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The Longest You've Played a Game In One Sitting

A couple years ago I remember playing Stardew Valley for 6-7 hours straight, minus washroom breaks. Ate with one hand.
I’m mentally ill and addicted to video games, so I could play 14 hours in one sitting if I wanted to as long as I grabbed a couple of snacks here and there. .-.
Definitely ACNL when it first came out. Played maybe 7-10 hours on the first day ... How did I do that with so few things to do? I guess I just wanted to see if the dialogue was just as good, if not better, than the previous games. I also loved my villagers (can't remember which ones but I remember Goldie).
Neopets (one whole week straight, only water for food and 10 minute sleep because I was grinding for Pirate PB LUL)
Besides that, Etrian Odyssey 3. Same with Neopets' issue but had time to eat and sleep (2 hours of sleep.)
probably either binding of isaac or stardew valley since i remember once i was going to fish for 30 min before i slept, then i realized the sun was up
I played Dragon Age Inquisition for 13 hours when it first came out. My eyes were so bloodshot and tired by the end of it.
i probably had some good long sessions of world of warcraft back in my most addicted days. it wouldn't surprise me if i had had a 24ish hour session
Hat Fortress 2 for at least 24 hours straight, I lost count. I even peed in a bag so I didn't get tauntkilled.
Second is The Perfect Run for 10.
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I played ffxiv for about 24-30 hours straight when the stormblood expac came out. and that was followed by 18 hour sessions for about a week.

I'm used to staying up for long amounts of time and I planned the whole week around doing this, I had all my food in my room, big ass fan next to my gaming spot (height of summer) and boy.... I do not regret it, it was so fun, pretty much every party I joined was just me spamming chat like WOOOOOOOOOO THIS IS SO FUN HAPPY STORMBLOOD EVERYONE. I don't play much anymore, as I maxed out all my classes.

Honestly best week of my life lol
I'm not really sure to be honest...I know I've certainly played longer than 4 hours in a given setting, that much I can say.
Last summer, when the boyfriend was at a bachelor party, I played Divinity 2 Original Sin for twelve or thirteen hours straight. It was kind of gross, to be honest.

I?ve probably done way longer streaks than that as a kid, but as an adult my gaming is in chunks LOL.
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I once played Virtual Villagers on a mobile, for nearly 48 hours.

It's in realtime, so that's even more boring.
My insomnia was pretty bad.

I thought that game would cure it. o_O
Last night I played Fortnite for 11+ hours straight. Not sure if that’s a record though.
Not sure but I feel like I've sat and played AC:GCN or City Folk for like 8 hours straight a long time ago.
Around 4-5 hours, recently not playing as much as before anymore.
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I had this one day where I just had nothing to do so I played Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days for about 10 hours straight. Not as extreme as some people have listed their gaming time, although I actually don't remember eating or going to the bathroom in that 10 hour span, so :cool:
Twilight Princess, about 24 hours (Thanks to energy drinks and a mother that brought me food into my room!)
I probably would've managed to stay longer on it, but my Mom told me to stop or she would take the game
away from me >:
12 hours a few times playing FFXIV which is a MMO so yeah that was a norm for me on days I didn't have work or school. A few bathroom breaks here and there and a snack break or two.
I swear I once played skyrim for an entire day straight. Since the moment I woke up until I went to bed. Not sure how many hours that would've been but it was a longggggg time especially because I remember sometimes playing that game until the sun came up. Always get lost in it.