and are always sitting there with him. I'm curious as to whether there will be one later today. Probably not since the museum event is going on... ah well. Patience... patience.
Thanks for the replies, everyone - first and foremost I'm glad it isn't a glitch. I was really worried I'd done something to upset the game.

Unfortunately this method seems to involve time traveling which is not something I want to do... I'm determined to play this the old-fashioned way, lol. But again, I'm really glad it's not a glitch.

And yeah I think the reason why there wasn't any thought bubble on Saturday was KK Slider. My villagers love him and are always sitting there with him. I'm curious as to whether there will be one later today. Probably not since the museum event is going on... ah well. Patience... patience.

it actually doesn't require tt !

it just takes a lot longer, because generally people tt to find/force the islander w the bubble and bc the aforementioned saturdays and events. since you already have a bubble - just follow the process like it says and then every new day check and see. promise it works, i have done it both with tt and without. :D
it actually doesn't require tt !

it just takes a lot longer, because generally people tt to find/force the islander w the bubble and bc the aforementioned saturdays and events. since you already have a bubble - just follow the process like it says and then every new day check and see. promise it works, i have done it both with tt and without. :D

Ooooh okay! I only saw "time travel to the next day"... thought it was a requirement to do that. But yeah, true, I can also simply wait. I'll try this... geez... the things I do to get Olaf to leave... :LOL:
Ooooh okay! I only saw "time travel to the next day"... thought it was a requirement to do that. But yeah, true, I can also simply wait. I'll try this... geez... the things I do to get Olaf to leave... :LOL:

all good ! haha, i know the pain. i literally travelled for 5 months trying to get sly to move out before i switched to this method and got him out in 4 days.

wild how some of them just don't wanna...leave
all good ! haha, i know the pain. i literally travelled for 5 months trying to get sly to move out before i switched to this method and got him out in 4 days.

wild how some of them just don't wanna...leave

Yeah they really can't seem to take a hint... lol. I mean not speaking to them for 2 weeks should help with them getting an "I want to leave" thought bubble, at least according to Youtube "advice" - but it hasn't helped me with Olaf at all. He just continues to be on my island while awesome people like Anabelle want to leave, and I speak to her every day and give her presents and we exchange letters... it makes absolutely no sense. :LOL:
Yeah they really can't seem to take a hint... lol. I mean not speaking to them for 2 weeks should help with them getting an "I want to leave" thought bubble, at least according to Youtube "advice" - but it hasn't helped me with Olaf at all. He just continues to be on my island while awesome people like Anabelle want to leave, and I speak to her every day and give her presents and we exchange letters... it makes absolutely no sense. :LOL:
Ignoring villagers doesn't actually affect the chances they're going to move out at all.
Yeah they really can't seem to take a hint... lol. I mean not speaking to them for 2 weeks should help with them getting an "I want to leave" thought bubble, at least according to Youtube "advice" - but it hasn't helped me with Olaf at all. He just continues to be on my island while awesome people like Anabelle want to leave, and I speak to her every day and give her presents and we exchange letters... it makes absolutely no sense. :LOL:

oooh not to be a debbie downer, but its been proven that not talking to them does not help -

actually bc you havent talked to them, they are actually waiting to run the specific dialogue for it before they could ever even ping you to leave. i've heard from countless people who cycling villagers out naturally for threads that if they don't talk to someone - they don't ping to leave. whereas the people you talk to, do.

it's not rng, but a game mechanic that says if you havent talked to your villagers in a while, they actually notice and want to have a conversation (sometimes angrily) with you about it, haha
Aaaaarghhh, lol! Then why do all those Youtubers (independently from one another) claim that ignoring a specific villager helps to get them to move out? They always say "just ignore them, after two weeks or so they will have a thought bubble and ask to move out"? :eek: Okay, time to start talking to Olaf again, I guess...thanks everyone! I'm such a noob with this game. lol
Hello, just jumping in to say that I've had the same villager wanting to move for the third day in a row today (I don't TT so it's even more frustrating). Anybody has advice ? Should I finally tell him no and just wait for the thought bubble cooldown to pass ?
Is there a special thought bubble specifically for moving out? One that you can see before you even talk to them?

If there is, I've missed it, but if there isn't, there are multiple reasons villagers can have thought bubbles.
I've researched that and the main difference is that the move out thought bubble won't disappear if you enter a building or travel, for example. And this one does stick... I'm gonna try today just to make sure (talk to him and leave before auto save) but I checked this way the 2 past days and both times it was indeed the move out though bubble
In another thread here it has been shown that lower friendship with a villager does increase the probability that they will ask to move out.

I checked and it is indeed the move out thought bubble, again...

In another thread here it has been shown that lower friendship with a villager does increase the probability that they will ask to move out.

That's also one of my concerns, as the villager asking to move out is one of my 2 first ones, I have talked to him a lot and gifted him stuff, so our friendship should be much higher than others (for instance, the 2 other villagers i've been ignoring and hitting ; our friendship level is so low i can't even give them gifts)

I'm a bit lost...
I never see this mentioned, but I have a theory that it's not actually whether or not you complete the conversation that determines whether the bubble will transfer the next day. Most people just experience it that way because they check to confirm that the villager wants to move VERY QUICKLY and then close the game.

At one point, Benedict wanted to move and I wasn't sure what to do. I let the game idle for a few minutes on the stay vs. go decision screen before deciding I liked him too much to let him go, then closed the game without saving so someone new would want to move the next day. Instead, Benedict wanted to move for three more consecutive days. I had to actually decline his request and wait 5 days to get a new move-out.

It could have just been really bad RNG, but I'm pretty sure that because the game autosaved while I was talking to Benedict, he was "set" as the villager wanting to move out. In all other circumstances, when I've checked the move-out request and then closed out quickly while making sure the game had NOT saved since I started the conversation, I have been able to get a different villager wanting to move each day. Is it possible that your game autosaved while you talked to Anabelle about her moving plans?
It might have happened, I can't know for sure. I'll see tomorrow morning but if he still has that bubble I'll assume you are right, and tell him to stay. Funny thing is, the villager I'm talking about is Antonio, your profile pic lol
It might have happened, I can't know for sure. I'll see tomorrow morning but if he still has that bubble I'll assume you are right, and tell him to stay. Funny thing is, the villager I'm talking about is Antonio, your profile pic lol

yeah i have to agree with @Sheando ! autosave probably caught you at some point and bc you haven't done anything to move it along, it's gonna stay there. tbh i love the 'move the villager's house' method much more, bc it doesn't matter if you get caught by autosave, it will still work to reset the bubble.