Pokémon Pokemon World Championship 2015 was almost a blood fest.

May 11, 2014
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[Source: Fox News Boston]

BOSTON (MyFoxBoston.com) ?Two men have been arrested after allegedly threatening violence to attendees at the Pokemon World Championship in Boston.

A release from the Boston Police Department says they were notified of the social media threats on Thursday and were able to stop the two suspects as they attempted to enter the event a few hours later. The men were not arrested at that time.

Detectives discovered that the two men had driven from Iowa with several guns in their vehicle that they did not have licenses for.

After obtaining a search warrant for the vehicle, police found a 12-gauge shotgun, an AR-15, several hundred rounds of ammunition and a hunting knife.

On Friday, arrest warrants were issued for 18-year-old Kevin Norton and 27-year-old James Stumbo and the men were taken in to custody at their hotel in Saugus.

>>RELATED: Pokemon Championship attendees say they're thankful for police vigilance

"The relationship between police and private sector security is important in both our community policing philosophy, as well as our counter-terrorism strategy. This incident is a good example of private security reaching out to their local Boston police district and relaying information to detectives and BRIC analysts in order to identify the very real threat,? BPD Bureau of Intelligence and Analysis Commander Superintendent Paul Fitzgerald said.

Both men are charged with unlawful possession of a firearm, unlawful possession of ammunition and other firearm related offenses.

In a statement, the Pokemon Company said they were made aware of the threat after attendees notified them of posts on social media.

"Prior to the event this weekend, our community of players made us aware of a security issue. We gathered information and gave it as soon as possible to the authorities at the John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center who acted swiftly and spearheaded communication with the Boston Police Department. Due to quick action, the potential threat was resolved. The Pok?mon Company International takes the safety of our fans seriously and will continue to ensure proper security measures are a priority."

The FBI is assisting the Boston Police Department with this investigation.

This is a developing story, stay with MyFoxBoston.com and @fox25news on Twitter for the latest information as it becomes available.
i heard about it today. quite sad, really. i find it even more pathetic they were good enough to get in and they decide to shoot up the place
i heard about it today. quite sad, really. i find it even more pathetic they were good enough to get in and they decide to shoot up the place
there were being stupid as hell. i hope they knew that there was 6 year olds in there.
Omg, this is horrible. Why would they do something like this?? It's good that they got arrested and taken in before anything bad could happen, but man is that scary. I'm glad I don't attend any events like this. :)
I went to worlds yesterday, and there was no concerns, thankfully they were reported and bought before the event.
I just heard about that today (aDrive mentioned it on his latest video, so I looked it up).

That's just...that's sick. What's wrong with people? All I could picture was the amount of kids that I saw in the streams of Worlds, and then my own experiences at Otakon and what it would have looked like if someone open fired in such a large convention.
It's horrifying to think about, so I'm really glad it was caught before it could happen.
Is no one going to point out that this thread is literally just a copy and paste? Pathetic.
Is no one going to point out that this thread is literally just a copy and paste? Pathetic.

Who cares?

>mass casuality event almost happened
>okay but muh integrity

Anyways I saw this when I woke up from my nap yesterday, I was pretty shocked. Even more so once I got on tumblr and saw someone complaining about how they were contestants and that they won their way there. It's depressing.
The idiots that brought the guns were probably sore that they could not get past the semi-finals...
But seriously... It is horrific of what could have happened...
The idiots that brought the guns were probably sore that they could not get past the semi-finals...
But seriously... It is horrific of what could have happened...

What were they going to do anyway?? Threaten to shoot the people inside unless they were given a win??? That sounds like something an evil team in the Pokemon games would do if they were in real life and were participating in a competition
That's why gun control should be a thing in the US.
Not really. Law-abiding citizens use guns responsibly. If a criminal wants a gun, they can easily get one. Gun control won't change a damn thing.
Not really. Law-abiding citizens use guns responsibly. If a criminal wants a gun, they can easily get one. Gun control won't change a damn thing.

If there are tighter laws in guns, there will be lees guns for criminals to get, look at Denmark, no shootings because of strict gun control laws.
I'm extremely liberal, so it would make sense that I'm all for gun control. But certain things aren't going to work. I'm serious, if a criminal wants a weapon, they will get it. All they have to do it pay someone else off to buy it for them. The only way anything will get changed is if sentencing on gun crimes is increased. Yes, someone with a clean record may very well decide to purchase a gun to kill people with, and there is no way to tell what their intentions are. Restrictions aren't going to happen. I'm all for restricting (I hate this term) assault weapons, but they're already heavily restricted. However, the black market is a thing, and it's not that hard to access. Besides, it wouldn't stand for a second in front of Congress, which is under Republican majority. Almost all major shootings are performed by rifles. I support gun control, but I know it won't fly with the crazy Republicans ruling the damn government. Generally speaking, political parties suck, and that's what's to blame for nothing getting done in the country.
Why does America still allow anyone to have a gun.

There was the shooting of the 2 news reporters today as well...

Thing is, the stricter the gun control, the more illegal methods are going to be used for criminals to get their hands on the weapons. The Sandy Hook shooting, for example, was a case of the shooter having been denied his own firearm, so he murdered his mother and stole her guns.
Taking guns from the law-abiding citizens isn't going to help the problem; it'll just mean that the criminals will still obtain their firearms illegally, and the non-criminals won't be able to return fire.

For example, there was a recent news report of a girl who was being beaten by her ex-boyfriend late at night (I believe it was near some sort of public venue, but around the back, and the place was closed). He was interrupted by another man, and fled. He returned, however, with a firearm and attempted to shoot at the man who helped the woman.
The man had a firearm on him, and scared the attacker off by returning fire.

Had the hero not had a gun, he would have been killed (and probably the ex-girlfriend, as well). He didn't use his weapon to cause a crime, but to defend himself and another person.

To be frank, it's really too late to enforce the sort of strict gun control laws that countries like Japan and Hong Kong (two countries which have the least amount of gun-related deaths) enforce. The second amendment comes into play, and when something like that is put down, the government can't just upheaval it without dire consequences.

There are also a lot of deaths from other weapons (knives are up there), they just aren't reported on major news channels over gun-related deaths/injuries. Keep in mind that the media enjoys stirring up controversy and drama; in a sense, they can be the biggest trolls out there.
They know that there's a huge debate over gun laws, gun control, etc. So, their top violent-crimes stories are going to be about guns over any other weapon.

Rather than specific gun control, what's needed are better background checks (the amount of stories I've heard from deaths caused by someone with a criminal record legally getting a gun due to a mix-up in paperwork or a non-complete background check is appalling), and an assessment of the person's mental state.
I'm not saying all people with a mental issue are violent criminals (far from it), but there are many cases where a shooter had shown signs of mental instability and-or violent behavior prior to their violent crime.

From the story about what could have happened at Worlds, though the articles I read on it were short, neither had any sort of indication that either of the men showed any sort of repentance for their behavior.
Major red flags all around, and they typically get ignored until it's too late.
That is the big problem.
Thing is, the stricter the gun control, the more illegal methods are going to be used for criminals to get their hands on the weapons. The Sandy Hook shooting, for example, was a case of the shooter having been denied his own firearm, so he murdered his mother and stole her guns.
Taking guns from the law-abiding citizens isn't going to help the problem; it'll just mean that the criminals will still obtain their firearms illegally, and the non-criminals won't be able to return fire.

For example, there was a recent news report of a girl who was being beaten by her ex-boyfriend late at night (I believe it was near some sort of public venue, but around the back, and the place was closed). He was interrupted by another man, and fled. He returned, however, with a firearm and attempted to shoot at the man who helped the woman.
The man had a firearm on him, and scared the attacker off by returning fire.

Had the hero not had a gun, he would have been killed (and probably the ex-girlfriend, as well). He didn't use his weapon to cause a crime, but to defend himself and another person.

To be frank, it's really too late to enforce the sort of strict gun control laws that countries like Japan and Hong Kong (two countries which have the least amount of gun-related deaths) enforce. The second amendment comes into play, and when something like that is put down, the government can't just upheaval it without dire consequences.

There are also a lot of deaths from other weapons (knives are up there), they just aren't reported on major news channels over gun-related deaths/injuries. Keep in mind that the media enjoys stirring up controversy and drama; in a sense, they can be the biggest trolls out there.
They know that there's a huge debate over gun laws, gun control, etc. So, their top violent-crimes stories are going to be about guns over any other weapon.

Rather than specific gun control, what's needed are better background checks (the amount of stories I've heard from deaths caused by someone with a criminal record legally getting a gun due to a mix-up in paperwork or a non-complete background check is appalling), and an assessment of the person's mental state.
I'm not saying all people with a mental issue are violent criminals (far from it), but there are many cases where a shooter had shown signs of mental instability and-or violent behavior prior to their violent crime.

From the story about what could have happened at Worlds, though the articles I read on it were short, neither had any sort of indication that either of the men showed any sort of repentance for their behavior.
Major red flags all around, and they typically get ignored until it's too late.
That is the big problem.
Thank you for this.