• Thanks for playing! The closing ceremony for TBT World Championship 2024 has been posted. Congratulations to the winning team, Squirtle Squad! Update: The Master Ball raffle winners have now been announced and rewards have been distributed. Time to spend your Arcade Tokens!

Seeking Active Friends - 18+ plz

Just out of curiousity... how many of you all look for open gates and would go without an express invite? I'm learning this is no longer a thing... LOL. If my gates are open they're open for all.
I actually did this once by accident because I thought it was somebody else LOL! Needless to say it was confusing for me as I thought they had an item for me but they did give me a lovely tour, which I really enjoyed! xD Happy accident! lol!
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Oh goodness, I owe you an apology I am so sorry for that mix up LOL! I am so glad I came and visited though as you had a wonderful island and I really enjoyed myself! Thank you again for being so kind and patient with me! <3
You're welcome! I felt bad thinking you were looking for an item and here I thought you wanted a tour! ROTFL. No problem though. It was nice meeting you so no apology necessary. Stuff happens & you left me a really cool drawing. Thank you :)
You're welcome! I felt bad thinking you were looking for an item and here I thought you wanted a tour! ROTFL. No problem though. It was nice meeting you so no apology necessary. Stuff happens & you left me a really cool drawing. Thank you :)
Oh no no, don't feel bad! *hugs!* I loved the tour, thank you so so much!! It was lovely to meet you too and you have a gorgeous island. I'm so glad you like the doodle haha =^.^= 💜
Oh no no, don't feel bad! *hugs!* I loved the tour, thank you so so much!! It was lovely to meet you too and you have a gorgeous island. I'm so glad you like the doodle haha =^.^= 💜
Thank you! And yes I did. :)

P.S. I have a dodo code open if anyone wants fake Redd Art 384BB
Hello! My online list is looking lonely. If you like to travel, have your gate open and are over the age of 18 (I'm over the age of 30 myself) then please add me!

I'm in my 30s and would love to have more active animal crossing friends! I'm listed as "Darla" and Icon is Rover with pink background
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I'm older than you are so I think I'm good! LOL I'll be sure to add you! =^.^=
I'm in my 30s, and would love more active animal crossing friends, may I add you as well Lori?
I've added everyone here (or sent a DM with my friend code for folks who don't have theirs listed). :) Let me know if I've missed anyone (I'm very sleepy right now, lol)~

ETA: my profile name is Silly Pup and pic is a Mii with brown hair + glasses and light purple background. :3
Hi fellow islanders! I'm also a gamer in my 30s 🎃 so hope no one minds me sending out friend invites! You're also more than welcome to add me if I missed you in this thread.

If you ever see my gates open, stop by! I usually have tons of dupe DIY to give away for free.
I’m open... been open all day... I’m really sad no one opens their gate or visits anymore.. anyone ? Anyone?????
I'm open for Saharah, turnip price at 404 (turnip not found), shopping, and free diys! Come visit meeeeeee...my island is barren for my autumn/winter remodel so you can run freeeeeeeee lol...(message if you want a dodo code!)
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Hi fellow islanders! I'm also a gamer in my 30s 🎃 so hope no one minds me sending out friend invites! You're also more than welcome to add me if I missed you in this thread.
If you ever see my gates open, stop by! I usually have tons of dupe DIY to give away for free.
Hey you! I've had you on my friends list awhile now! lol
Sent you a request. I open a lot as well, definitely need to get more active people added.