Events & Collectibles General Discussion

TBT Fair 2017

19 - Goomba
22 - Invader
33 - Pinky
35 - Hot Feather
49 - Cool Feather
38 - Fresh Feather
30 - Glam Feather
30 - Sweet Feather
22 - Rad Feather
20 - Final Boss Feather
I'm kinda hoping these feathers make a comeback next TBT fair because they look so colorful and rainbow-ish together <3
Wow the Goomba is pretty rare now. Also the Hot Feather was the least popular common feather. It's a shame, since I really like the firey colors.
noice-- i've got 3 of the 4 rarest collectibles from this Fair:

goomba, space invader, and watermelon feather
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yeah i got all 3 critters.. shame they got so 'rare' but yeah we know the forum is feather crazy ah.

holding on to my hot tho, goes well with my lineup!
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I got my 12 chocolate cakes. I can now have a sidebar of apples on some days and a sidebar of chocolate cakes on the other days. The only real downside is that my TBT balance is now 7,000 below what I want to stick to. But I found another way to rebound my TBT balance.

Once I get back up there, unless if there are some flowers to buy, I should seriously consider taking a break from buying new collectibles. I got my apples and my chocolate cakes now. I'm happy with what collectibles I own now.
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I got my 12 chocolate cakes. I can now have a sidebar of apples on some days and a sidebar of chocolate cakes on the other days. The only real downside is that my TBT balance is now 7,000 below what I want to stick to. But I found another way to rebound my TBT balance.

Once I get back up there, unless if there are some flowers to buy, I should seriously consider taking a break from buying new collectibles. I got my apples and my chocolate cakes now. I'm happy with what collectibles I own now.

Good for you! I can't imagine loving one collectible enough to have a whole sidebar of it, but I admire your dedication. c:
I hope there are some new Halloween collectibles. I need 3 more to have 12 different Halloween collectibles. Please bring back orange and dark candy. <3
did anyone record the sales totals for the collectibles in last year's Fair??

is this what you're looking for?

I have no interest whatsoever in collectibles. But I found this winter glove in my inventory. Anyone know how I got it lol?
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Do the letter houses ever restock? I'd really love the Mori house but it sells for 4k or more from other people.