SNES-coloured Buttons Should Become a Standard in Nintendo Systems


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2013
Pear (Fruit)
What do you all think? With the New Nintendo 3DS/XL, it got be thinking. Doesn't anybody else think that Nintendo should make the SNES coloured ABXY buttons a standard for their systems? I think it would just make the systems scream "Nintendo", then everyone of all ages can experience the SNES coloured button greatness for eternity.
I really like the colorful buttons but I never thought of them becoming a system standard lol I guess that would be cool.
To me, the colored buttons will not only make the controller look prettier to look at, but it is also handy for certain players to familiarize with the controller more efficiently.
That could be cool, I guess. I have no real opinion on that but it wouldn't be too bad.
It'd be nice if there was New 3DS XL SNES special edition that had purple buttons instead of the four SFC colored buttons.
I always associate the colored buttons with Nintendo even though they've not done it since the SNES (well, not 4 colored buttons). It helps that it was kind of the logo for the SNES as well.

I see no reason not to though since 4 'action buttons' on a controller is standard now. I've actually been hoping they would do this since the original DS when they brought back those standard 4 buttons (Gamecube kinda did, but they were oddly placed/shapped/not right).
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personally, i dont like it. i think it looks cheap and tacky.

for a limited edition console i'd be fine with it, but for your standard edition console? no thanks.

(i never played the SNES tho so that's probs why i think that lol)
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I may be wrong, but doesnt some XBOX controller have coloured buttons?

I typed that out twice and deleted it cause I figured someone would want to argue about it. But even though the OG Xbox & 360 have solid colors, the XB1 doesn't, just the letters are in color. Every Playstation has had colored symbols too...
I would think either the NES red/black buttons or the SNES grey/purple could be Nintendo's standard. You could tell at one point they wanted to make Purple their thing cause the SNES & GameCube. Plus a lot of N64 accessories had purple too. But the Wii & WiiU, no purple.
Well maybe, it's a neat classic touch, but I personally prefer just normal coloured buttons they look nicer and are more modern in my opinion.

I'd be ok with special edition systems having something like that as we have already seen several throwback systems (ie. NES 3DS)...
I may be wrong, but doesnt some XBOX controller have coloured buttons?

Yea but I think SNES predates the Xbox by a few years...

If they didn't do it simply because Xbox did it, they should probably tell Xbox to stop using A,B,X + Y as well.

Did Xbox just steal Nintendo's unused design choices, swap the button placement and hope they would become Nintendo? Is that why Microsoft really wanted Rare so badly?
Maybe official skins for the controllers and 3DSs, but not having to buy a whole new controller or system for button colors.
Did Xbox just steal Nintendo's unused design choices, swap the button placement and hope they would become Nintendo? Is that why Microsoft really wanted Rare so badly?

Probably. :p

Maybe official skins for the controllers and 3DSs, but not having to buy a whole new controller or system for button colors.

Nintendo has had a pantent for swapable buttons for a while. Maybe you can swap the buttons for those of the Super Famicom colours.