Resetting: How much until your "Perfect Layout"?


Mar 25, 2020
I'm getting a new Switch soon which means new town! I'm hoping to get an island with a Resident Services far away from the airport, or perfectly aligned with it. An orange airport would be ideal too since this town will be themed.

For those who restarted, how many resets did it take for you to get your "perfect layout"? Did you give up? Was it nightmarish? 🤭
I think I reset for two weeks? I was concerned with Resident Services, airport color, beach rocks and the peninsula. Secondary was getting peaches (which I got!!) and having a central secret beach (didn't get). It was absolutely like being stuck in purgatory but I was so satisfied when I finished. I did find a perfectly aligned Resident Services but none of the other things I wanted.
As someone who has restarted like 25 times, I would say maybe around 4 hours (this is just from my experience). The hardest part is to find a perfect spot for your Resident Services to be in a great spot and making sure you have great Beach Rocks and River Mouths. Its really hard to get a great one. For my new 2nd island I managed to get a great island that was more bigger and I had more room to work with.
I just recently picked up New Horizons after about a year. Decided to restart rather than getting annoyed terraforming again and I think I was resetting for around 3 hours, I could have carried on but I settled on having my RS pretty much perfectly aligned with the airport.

It’s still likely I’ll decide I hate it in a week and reset all over again!
I knew which setting I wanted - the pond up in the top corner with enough room for a house. And I wanted pears, since I've never had those in any of my games for native fruit. I wasn't worried about RS and the airport, so I didn't really pay attention to that.

I think I reset twice before getting pears, so it wasn't too bad.
I had a cute heart pond when I first got the game but somehow it did not save my progress and I had to restart again and I kept starting the game over and over till I found the exact same map which took 1 hour and 30 mins haha I was getting so mad and going crazy but it was worth it. I love my heart pond and I know you will say but you could have just made one with the tools but I wanted a heart that was made naturally from the game and with me since the beginning.
For a layout that meets roughly 3-4/5 things I like, it takes roughly 3 to 6 hours. Sometimes upwards of 7-8 hours.

But, for a layout that is my absolute perfection? I've honestly not seen it yet, but the longest I've attempted was a month straight, about an hour or two a day.

To say the least, I don't really look for that 'perfection' anymore.
I have not restarted and have no interest in starting over again, but it took four tries before I got what I liked: dock on the left side, green airport, and native fruit being oranges.
I restarted the second day in. I wasn’t very picky, but there were some things I wanted from the start. I wanted oranges (but I was ok with peaches or apples), south river mouths and an airport that wasn’t green or yellow. I also wanted my residential services in a particular place. I wasn’t sure where exactly back then, but I knew which layouts I didn’t like. I knew I didn’t want it too far up, centered, or to the left. I was able to get an orange airport, oranges , double south river mouth, and centered but slightly to the right. I’m pretty happy with it now. It took me 3 hours to reset for it. The only thing I would change now would be the secret beach. Back then I didn’t know that was going to be important. Mine doesn’t look bad, but it would look so much better if it was slightly more to the right. I won’t be resetting though, I’m too far in now.
I'm surprised so many people reset for a perfectly aligned RS to airport. This was a design feature that annoyed me the most about my island (RS being very close and almost perfectly aligned to airport). I remember not spending too long on resetting, probably under an hour. I ended up going with a completely different layout than I originally planned but it was fun working with what I got regardless of whether I thought it was perfect or not. The only thing that annoyed me as I really got into decorating were the beach rocks. If there was a next time for me, not having too many beach rocks would be something I look out for. And maybe a bigger peninsula size.
I'm surprised so many people reset for a perfectly aligned RS to airport. This was a design feature that annoyed me the most about my island (RS being very close and almost perfectly aligned to airport). I remember not spending too long on resetting, probably under an hour. I ended up going with a completely different layout than I originally planned but it was fun working with what I got regardless of whether I thought it was perfect or not. The only thing that annoyed me as I really got into decorating were the beach rocks. If there was a next time for me, not having too many beach rocks would be something I look out for. And maybe a bigger peninsula size.

Its an absolute nightmare, but the aesthetic is (y)(y)(y)

I've personally only gotten it a few times.
I wasn't looking for a specific layout, so I never bothered resetting after I picked the layout most appealing to me. I've grown to really like my layout, so it ended up working out, lol
I wasn’t searching for a specific layout, so I basically just chose my favorite of the four maps given to me. I honestly wanted a blue airport and oranges as my native fruit. Coincidentally, I got both on my first try. I can’t say whether or not I would’ve reset for them, though. I was so eager to play that I would have just let it go. I already had to wait a few days after release because I had to buy a physical copy online, with it being sold out everywhere.
i almost never go for a perfect layout, just one that i can tolerate. but if i had to come up with an ideal one it would probably have apples as the native fruit, decent distance between the entrance and the plaza, and a yellow or orange airport. my actual island has peaches but i obtained my desired fruit through trading and replaced all of the trees manually.
I think I reset like 3 times til I just gave up and took an island that looked decent and had peaches as the native fruit. I'm so glad we don't have to worry about the color of the airport stuff anymore and can recolor a lot of the nook miles stuff.
i reset for a few hours but settled after not the longest time for my second island. i had a few things i was looking for and got most of them and thought that was good enough. my main issue with my first island is that the peninsula is ugly, small and useless AND in a bad place. so i wanted a better one on my second island, which i got.
around 60+ times before i eventually gave up. i really just wanted native apples and a blue airport (which i got thankfully) but i wish i tried harder because i hate the river layout and resident services building placement (it's literally slightly off center from the airport) :/
I probably resetted for like, a few hours before I found an island that I liked and had the resident services building a considerable amount of distance from airport, the fruit and the color of the airport were ones that I liked, so that was neat. I hope I don't go through the headache of doing this again one day-