Post Your Town Map


At the moment I'm deciding where to put the police station, I'm thinking SW of the Train Station.

Caroline (lives just behind my house and Town Hall) is moving out so I can make that area into a nice little garden. Then hopefully Fauna will be next to go (moved in on top of the campsite >_<)

What I like
  • Having my house on its own little ledge.
  • Having all of my important buildings right next to each other, with a bonus lake in the middle.
  • Having my plaza in an area that's not smack in the middle of town but still convenient to get to.
  • Having a long stretch of vertical beach. (I can catch beetles there in the summer if I don't feel like going to the island.
  • Having my campground on its own little isolated peninsula.

What I don't like
  • Carmen (Northmost house) is right where I want to put my lighthouse.
  • The bends in the river make an awkward gap on the eastern side.
  • The fact that Carmen, Curt, Keaton, and Cobb live in that awkward little line on the coast. They make the northern half crowded while the southern half is almost vacant.

At the moment I'm deciding where to put the police station, I'm thinking SW of the Train Station.

Caroline (lives just behind my house and Town Hall) is moving out so I can make that area into a nice little garden. Then hopefully Fauna will be next to go (moved in on top of the campsite >_<)

I really like your town map!
Argyle Town!


That huge peninsula in the middle of the map is my Orchard, and has all my trees. Now that I have my Golden Watering Can, though, the Orchard is going to be cut down very soon to make room for more PWPs.

At the moment I'm deciding where to put the police station, I'm thinking SW of the Train Station.

Caroline (lives just behind my house and Town Hall) is moving out so I can make that area into a nice little garden. Then hopefully Fauna will be next to go (moved in on top of the campsite >_<)

Wait what? Wow, that's really close. That has to be awkward.

I really love where all my villagers are placed. It makes running errands for them so convenient!

I really like ur town map :3 especially the place on ur villagers and I like the size of the river too.
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I'm really happy with my new town ~ It met my expectations except for how re-tail is really close to the town plaza but I can live with that since it's close to the docks.



Native Fruit

Poppy put her house in front of mine...
Pinky has hers too close to re-tail...
I hate Diva...
Graham moved in between camp and town hall...

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My map:

I totally love it. This perfect map for me. It is spacious. :)
I dont mind retail being to far from the docks because i barely go to the island for bug catching :D
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I restarted many times until I got this map, because I have a lot of criteria for my perfect town:

- long river
- the river pond mustn't be in a curve of the river
- no house where I wanted to place my house
- as many holding ponds as possible
- no houses where I wanted to build the caf?
- town plaza not in front of the train line
- horizontal waterfall
- no circle grass

Finally I found my perfect town <3 I LOVE it!


Stupid me didn't know that you had different town options to choose from so I got stuck with this one and haven't had the heart the restart the game for another one. I kinda like it though.

What I like:
-long private beach for hybrids
-plaza near the Train Station
-beach bridges are at opposite ends of the beach
-river isn't too curvy

What I don't like:
-I would've preferred the Town Hall to be north of the plaza
-a vertical river would've been nice
-one too many ponds
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The town of Skyvale. :) I really like my town's layout. I absolutely love having that whole little corner of the map all to myself! xD


I'm so happy, I finally found my dream town. ♥
It has everything I was looking for:

Specific River Layout
Dip at Top Right to Build My House On
Teardrop Pond
Triangle Grass

Neighbors are:
Rasher (Top left of Re-tail)
Sparro (Right of Rasher)
Caroline (Right of Sparro)
Wendy (In front of Town Hall)
Alfonso (To the right of Wendy)

I would have originally preferred the Plaza to be to the left of the ramp on the east, and for there not to be a pond at the entrance of the train station, but.. After I walked around for a bit, I much prefer the location the Plaza is now, below Re-tail. It allows more PWP space in the desirable location of next to the beach. I'd rather build PWP's next to the beach than in front of the Re-tail, so having the Plaza there is much more manageable, and I quite like it. As for the pond by the train station, it's growing on me. It makes that chunk of land at the entrance feel even more so like an island, and I'm really diggin' it.

I absolutely adore my town.

Sorry the pictures so small and of horrid quality. Used my Ipod.
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I'm so happy, I finally found my dream town. ♥
It has everything I was looking for:

I would have originally preferred the Plaza to be to the left of the ramp on the east, and for there not to be a pond at the entrance of the train station, but.. After I walked around for a bit, I much prefer the location the Plaza is now, below Re-tail. It allows more PWP space in the desirable location of next to the beach. I'd rather build PWP's next to the beach than in front of the Re-tail, so having the Plaza there is much more manageable, and I quite like it. As for the pond by the train station, it's growing on me. It makes that chunk of land at the entrance feel even more so like an island, and I'm really diggin' it.

I'm guessing that's taken you a lot of resets, and that they paid off.
I love your town, it is really similar to mine (infact about half your town is almost exactly the same! My plaza is above river though, which runs straight from lake to beach instead of back up, and town hall is an acre to East.), I was a bit looser with my rules for my perfect town, but I would have also picked yours in a heartbeat. Also Sparro! <3

Arcadia at its completion! My perfect town that took hundreds of resets to get. ;-;

I love the...
- Circle grass
- Native cherries
- Big private beach in front of house
- Southern waterfall
- Retail near dock
- Town hall at the top
- Plaza near town hall
- More than one pond, no pond in front of train station, cute peanut-shaped pond
- Eastern beach
- Most rocks aren't in disruptive places
- Villager house placements, found creative ways to overcome the ones that look "in the way"

I have no negatives, it's the town I've always wanted, and it's perfection! (At least to me~)
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Mine is in my sig. I honestly just chose it randomly, but I chose really well in my opinion. I only have one pond and it's a decent size, and my beach is connected all the way around. My tree/town plaza is also centered perfectly in my town, so it's more meaningful.
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Here is my new town! I LOVE it! :D
The one house next under the town hall, Kens house, was a mistake.. I forgot to use the reset trick and so he moved to the most awful place ever. I don't like the house placement at all, but I don't care for it, because I love my map. :D Peaches, triangle grass, west beach, central town tree, Tangy & Rudy & Drago,.. I'll never reset again!
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What's the fuss about the beach being on the left side? I think it looks better on the right side to be honest
I'm guessing that's taken you a lot of resets, and that they paid off.
I love your town, it is really similar to mine (infact about half your town is almost exactly the same! My plaza is above river though, which runs straight from lake to beach instead of back up, and town hall is an acre to East.), I was a bit looser with my rules for my perfect town, but I would have also picked yours in a heartbeat. Also Sparro! <3

Yes. Hundreds. Possibly 1,000+. Ughh. So worth it though.
And awe, thank you, haha. That's cool that we have similar layouts! And ohyus. Sparro is sooo amazing. ♥ Alfonso is my favorite at the moment, though, hehe.