Question about plot reset (Animal Crossing New Leaf)


Junior Member
Aug 25, 2019
So I've read and watched a lot of tutorials so far but one thing still bugs me.

Let's say a new villager is moving to the town. I don't know when. I open the game and log on my main character, then Isabelle tells me that someone new is moving. So right now I should close the game, time travel to, for example 5:55 am, wait till 6 am, start a new character and try to get the villager into the right spot. Is that correct or did i get everything wrong?
That is incorrect. Once you've started the game with an existing character and Isabelle has loaded up your town and told you someone new is moving in, it's too late to do anything. Their plot is set and time traveling won't change anything.

You have to anticipate the move in and log in with a new save before logging in with an existing character that day. It helps if you know a new villager is coming. If you invited one from another town, the campsite, or via Amiibo, then you can plan it out. If you are at 9 villagers and interact with anybody (streetpass, visit their town, they visit your town), it's best to log in with a new save the next day just to look around and be safe because you might have picked up a villager from their void. If you're at less than 9 villagers, you could potentially have a new random villager move in at anytime, so it's best to log in with a new save and check every day until you find a new plot.

I hope this helps.