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I like this idea a lot. a lot of times I'll get old villagers back cuz I miss them or w/e so this can be away for idk a final goodbye? I'm 2 cheesy for this lol bye. I'll probably draw something later tho
It is a fun concept to toy with, I'm always happy to see another person join in. I look forward to seeing whatever you may contribute.
Hybrids are pretty rare in The Void due to most people being careful not to trample them, but there was one very small rose garden that stood out, these flowers were not trampled, they were a gift that one sweet and sensitive deer kept safe. There were three groups of roses that Fauna tended to outside her house; pink, gold, and black, each sent with a letter filled with kind words during the last three days spent in the small town of Crystal, and on her last day she sent a letter back with a picture of herself to say her own farewell to her old friend.

Suddenly a shadow loomed over Fauna, "Nice flowers" a voice said in a tone that was anything but nice. She turned to see a rhino looking down at her. "Th-thanks, a little gardening helps brighten things up around here don't you think Miss...?" Fauna said in a nervous tone. The rhino snorted derisively. "Rhonda, I'd bet that even in a dump like this those would be pretty valuable." Rhonda started to reach down for the gold roses. "No!" Fauna blurted while moving between her roses and Rhonda. "These roses are all I have, you can't take them!" Rhonda scowled at the deer who was desperately trying not to turn tail and run. "I can't have them? Who's gonna stop me? You?" Rhonda lowered her horn and looked ready to charge. Whether she found some courage or was just frozen like a deer in headlights Fauna stood her ground.

Rhonda started to charge but before she could take two steps a sheep came out of seemingly nowhere and rammed the side of her, veering her off course into a tree. "I'd say you should pick on someone your own size, but I don't know anyone who's size is XXXL! Heh, that was a good one-liner, are you still conscious or should I write that down for later?" Fauna cautiously approached the sheep. "Curlos?" The ram stopped patting himself on the back and looked up. "Oh hey Fauna, I didn't see you there, I was just headbutting angry rhinos for no particular reason and if you tell anyone I helped you I'll deny it." Fauna blinked with confusion plainly visible on her face. "What?" Curlos chuckled dryly. "Everyone is more likely to leave you alone and not mess with you when they think your crazy, try it sometime, you're already willing to die over some stupid flowers so I'd say you're already halfway there." Curlos cackled maniacally as Fauna pouted, "They aren't stupid, they were a gift from our old mayor, Aidan."

Curlos's laugh cut off suddenly and his mirth evaporated. He turned to Fauna with a cold look in his eyes as she took a nervous step back at his sudden change in demeanor. "Don't speak that name to me, I'm sure he was a sweetheart to you with those silly letters but I never got that treatment, he gets his panties in a twist because he hates my scarf and my prized painting I sold to him turns out to be a fake but most of all because I'm not cool enough for his elitist medieval fantasy town with its knights and whatnot." "But he wouldn't-" "He wouldn't what? I'm not the only one, he voided Bam in a heartbeat to get some stupid jock eagle in a knight helmet because he is a cold-hearted jerk! Like every other mayor who cursed me to this place before and every other mayor I'll have next time I escape. Aidan is nothing but a-oof!"

Curlos's rant was cut short as a shovel hit him in the stomach, knocking his breath out of him. Fauna wasn't gardening with her bare hooves after all and her shovel had been leaning against her house until she used it to shut Curlos up. "Don't you talk about him like that, I know you had some bad experiences her but that wasn't his fault Curlos!" Curlos painfully tried to stand up straight while clutching his stomach. "I know you wouldn't get it, being little-miss-tier-1 who rarely sets her dainty little hooves in The Void but he could've stopped you from coming here, I would have been difficult to give away but he had no excuse with you. You should hate him more than anyone but you are just too foolish to-whoa!" This time Curlos dodged the shovel but now Fauna was mad.

"Ooh my head, what..." Rhonda glanced up to see Fauna yelling angrily while swinging a shovel at a maniacally laughing sheep. "Whatever, I have better places to be..." Rhonda murmured quietly before slipping away.

"You are nothing but a bitter old psycho! If you think for a moment you're better than the rest of the bullies in The Void then-!" Curlos caught Fauna's shovel with his axe and chuckled quietly. "That's enough, Rhonda has already slunk off to whatever run-down hut she calls home." Fauna once again paused in confusion. "What?" Curlos chuckled once more. "Wailing on a psycho like me will give you a reputation, I don't think anyone will mess with your garden again once word gets out that you can handle yourself against Crazy Curlos." Curlos punctuates his statement with insane laughter as Fauna paused to let his words sink in. "You did this on purpose? You got me mad enough to fight you... To protect me?"

"Don't get me wrong, I still hate Aidan with a passion, and like I said if you tell anyone I helped you I'll deny it, but if you can use your anger without being consumed by it then you'll have no trouble. It isn't easy, I've already been mostly consumed by my own anger but you have something to hold onto, stay sane my friend." Curlos backed away into the shadows, apparently in an attempt to vanish dramatically but his periwinkle scarf stood out. "I can still see you Curlos." Fauna called out with mild exasperation. "No you can't!" Curlos replied as he darted off at a run, eventually vanishing into the dark.

I have wanted to write a Void story for Fauna for a while now and I think it came out better than I planned. Thank you Nanobyte for letting me use your Rhonda, she was perfect for this. Your own story portrayed her as a resentful jerk that hates her old mayor and Curlos could be described in the same way but his attitude turned out different, I couldn't have asked for a better foil for Curlos.

Almost forgot to comment on your latest chapter, it was amazing. Your portrayal of Curlos was perfect, from defending the innocent in his own crazy way to his vanishing into the dark. Couldn't have written him better myself.

Thanks! I have to say the same bout how you portrayed Rhonda. The story was an excellent read, and I hope you continue to make more!
Freckles' Void - Chapter 6 - Birds of a Feather
I walked back to Village with dull, gray peaches and cherries. They didn't look quite as delicious as the ones in Acadiana...
"Ouch!" I fell backward, my fruits tumbling onto the dusty gray earth of The Void.

"Ah! I'm so sorry!" A quiet voice said, surprised and embarrassed. A brown duck helped me to my feet. "Ugh, I wish I would watch where I'm going..." The duck rushed to my fruits and gathered them up in a hurry, ignoring whatever she had dropped on the ground. She dropped the heap of food back into my basket and handed it to me. "Sorry about that! I'm always a little...you know..." She pointed at her head and spun her outstretched feather around, laughing nervously. "...out of this world." She bent down and picked up the cluttered contents of what looked like a net. "So, you must be Freckles! I've heard about you, but I was gone during the ceremony." As she picked up the contents of her net, it was clear to me that the items she dropped were fish of some sort. Fish? Weird.

"Y-yeah, that's me." I stuttered nervously. "I'm Freckles." The brown duck beamed at me.

"Well, welcome to the Void!" As she continued scooping up her fish, she stopped abruptly. "Ah! I don't think I've introduced myself. I'm Molly." She rubbed the back of her head awkwardly. "Well, uh, it's nice to meet you. Hey, since I'm bringing this food to Hope village..." She raised her net full of fish slightly. "Do you want to come with me? We can talk more on the way there. You seem much friendlier than all the other animals here in the void." I blushed at the compliment.

"Sure! You know what they say; birds of a feather stick together!" We both laughed for a while, then Molly stopped, and was calm once more.

"Since I know the way, you can follow me! Come on!" She walked towards the thick, dense forest. The trees were huge, much bigger than the ones in Acadiana.

"Hey, Molly? Do you know what's up with these trees?" I asked, beginning to shiver as I remembered going to gather fruit for the first time.

"Hm, oh? Oh! Yeah! I wondered that too when I first came. These are trees known as wild trees." I suddenly remembered riding the train to Acadiana many years ago, when I was just a little kid. I remember looking out the window and seeing huge towering trees. "In towns like my own, the saplings that were imported were...um...I think they were called Miniscule Dwarves. It was to prevent overcrowding and to let in sunlight" She looked back at me. "Well, we best be going! These fish are going to go bad before the villagers of Hope can eat them." We walked a little faster.

As we walked, I noticed that Molly's face had grown dark.


"Hm?" She snapped her head up, looking surprised.

"Are...Are you okay?" Her face grew dark once again.

"It's...it's nothing. Just something that's been bothering me for a while now... but it's...it's silly." She laughed nervously. "I should stop thinking about it." Something was clearly wrong here.

"You don't seem okay. Is something wrong?" I badgered. I needed to know what was troubling the poor girl. She kept denying that she was bothered at all, and after three or four attempts, I knew it wasn't going to work. We stayed silent for the remainder of the trip.

"...Well, look, we're here!" We arrived in a clearing, my eyes weren't used to the light. It was as if it was the first time they had ever seen it! Hope wasn't quite as developed as Village, it lacked rough gravel paths, and the huts were rather shabby, and hastily made of reeds and sticks. It wasn't quite as happy as Village either... if you could call Village happy. Many of the villagers were rather tired looking, and appeared agitated. I saw a regal looking cat speaking in rough Animalese to an agitated looking Octopus, who often snapped at her. I saw a rabbit sporting a hat sitting on a rock, and a distraught looking deer holding a shovel.

"Freckles, stay here." Molly whispered. She then walked forward with her bag of fish, and gave it to a white squirrel, who then went to a pit of blackened rocks, and attempted to start a fire. All of the villagers gathered around, holding gray sticks and branches, some shoving eachother out of the way, and some even hitting and biting to get close to the pit of rocks.

"The poor things." Molly came jogging back. "They can never find enough food to eat. That's why we have Peacekeepers. You see, there's a lot of villages and settlements in The Void, and Village is one of the bigger and more successful ones. The smaller, struggling villages, like Hope, expect the larger Villages to aid them in times of need. I heard that before Peacekeepers came, there were terrible fights between villages over food... I guess that's why we're called Peacekeepers!"

Some villagers withdrew from the rock pit to go find sticks to roast their fish, some even taking sticks from huts, outraging their occupants. Soon, after lots of pushing, biting, and harsh words, the villagers sat calmly around the fire, roasting small portions of fish. "Well, it looks like they'll be fine for now. Come on, let's go back to Village."

Story Notes
Molly's going to be a very important character in this series. You'll find out more about her later!

Also, lots of cameos. Lots.​
Thanks! I have to say the same bout how you portrayed Rhonda. The story was an excellent read, and I hope you continue to make more!

I'm glad to hear you say that, I'm actually working on a big story about my voided villagers, most of them anyway. I figure on giving a chapter to each villager of mine that found their niche in The Void. I may reuse Fauna and Bam's stories for their chapters but the rest will give new insight on Curlos, Bella, and even Tammy who was the first villager I wrote about for The Void.

I like your latest chapter, I'm not sure who the regal cat is but is that agitated octopus Octavian? I haven't written for him yet but I planned on giving him a chapter in my big story. I never really liked him, didn't even realize he was popular until I sent him to The Void, but I think he'll be fun to write about. Seriously the first time he asked to move he changed his mind when I encouraged it and the second time I thought to try reverse psychology (I was pretty new to the game back then), it drove me nuts. He was the least favorite of all the villagers I ever had but despite the threatening letters I sent and digging pitfalls around his home I wound up with two villager pics of him.

I made a quick minimalist anthropomorphic line-art drawing of him on paint, he was wearing a suit I designed so he looks like a red Slenderman.
My first story. Dont worry about me not doing these ' in words like don't, doesn't, its a habit, so ignore it please
I was going to my Grandmas town called Happiness, and everything seemed normal until this all happened. First my name is Sasha, no I will not tell you my last name, because my mother says that I will get kidnapped and killed if I do, somehow (I don't believe that really.) but I will tell you that I am 13 and a half years old.

First off I was on a train heading to Happiness, my Nana's town. The ride was approx. a hour and 30 minutes. It was pretty early like 9:00, because I was gonna be at my Nana's town for a few hours and my mother did not want me on the train at night. Due to the earliness I was jostled off my bed at 7:00 so I could get ready and pack my stuff. So I was asleep with my head on the luggage as a pillow, my caramel colored hair was everywhere. I was in a good dream when that crazy conducted started screeching at me in a weird monkey like voice.. Until I drowsily woke up and he wasn't yelling he was just on the loudspeaker.. That monkey voice though... "Now entering VOID." Now I was confused. I looked around and found a clock, I got on the train at about 9 o clock... Now its 11:00. 2 hours?

Now I was heading for a new town I knew NOTHING about. We pulled up at a dead looking town's train station. What's up with this place I asked myself. My only chance was to just play it cool, Relax! Its just a town... with a few kinks to work out with the gardening! Ill be at Nana's in no time.. I grabbed my luggage and stepped off the train. The station clock read 12:00Pm but.. it's 9:00!

Whatever, I asked the monkey for a train schedule but he did not answer, I got irritated and shook him after I asked like 6 more times. His eyes were glassy and dull. He just smiled creepily.. So I just shrugged it off and guessed he had mental issues. Then I looked at the bulletin board. No trains were coming in here it read in red chalk. "Maybe I could check somewhere else?" I stepped outside. Nobody was outside. There was a crosswalk to a set of stairs next to the train station but nothing else. "Sasha time to get serious..." I muttered to myself "Just find some empty house and sleep in it!" I decided to look for empty homes and just my luck, I found a empty house with only a bed and a working lantern in it. "Hello beauty sleep! I said"

So how does it look?
Freckle's Void - Chapter 7 - Molly's Story
Molly and I walked back down the long forest bath which led back to Village. After walking for about five minutes, Molly finally burst out.

"...Freckles?" She whispered, quietly and mournfully.

"...Hm? Oh, yeah, Molly?" I was snapped out of my daydream, which was quite a shame. There was plenty of cake, and rainbows, and it was snowing ice cream...

"...I feel like I can trust you, and you seem like someone I can actually talk to." Her voice was still soft, and I could hear it crack. I was taken aback by these words. What was she talking about?

"...W-well, uh, if you, um, never need to talk to someone, well...uh, Freckles is here!" I said, hoping I didn't say the wrong thing. Molly didn't look up. She was still clearly bothered by something.

"...Is it okay if I tell you something?" She asked, now looking at me with glassy, teary eyes. I felt immense pity for her.

"Sure! I-I'll be here, and I'll listen to what you have to say." She looked down again, and stopped in her tracks.

"I...I need to sit down for a while." She walked over to a large rock, and, as I expected, sat down. The rock was dangerously close the the thick, dark forest.

"...Er...Molly?" I asked nervously. She looked up at me, and seemed to know what was worrying me. She looked back at the forest, and she let out a small giggle.

"Oh, it's alright. The Lost never come this close to the paths and villages." Lost? "Oh, and The Lost are the animals who have lost their sanity." She told me, as if she had read my mind. "Could you come and sit with me?" I didn't need to reply. I rushed to her side like a good friend, and awaited what she was about to say. "...What I'm about to say is kind of long... y-you can tell me if you don't have the time!" Her eyes filled with tears once more.

"N-no! Not at all! If you want to talk to me, I'll let you!" I said hastily. I didn't want her to cry again, no sir!


The train rattled across the tracks, and screeched as it came to a halt. "Bye Molly!" Rover waved to me as I stepped onto the platform with my suitcase. Porter and the train driver helped me get my boxes of furniture onto the platform with me, and once my things were unpacked, the train roared to life once more. As it started slowly moving, I could see Rover hanging out of the window, waving to me, only to be pulled back in by a brown pig right before his head hit the walls of the station. I giggled, and began moving my boxes to the house that Tom Nook had built for me.

I finally moved all of my boxes inside the house, and proceeded to unpack various pieces of furniture. Finally, at the end of day, almost half of my house was put back the way I wanted it to be. I flopped down on my bed, weary, and drifted off into sleep very quickly.

The next day, I got the rest of my things unpacked, and decided to take a walk around town. The grass was soft and lush, and it tickled my feet as I walked.

"Flex those muscles! You will never become a champ unless you flex those muscles!!!"

"H-hey, look! Am I doin' it right?"

"You're getting better but it's still weak! Flex! Flex!"

"I'm trying, Rod! Can I go home now? I want to eat some chocolate covered salt popcorn!"

"You can't eat that fatty muscle-musher unless you flex! Flex! Now do ten push ups! Ten!"

"Let me eat my popcorn!"

I found myself giggling at the ordeal, then bursting into hysterical laughter, then crying as I laughed my heart out. The two animals stopped and looked at me as if I had two heads. The orange dog crossed his arms, and got pouty, and then the purple mouse found himself laughing along. We both fell into the long, green grass, and laughed, until our faces were red and we were out of breath. The orange dog took this chance to sneak off into his house, presumably to eat snacks.

"Oh man..." I giggled. "You and that dog were just so... so..." I couldn't finish the sentence, instead I burst into laughter again. The purple mouse laughed along, but not as loudly and heartily.

"Yeah, I used to got a lot of funny stares before my friends all got used to my awesomeness. Hey, what's your name? I'm Rod!"

"Oh, me? I'm Molly! Nice to meet you!" We talked about various subjects, such as the weather, coffee, and the time. "Ah! It's almost six! Well, I have to go home to eat dinner! Bye Rod! I hope we can talk again sometime!" I rushed to my house, Rod waving in the distance.

I found it hard to sleep that night. I wanted to go talk and play with Rod again! He was a really great guy, and I warmed up to him quickly. I finally fell asleep, Rod filling my head.

Days passed, and our friendship only grew and grew.
We had conversations together all the time, we swam at the beach together, we bought each other gifts, and he even gave me a beautiful rare blue rose.

Dear Molly,
Mushy stuff is even mushier on Valentines day, so I'll just give this to you early.
-Don't give me cooties!

He was truly the greatest friend I had ever had.

Rod and I were walking past my house talking about different types of cakes, when Pete flew down from the sky, landing awkwardly on his feet. He placed a small pink letter in my mailbox. Upon noticing me, he tipped his hat, and flew back into the sky.

"One second, Rod! I need to check my mail."

Dear Molly,
I hope you're having fun living by yourself! It can be lonely, but you can make all new friends too! I hope you have done the latter. I, however, regret to inform you that you'll need to come back home for a while. Your father is still away, and I need to go on a business trip, and your grandmother has fallen ill. I'm terribly sorry that I had to take you away when your new life was just beginning! I promise you that once she has someone to take care of her, you can move back home to all of your friends. I promise.



Molly was sobbing uncontrollably into her wings. I gave her a pat on the back.

"It's okay. Your mother promised you'd see Rod again, and I promise too." I felt a pang of guilt at saying this. We might not even make it out of The Void. But we can. I convinced myself firmly.
"One day, you and me will make it back to our homes. I promise." Molly lifted up her tear stained face.

"Y-you really... you r-really-y think s-s-so?" She said, in between hiccups.

"Yeah." I nodded firmly, with a reassuring smile on my face. "First, let's go back to Village and get some rest."

Story Notes
Freckles should realize this, and maybe even Molly should realize this. Do you realize this? If you realize it, you'll know what I'm talking about.

Also, I ship Rod and Molly.
Don't ask. :3

And finally, this story is going to get intense and exciting real soon. Stay tuned!​
Last edited:
My first story. Dont worry about me not doing these ' in words like don't, doesn't, its a habit, so ignore it please
I was going to my Grandmas town called Happiness, and everything seemed normal until this all happened. First my name is Sasha, no I will not tell you my last name, because my mother says that I will get kidnapped and killed if I do, somehow (I don't believe that really.) but I will tell you that I am 13 and a half years old.

First off I was on a train heading to Happiness, my Nana's town. The ride was approx. a hour and 30 minutes. It was pretty early like 9:00, because I was gonna be at my Nana's town for a few hours and my mother did not want me on the train at night. Due to the earliness I was jostled off my bed at 7:00 so I could get ready and pack my stuff. So I was asleep with my head on the luggage as a pillow, my caramel colored hair was everywhere. I was in a good dream when that crazy conducted started screeching at me in a weird monkey like voice.. Until I drowsily woke up and he wasn't yelling he was just on the loudspeaker.. That monkey voice though... "Now entering VOID." Now I was confused. I looked around and found a clock, I got on the train at about 9 o clock... Now its 11:00. 2 hours?

Now I was heading for a new town I knew NOTHING about. We pulled up at a dead looking town's train station. What's up with this place I asked myself. My only chance was to just play it cool, Relax! Its just a town... with a few kinks to work out with the gardening! Ill be at Nana's in no time.. I grabbed my luggage and stepped off the train. The station clock read 12:00Pm but.. it's 9:00!

Whatever, I asked the monkey for a train schedule but he did not answer, I got irritated and shook him after I asked like 6 more times. His eyes were glassy and dull. He just smiled creepily.. So I just shrugged it off and guessed he had mental issues. Then I looked at the bulletin board. No trains were coming in here it read in red chalk. "Maybe I could check somewhere else?" I stepped outside. Nobody was outside. There was a crosswalk to a set of stairs next to the train station but nothing else. "Sasha time to get serious..." I muttered to myself "Just find some empty house and sleep in it!" I decided to look for empty homes and just my luck, I found a empty house with only a bed and a working lantern in it. "Hello beauty sleep! I said"

So how does it look?
I like it, there are a few grammar errors here and there; you need an apostrophe for Grandmas town unless it is a town specifically filled with lots of grandmas and unless VOID is an acronym then it doesn't need to be in all caps, if you want to put emphasis on how ominous it is I'd recommend using italics like Void or perhaps bold if that suits you better. I look forward to seeing where you go with this Cuteluka.


Nanobyte, I like your latest chapter, I look forward to your next part as well.
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Freckles' Void - Chapter 7.5 - Cray cray
I couldn't sleep all night! There weren't any clocks in this clockless place, but I guessed it was in the very early morning. All of my friends wouldn't be up right now! I wondered if Molly was as restless as I was. It had been a very hard day for her, and for all I know, she may of cried herself to sleep. I turned my head to check if Curt was still asleep. Indeed he was! He was motionless in a sprawl on the floor, his blanket had been kicked onto Phoebe, who was also sleeping soundly. I silently lifted myself off of my mat, and slowly walked outside. I took a careful look at the sky. About two hours.

I walked to the center of the village, where baskets of fruit and nets of fish lay, neatly organized into a circle inside the ring of pebbles. Using a large bag I had made while I was recovering from the fight with Rhonda, I placed about half of the food into the bag, most of it fruit. Fish were my friends, but I guess that in The Void, you can't be picky. I peeked into all of the huts that Molly could possibly be sleeping in, and then I found her. She was laying in a mess on the floor, her eyes bloodshot. Her blanket had multiple damp spots, presumably from her tears. She was staring blankly at the ceiling, until she saw me.

"F-" I held up my wing, and put my other to my mouth. She nodded, and quietly got out of her makeshift bed. I gestured for her to follow me, and we went down the forest path we had used to get to Hope. An hour and thirty minutes left.

"Freckles? What on earth are you doing?!" She asked quietly, but harsher than usual.

"Something insane." I told her flatly, crossing my arms and not looking at her.

"Tell me what." She said, worriedly and grumpily.

"...Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but I wanna go home, so lets go to the mountains.​
I can tell this is gonna be good, another great chapter Nanobyte.

By the way I tried to send you a private message and apparently you have too many stored and need to clear some out. I didn't even know that was a thing. What is the limit anyway? I'm worried I might have missed a message because I was expecting one. Is there an alert that tells you when you have too many? Anyway I'm gonna just post the message here because half of it is void-related anyway.
Is it cool if I use Alli for a couple chapters of my Void story? For a while I've been wanting an alligator who had completely lost it as an antagonist, before I actually have had a vague creature who can't quite be made out in the dark but is implied to be a gator and Alli fits perfectly. I know you've been fine with me using Rhonda but I just want to double check before settling on anything.

By the way I looked at the wishlist you have on your profile and I think I can help you out with a lot of that stuff, I'm a bit of a hoarder (in video games at least) so I have a surplus of ores and hybrids and other things so if you want to take them off my hands that would be cool. You don't have to pay for them, I just need to clean up a bit. I can also order about 27 of the things on your list like the sleek set and stuff but it could take a few days for all of it to come through the mail.
I love your story, Nanobyte. I can't wait for more chapters! o3o

Daisy was voided today, I'm thinking I'll give her a story.​
I can tell this is gonna be good, another great chapter Nanobyte.

By the way I tried to send you a private message and apparently you have too many stored and need to clear some out. I didn't even know that was a thing. What is the limit anyway? I'm worried I might have missed a message because I was expecting one. Is there an alert that tells you when you have too many? Anyway I'm gonna just post the message here because half of it is void-related anyway.
Is it cool if I use Alli for a couple chapters of my Void story? For a while I've been wanting an alligator who had completely lost it as an antagonist, before I actually have had a vague creature who can't quite be made out in the dark but is implied to be a gator and Alli fits perfectly. I know you've been fine with me using Rhonda but I just want to double check before settling on anything.

By the way I looked at the wishlist you have on your profile and I think I can help you out with a lot of that stuff, I'm a bit of a hoarder (in video games at least) so I have a surplus of ores and hybrids and other things so if you want to take them off my hands that would be cool. You don't have to pay for them, I just need to clean up a bit. I can also order about 27 of the things on your list like the sleek set and stuff but it could take a few days for all of it to come through the mail.

Oh, thank you very much! ^v^

I'll clear out my PM, and I'd gladly let you use any of my characters! I also recently got two entire sleek sets so I'm good on that, hehe, thank you very much! I'll definitely make more stories. They're super fun for me to write!

- - - Post Merge - - -

I love your story, Nanobyte. I can't wait for more chapters! o3o

Thank you so much! I'm really glad you and Cain like it!
Freckles' Void - Chapter 8 - Let's Go
Molly was silent as she stared at me, awestruck. She then looked down, scuffing her foot against the dirt. We stayed silent for a while, and then she finally spoke.

"We have to head down the Deep Forest path. Let's go." She looked up with a terrified smile. I smiled back at her.

"Lead the way."


She led me to the clearing where I had first went to gather fruit. I looked at the all-too familiar line of dirt and sticks, and saw a worn path leading into the dark depths of the forest. I looked back up at the sky. About an hour left. We need to move. The bag of food was very heavy on my shoulders, and they began to ache.

"H-hey Molly? Why aren't we going in...?" I glanced at her, and saw her sharpening sticks with a rock, with a focused look on her face.

"Always be prepared." She said, not looking at me. She tossed a sharpened stick to me, which I caught just before it poked me in the forehead. "Well, let's go home!" She hesitated, then stepped over the line. She let out her breath, which she had been holding in moments before. I stepped over the line without a care. We were armed and ready.

"M-" She quickly put her wing to my mouth. I nodded slowly, and we walked slowly and quietly. We walked for a while, and as we went, it got darker and darker. Soon enough, every noise seemed menacing, made it seem like something was waiting to pounce...


"HOLY SWEET C-COOOWWSSSS!" I jumped at least five feet into the air, and Molly looked equally scared, then extremely annoyed as the brown sheep from before jumped from a tree. "So it's you again?" I snorted, raising an eyebrow. "You've got a problem with trees and being a complete maniac."

"And you have a problem with crossing that line. Oh, also, I'm not you, I'm Curlos. Say it with me. Currrrr-Lose." He said, with fake hurt in his voice.

"Alright, Currrr-Lose. You have a problem with trees and being a complete maniac." I rolled my eyes. He furrowed his brow.

"I saved you from the blue lizard. You owed me one anyways." He snorted.

"Well, now we're even, then." I said flatly, checking in case there were any insane animals coming.

"Not quite." He waggled his eyebrows, and stuck out his tounge. "I saved your butt twice. You still owe me one more."

"You didn't save my butt, you just gave me a warning"

"Will you two shut up?!" Me and Curlos quit bickering, and turned to stare at Molly. She was looking extremely irritated. "Curlos, you go away into whatever tree you came from. And you...!" She pointed at me. "...are coming with me. You have no time to argue with him. Curlos, I said get out." He raised his hooves.

"Geeeeeee, you're harsh, Molly." Molly gave him a frustrated look. He rolled his eyes, and climbed back up a tree. He mostly disappeared into the tree, however flecks of blue could still be seen in gaps between the leaves.

"Let's go." She grabbed my wing, and trudged father across the path. "I can't believe you would associate yourself with that sheep. He claims to protect everyone here, when in reality, he makes things harder." I pulled myself away from her.

"He saved my life." I glared at her. She glared right back.

"Only because you were careless enough to cross the line." She retorted. My heart skipped a beat. She was just like everyone else, too cold to care.

"You only hate him because you're like everyone else. You hate him because you're jealous that you can't be a better person. His sanity is long gone, and yet, he will help people, even if it seems insane and erratic. He is a genuinely good person, unlike you." Molly stared blankly at me, not speaking. "I can go the rest of the way myself. Go back to Village." I walked into the dark forest, I then stopped in my tracks when I heard footsteps. Molly was drawing nearer.

"Freckles, I-"

"Didn't you hear me? Go back to village." I growled at her. I continued walking, but this time, Molly did not follow me. Rather, she turned around and ran as fast as she could back to Village.

Story notes
girl drama is like a mini world war i tell you
girls be vicious​
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That was very cool, Freckles's little speech is quite dramatic. Your writing of Curlos made me laugh, especially his exit with the flecks of blue still visible in the trees, that scarf will be the death of him.
Y'know, I'm tempted to start writing about my recently voided human, Luna. I could probably work in some political scandal, or something. Anyway, is there anywhere I can look on this thread for the "official" canon of the Void? Just so I can be as accurate as possible.
[SPOILER="i guess its a wip but i do not give permission to republish anywhere]

Have you heard stories of "The Void"?
The place that all unwanted villagers go.
Some say they go there to be loved.
Others say they rule their own town.
But you will meet the people --
The ones with the true stories.​

The void has been running for years. 13, to be exact.
13 years of feeling unwanted.
Sometimes, a lucky villager gets taken out of The Void.
It may sound easy. Because they left their old town the normal way, right?


Getting to The Void is a painful process.
At 5:55 am ; When there are no animals awake, Isabelle is checking up on her brother, and the mayor is asleep, the villagers house sinks down a bit.
It sinks down more and more every second, until 6:00 am.

Once the clock strikes 6:00 AM,
The normal villagers wake up.
Isabelle sets up the mayors desk.
The mayor may stir.
Kapp'n docks his boat.
Brewster changes his daily special.

You would think one would notice.
They do. Believe it. They really do.
But you can't interrupt it. If you do, you go with the villager.

The Void is just an abyss of everything.

The path you destroyed?
It's in the void.
The present that got lost in your river?
It's in the void.
The fish you re-released?
It's in the void.

The villagers who moved in on your path? The ugly one, who you hate so much?

Do you know his story?
Did you give him a chance?

You didn't. That's why I'll tell you this wonderful villagers story.


eh its a wip
That was very cool, Freckles's little speech is quite dramatic. Your writing of Curlos made me laugh, especially his exit with the flecks of blue still visible in the trees, that scarf will be the death of him.

Thanks! I'm glad that you like it, as always. Thank you for the compliments! ^v^
Y'know, I'm tempted to start writing about my recently voided human, Luna. I could probably work in some political scandal, or something. Anyway, is there anywhere I can look on this thread for the "official" canon of the Void? Just so I can be as accurate as possible.

Originally there was supposed to be a canon contest to make some decisions about The Void but I guess the contest got cancelled due to lack of entries or something. Nothing was really stated but I was the only one who entered and the deadline passed without anything said about it. It's ok to go outside canon anyway, any plans for canon was just to be a general guide but you can pretty much interpret The Void however you want. If you want extra info about it I can probably answer questions, I've been here since page six and I've read every post on here so I have a pretty good idea how The Void works based on the things said and my own questions asked. Actually I had a pretty cool idea about the voided villagers that appear in the marketplace if its relevant to your story, a lot of people including the person who made the thread liked so if you want to check that out and use it then go ahead, there are a couple posts on page 6 about it.

Here's a few general "rules" to the canon that I picked up over time, you don't have to follow them but can if you need a quick guide.
1. 'The Void' is capitalized like a town/country/ect. would be.
2. All deleted things go to The Void, not just villagers but things like trampled flowers, demolished public works projects, deleted human characters, anything you toss into a garbage can or pay a fine to retail to get rid of.
3. Have fun, don't worry too much about rules and just tell your story however you want; drawings, stories, interpretive dance, ect. and if anything clashes then just call it a parallel universe. Multiverses are always fun.

- - - Post Merge - - -

[SPOILER="i guess its a wip but i do not give permission to republish anywhere]

Have you heard stories of "The Void"?
The place that all unwanted villagers go.
Some say they go there to be loved.
Others say they rule their own town.
But you will meet the people --
The ones with the true stories.​

The void has been running for years. 13, to be exact.
13 years of feeling unwanted.
Sometimes, a lucky villager gets taken out of The Void.
It may sound easy. Because they left their old town the normal way, right?


Getting to The Void is a painful process.
At 5:55 am ; When there are no animals awake, Isabelle is checking up on her brother, and the mayor is asleep, the villagers house sinks down a bit.
It sinks down more and more every second, until 6:00 am.

Once the clock strikes 6:00 AM,
The normal villagers wake up.
Isabelle sets up the mayors desk.
The mayor may stir.
Kapp'n docks his boat.
Brewster changes his daily special.

You would think one would notice.
They do. Believe it. They really do.
But you can't interrupt it. If you do, you go with the villager.

The Void is just an abyss of everything.

The path you destroyed?
It's in the void.
The present that got lost in your river?
It's in the void.
The fish you re-released?
It's in the void.

The villagers who moved in on your path? The ugly one, who you hate so much?

Do you know his story?
Did you give him a chance?

You didn't. That's why I'll tell you this wonderful villagers story.


eh its a wip

That was quite cool Mango, reminds me of a prologue I wrote for my own big Void story that leads in with an ominous explanation of The Void by a character about to share some stories of various villagers. I'm waiting until I'm done with the whole thing to post though but your intro is very cool, I look forward to seeing where you go with this.