Post Your Town Map

What's the fuss about the beach being on the left side? I think it looks better on the right side to be honest
I had the beach on the right side in my old town, I prefer the left side. It's something different, I love the look of the main street, the sunset..

This is like the 5th incarnation of Vesper. I've been playing since July and I've restarted so many towns, this is my most recent (as of Aug 20th) and hopefully *permanent* town.

What I like:
- Plaza off to the side & out of the way
- Town hall right beside it
- Nice private spot for my house, with my own private lake! (thought that was awesome :D)
- Retail near the docks
- Nice little suburb area for my villagers
- Peaches as fruit
- Nice river that doesn't take up much space

- Square grass (but idc that much, it's not that bad)
- I dislike about 7/10 villagers @_@ But they can move & I can do the reset trick
- That narrow strip on the right will prove a bit difficult to utilize but I'm thinking of making it a forest

Overall I'm really liking the map, just perturbed by the horrible residents & lack of good PWP suggested, but this will improve in time. I'm thinking of putting the Caf? near the bottom left & the police station sort of above it, and the campsite somewhere along that narrow strip (possibly at the end once Tiffany moves, but that may be the lighthouse location).

Also I'm hoping this map will have enough room for PWP projects. I feel as if it has a pretty large area, but I guess only time will tell.
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I've been in this town for a while but this is the most recent version of my town.
My Villagers:
This is my town. It only took one reset to get it.

Things I like:
The peninsula in the south where my house is, literally the perfect house location for me.
Large space in the north gives me lots of space for PWPs.
Re-Tail right near the dock.
Town tree and town hall near each other.
The long beach in the east.
Awesome blue town hall.

Things I don't like:
The ugly brown train station.
No thick areas of beach.
Not enough vertical river.
2013-08-27 09.44.31.jpg

That's Exire! First map I got on start up, and loved it! I love the location of my house, and the only thing I would change is a location of one rock in the bottom right. XD
I restarted - AGAIN!

I thought I was happy with my town layout, but then I wanted to have the same one with the beach on the left side. I think it's cooler to have the beach on the left side, also because I think it's rarer than the same layout mirrored with the beach on the right side.

Old map

New map

I don't regret the restart. It's the best map I have ever had. And I have triangle grass, just like I wanted :D (the old one had square grass)
My town is in my signature. I was really lucky and didn't have to reset a lot. I've had this map since the game first came out and it has really grown on me. :D

- Plaza off to the side and at the top of the map
- Town hall sort of to the right of the plaza
- Only one lake and its right near Retail :)
- Retail near the top and next to the plaza
- A beautiful river that is easy to fish from
- Circle grass
- Got Skye as my first villager to move in

- I dislike about half of my villagers right now but they will eventually move
- I ended up with a brown train station but hopefully I'll have that fixed later
- I got apples as a native fruit... again... thankfully I plant other fruit trees

Town name: G.O.A.T
Favorite villager: All of themmmm!!!
Native fruit: Pear

What I like: Basically everything. It's very spacious right now, ebcause I haven't found the time to pick where I want PWPs. and I love how my villagers are (kind of) neatly lined up along the southern part of town. and I have a long path in front of my house.
What I dislike: Lopez moved in front of Rosie, but I decided to let him live there. So now there's an awkward path between his house and Beau's house.

I like the general layout of my town. ^^

- the placement of the river
- where the bridges are (now the villagers walk all over the place)
- the amount of space available in the middle of town

- where town hall is
- I wish the houses on the top right were pushed backwards than close to the river

I haven't quite decided what I'll put in front of town hall (it's mostly full of trees in the meantime). I also can't decide what I'll put in the top-left area of my map either (I just recently cleared it of trees).
Here's my town, "My Pants".
"Welcome to my pants!" Ahaha... yeah.


Pango has to go guys. Her house is the one that is one space down from that row of homes in the south-east. It's driving me crazy! :p

But anyways.
Cherries are my native fruit and I have triangle grass. This towns been with me since June 9th, no resets.
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Pardon the awful quality!


As it is right now... I'm aiming to put my last two villagers along the beach with the rest of 'em haha. Marshal slipped by my resetting so he landed next to Re-Tail but it was a nice empty spot anyway, and the two crowded next to city hall moved in before I even knew how to do the reset trick. That riverbend will eventually have a park in it, and I have a nice big orchard behind my house. It's pretty nice!! Much better than my old town.
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That's the town map of my digital copy which is now my main town because I deleted the town on my cartridge.
(Please ignore the house above the police station)

I like:
- The amount of space (I didn't even know what to do with it at first xD)
- House placements (except the one below the townhall, I want to place my caf? there. Luckily it's the house of a villager I want to get rid of.)
- Only two ponds
- Town fruit (Cherry)

I dislike:
- Placement of the townhall
- Some placements of rocks (though I already worked around that)

I love my town map and I'm happy that I got it after a few resetts. ^^

You can see the map of my deleted town here. I deleted it because there was no space for paths and PWPs. The pond below the bridge was annoying as well. I kinda envy people who can work around such narrow space. xD Though I'm a bit sad that I don't have Lobo, Lily, Blanche and Kyle anymore.
I already got a map I like which I'll post someday.
Wow Sherry, your town map looks very much like mine (also my 2nd town, digital copy). Main difference is that Re-Tail, Town plaza and Town hall positions are switched clockwise :> I even have cherries as my native fruit. You wouldn't happen to have circle grass, too? :D

doe mori.jpg
(Can't post a 3DS screenshot right now because I don't have my SC card reader, so cell phone pic it is.)

We even have similar beach access ramps. I just wish I had cared for house placements in that town, some of them are in quite awkward spots now. Also the three weird ponds, but oh well.
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This my town of Unknown. It was the second map Rover showed me, but the second bridge by the blue house (my husband's house) just got put in today.
The little pond right outside the train station is a bit annoying, but I'm thinking about putting in some benches or maybe a bus stop there to make it look nice.
photo (65).JPG

Sorry for the poor quality. :p Isn't it sweet how I have two villagers basically living in the river? Overall though I really like my map. I didn't even have to reset for that long to get it. It's worked very well so far!
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This is like the 5th incarnation of Vesper. I've been playing since July and I've restarted so many towns, this is my most recent (as of Aug 20th) and hopefully *permanent* town.

What I like:
- Plaza off to the side & out of the way
- Town hall right beside it
- Nice private spot for my house, with my own private lake! (thought that was awesome :D)
- Retail near the docks
- Nice little suburb area for my villagers
- Peaches as fruit
- Nice river that doesn't take up much space

- Square grass (but idc that much, it's not that bad)
- I dislike about 7/10 villagers @_@ But they can move & I can do the reset trick
- That narrow strip on the right will prove a bit difficult to utilize but I'm thinking of making it a forest

Overall I'm really liking the map, just perturbed by the horrible residents & lack of good PWP suggested, but this will improve in time. I'm thinking of putting the Caf? near the bottom left & the police station sort of above it, and the campsite somewhere along that narrow strip (possibly at the end once Tiffany moves, but that may be the lighthouse location).

Also I'm hoping this map will have enough room for PWP projects. I feel as if it has a pretty large area, but I guess only time will tell.

Oh wow! How did you get your villagers to stay in one part of the map? Tell me your secrets! D: