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Playing New Horizons and New Leaf at the same time, and I wish I could mash the games together


Senior Member
Apr 14, 2020
Black Hybrid Rose
Black Famous Mushroom
Eerie Star Potion
Moonlight Halloweaster Egg
Orange (Fruit)
I'll start by saying that I've had a bit to drink, so hopefully this isn't too all over the place and rambling...

But I've been playing both new horizons and new leaf since NH launched, and I wish the two games could be combined.

I'll start by beating the dead horse here, but furniture selection in new leaf is leagues above NH. I want all the items in NL just copy/pasted over to NH. I want all the furniture series and food items and everything brought over.

I also want some of NL's depth brought back. NL has 4 types of snow people with different rewards and mechanics. NH has one. Villagers play hide and seek, visit, invite you over in NL... They pretty much just treasure hunt in NH. Igloo/tent visitors play various games with you in NL... with unique items. In NH, there is no igloo, and they have one game, and the prizes are limited to the same things you can get everywhere else. I don't understand features being brought back half baked.

That said, I'm now going to go against "common opinion"... The dialogue in New Horizons is better than in New Leaf. Tutu is my favorite villager, and I have her in both games. I talk to her 10 times in a row in new leaf, she repeats herself 5 of those 10 times. I talk to her 10 times in a row in NH, she says 10 different things. The personalities in NL are also so bland, I can barely tell she's a peppy. I could see how people don't like the pop star stuff, but it's flavorful.

Also I never ever want to read "you're looking cool as a fair number of cucumbers" ever again.

And it's really hard to lose outdoor decoration in NL. You're so limited in what you can do to the exterior of the town. Go to a random dream town and 99% of the towns are indistinguishable planes of trees and flowers. The people who were able to successfully use PWPs were the exception not the norm.

I really hope going forward in NH, we get some of the things to bring them closer together. The big thing would be more furniture. But I also just hope they flesh out things that are there. Give label and leif shops or add them to others. Expand the games campers and villagers can play. Add the rest of the snow people... Add the depth that's missing back.

Overall, I prefer NH, but it's frustrating to see the things missing between them, even if NH is the better game...
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I don't mean for this to come across as too negative, if it does. I LOVE new horizons and new leaf. I wouldn't be playing them both if I didn't... New horizons is easily my GOTY. I guess I just wish NH made NL obsolete in every single way so there'd be no reason to play both aside from nostalgia.
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I was talking to someone else about this the other day, I agree so much. Personally, a New Leaf with the good features of NH (outdoor furniture, terraforming, big island, moving buildings freely) would be my perfect game. I have to admit I preferred some of the art style of New Leaf as well (I loved the glossy look of the grass and dirt). An orchestrated New Leaf soundtrack like the one from the AC movie would've been so nice as well...

Obviously this would've angered many, but for me, a New Leaf HD (using models from amiibo festival) with the features and details we all love from New Horizons would've been a 10/10 game for me.
I think I mostly agree. I definitely didn't want New Leaf HD, mostly because I really hate main street, but more like Animal Crossing Ultimate, a la Smash Bros, haha... Bring everything back and add more... I still hope we'll get there eventually, but who knows 🙃
I think if they imported the WW dialogue, and all the NL,RV, Zelda, MH, HHD giant furniure, furniture sets, wall, floors, and food items into NH, the game would be perfect.

Plus PWP's like the Windmill, Flower Arch, Benches, Zen Bell etc, and mansion sized house and house styles + NL exteriors.

If they do bring them back as paid content, that would end my relationship with this game.

I've spent so much on amiibo's etc, and can't get the hundreds of items from them that I could in NL.
I totally agree that if NH and NL were mixed together, they could form the ultimate AC game! You brought up a lot of great points (the lack of furniture of course!) in your original post, and also a lot of things I didn't know! I have yet to experience winter in NH, so hearing about the snow people, lack of igloos, etc., is extremely disappointing. 🙁 They were things I was really looking forward to seeing in NH; I really loved the snow-people mechanics of NL, and winter used to be my favorite AC season!

For the dialogue, as much as I've complained in the past, I agree that it's better in NH than NL. Even though there's still not as much variety as I'd like in NH, I've found that my villagers are repeating themselves a lot less than I thought in the beginning (or maybe I just talk to them less now, but I still do chat with them almost everytime I pass). In NL, I would get the same conversation so many times in a row, which was super frustrating! The cool as a fair number of cucumbers line will ALWAYS haunt me. 😭 The lack of visiting your villagers/having them visit unannounced or request to visit you randomly is a feature I sorely miss in NH. It was such a great feature! I'm hoping that they have some kind of update for the villager friendship mechanics in the future in NH. So I definitely agree with you there as well!

As much as the main street area could've been improved upon in NL, I did love the variety of shops (something that was a huge improvement on City Folk) and the way you could work to get more shops added (Shrunk, Katrina, etc). Like so many others I can only hope they're going to add more NPC buildings and shops into NH with future updates. New Leaf with all of the added quality of life improvements along with the outdoor decoration, crafting, terraforming, etc., would really be so amazing!
I think if they imported the WW dialogue, and all the NL,RV, Zelda, MH, HHD giant furniure, furniture sets, wall, floors, and food items into NH, the game would be perfect.

Plus PWP's like the Windmill, Flower Arch, Benches, Zen Bell etc, and mansion sized house and house styles + NL exteriors.

If they do bring them back as paid content, that would end my relationship with this game.

I've spent so much on amiibo's etc, and can't get the hundreds of items from them that I could in NL.

I'm actually kinda looking forward to paid dlc... Which I know is an unpopular, privileged opinion... But I'm looking forward to it because that means it'll be a huge update... Not like these relatively smaller ones we've had so far. I do agree that some of that stuff should be free and not paid though. I just know, realistically, AC is my favorite franchise, so I'll buy anything they come out with. Except amiibo festival.
I am still working on making my island themed after New Leaf. I have also been updating the dream version of it via the dream suite. The main street hasn't really had any work done on it yet, since I am still moving houses around... but I am hopeful that I can start placing the cliffs by Thursday, and then have one of the shops maybe the Museum placed up there by Friday.
I also wish that New Horizons and New Leaf were mashed together. I think I was expecting something more like that. I can see how they might be building towards it. But, this is also the first AC game they have ever had as a more live service game, so they could be testing the waters and trying to figure out the plan themselves.
This would be awesome! Hopefully with more updates to come, more NL features will find its way into NH.
I'm actually kinda looking forward to paid dlc... Which I know is an unpopular, privileged opinion... But I'm looking forward to it because that means it'll be a huge update... Not like these relatively smaller ones we've had so far. I do agree that some of that stuff should be free and not paid though. I just know, realistically, AC is my favorite franchise, so I'll buy anything they come out with. Except amiibo festival.
No. It means nintendo will know we are ready to be screwed over, as comments like that are telling them, ,"Hey, we CAN add paid content, because people are saying they want it!".

And AC at it's core will be a cash grab like PC.

What happened to buying a full offline game that you own, outright, and doesn't keep costing you money just to have content put back in that SHOULD have already been there. IMO.
I also think the dialogue is better in NH! I was feeling alone in that option until tonight honestly. I love New Leaf and will never ever say it wasn’t amazing and act like I didn’t play it for a billion hours - but the villagers speech selection was just so bland and repetitive. I’ve noticed repetitiveness in NH too, don’t get me wrong, but not to the extent as the last game.

I wish there were little things that could come through with the big updates. The old furniture would be great. I do miss the furniture I got from Celeste like the fancy picture frame and the stained glass piece, and I could die and go to heaven if they would just bring back my beloved conveyor-belt sushi table. I wish we could have mannequins because they would be so neat to be part of displays!
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I 100% do NOT miss trying to get PWPs though.
No. It means nintendo will know we are ready to be screwed over, as comments like that are telling them, ,"Hey, we CAN add paid content, because people are saying they want it!".

And AC at it's core will be a cash grab like PC.

What happened to buying a full offline game that you own, outright, and doesn't keep costing you money just to have content put back in that SHOULD have already been there. IMO.

Just a difference of opinion then. Don't get me wrong, I want as much of the updates to be free as possible... If they're all free, then awesome. But a paid update would mean we're getting something the size of the octo expansion for Splatoon, and that's exciting too. I'd also hope paid content is new to the series and not returning stuff.

I also think the dialogue is better in NH! I was feeling alone in that option until tonight honestly. I love New Leaf and will never ever say it wasn’t amazing and act like I didn’t play it for a billion hours - but the villagers speech selection was just so bland and repetitive. I’ve noticed repetitiveness in NH too, don’t get me wrong, but not to the extent as the last game.

I wish there were little things that could come through with the big updates. The old furniture would be great. I do miss the furniture I got from Celeste like the fancy picture frame and the stained glass piece, and I could die and go to heaven if they would just bring back my beloved conveyor-belt sushi table. I wish we could have mannequins because they would be so neat to be part of displays!
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I 100% do NOT miss trying to get PWPs though.

The blandness is the big problem with NL dialogue. You can barely tell the personalities apart because they're all just nice. It's like all the villagers are the normal/sweet personality. NH dialogue is far from perfect, but it's a massive step up!
I agree so much, especially with your point about how colorless the NL dialogue. It really shocked me to see people, at least from what I can remember from the last couple of months, saying that one of the things that made NL better than NH was that the villager dialogue was better. At least in NH, you can tell apart your villager personalities QUITE easily, whereas in NL they all might as well have been blended into one or two normalish personality types.

Don't get me wrong, WW and CF had the superior villager dialogue and I do hope they incorporate more elements from those games (I want villagers to come visit my house again, darnit!), but I think you bring up lots of good points about the faults of NL and NH.
Yeah, it's sad that I cannot even wear my usual outfits from New Leaf in New Horizons. Come on, Splatoon and Animal Crossing are being worked on by the same team. Where are the items from the Welcome Amiibo update?
Also, some of my favorite furniture sets are missing like the sweets one. The mermaid set was another but that finally came back.
If we had most of the items from New Leaf plus more, it would make me happy.
I agree so much, especially with your point about how colorless the NL dialogue. It really shocked me to see people, at least from what I can remember from the last couple of months, saying that one of the things that made NL better than NH was that the villager dialogue was better. At least in NH, you can tell apart your villager personalities QUITE easily, whereas in NL they all might as well have been blended into one or two normalish personality types.

Don't get me wrong, WW and CF had the superior villager dialogue and I do hope they incorporate more elements from those games (I want villagers to come visit my house again, darnit!), but I think you bring up lots of good points about the faults of NL and NH.

I need to go back and re-experience WW and CF dialogue! I was quite young when those games came out, and I didn't play them obsessively like GCN. I see a lot of people say they consider those the peak though, so I'd love to form my own opinion. I am also always really confused when I see people say NL dialogue was better. I can't speak for anyone, but I always just assume their memory is filling in some blanks, and they're remembering things that weren't really there lol.
Let's face reality. Nintendo is not a fairy neither Santa Klaus or anything / anyone who just fulfilling our wishes, it's just a company trying to make as much money as possible. Maybe it's sad, but it's true.
In my opinion, like many other players ACNH and ACNL - both are great games, and from players point of view is quite normal, to have something the best. Better than anything before, but with experience and many hours spent in previous iteration on this game, many things are just tempting and we just want to have them back.
If we will look at ACNH when we are being tempted by "free updates" - but those updates, are not free because Nintendo loves us, it's just purely tempting new customers to buy game before Halloween and Christmas. During updates we just getting something what should be in the full release already, but never been there, just because marketing and really well achieved attempt of constant and positive hype.
ACNL could be released with new HD engine, because is already been done, as we can check and compare visual and similarity of ACNL and AC Amibo Festival:
As Nintendo recently discontinued 3DS they may release ACNL in HD version. However, what I wrote before in my previous post, predicting the future for this game, it will be something like we have right now: fall update mainly focused on Halloween (what should be already implemented in full game release) and incoming update will give us something what we got in fall update, nothing major but something nice, something related to season, to Christmas, more items, maybe even some crops or cooking features... and then, "free updates" will be finished.
In 2021 Nintendo may want to release original, updated Animal Crossing, as it will be 20th anniversary, something like has been done with The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. Please note, it's almost exactly the same game, just with new, better / nicer visual concept, but most of the core mechanics and even map remained the same.
Personally, I would be willing to pay again for ACNL re-created in HD - I can afford it. Despite the fact, I have just couple months experience, my collection of Nintendo hardware (two Switches) and software bought recently, like ACNL (for 3DS), ACWW (for Wii U), two hard-copies of ACNH and second hand AC GC version. I'm not regretting, and I still have a fun and I will probably for many months.
However, I'm not expecting any incoming miracles.

Answering the question about playing ACNH and ACNL same time, in daily basis, I tried this. AC is so time consuming so it's not really easy to play both those games and do everything what is really necessary to have a full experience from every single game. I just give up ACNL for now, maybe I will come back later on, but in one condition, I have to stop playing any other iteration of AC.
That's very sad about the igloos. I haven't given it much thought but it is something I assumed would be carried over, there were even igloos on the gamecube! I thought it was very charming to see that in the winter instead of a tent.
Let's face reality. Nintendo is not a fairy neither Santa Klaus or anything / anyone who just fulfilling our wishes, it's just a company trying to make as much money as possible. Maybe it's sad, but it's true.
In my opinion, like many other players ACNH and ACNL - both are great games, and from players point of view is quite normal, to have something the best. Better than anything before, but with experience and many hours spent in previous iteration on this game, many things are just tempting and we just want to have them back.
If we will look at ACNH when we are being tempted by "free updates" - but those updates, are not free because Nintendo loves us, it's just purely tempting new customers to buy game before Halloween and Christmas. During updates we just getting something what should be in the full release already, but never been there, just because marketing and really well achieved attempt of constant and positive hype.
ACNL could be released with new HD engine, because is already been done, as we can check and compare visual and similarity of ACNL and AC Amibo Festival:
As Nintendo recently discontinued 3DS they may release ACNL in HD version. However, what I wrote before in my previous post, predicting the future for this game, it will be something like we have right now: fall update mainly focused on Halloween (what should be already implemented in full game release) and incoming update will give us something what we got in fall update, nothing major but something nice, something related to season, to Christmas, more items, maybe even some crops or cooking features... and then, "free updates" will be finished.
In 2021 Nintendo may want to release original, updated Animal Crossing, as it will be 20th anniversary, something like has been done with The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. Please note, it's almost exactly the same game, just with new, better / nicer visual concept, but most of the core mechanics and even map remained the same.
Personally, I would be willing to pay again for ACNL re-created in HD - I can afford it. Despite the fact, I have just couple months experience, my collection of Nintendo hardware (two Switches) and software bought recently, like ACNL (for 3DS), ACWW (for Wii U), two hard-copies of ACNH and second hand AC GC version. I'm not regretting, and I still have a fun and I will probably for many months.
However, I'm not expecting any incoming miracles.

Answering the question about playing ACNH and ACNL same time, in daily basis, I tried this. AC is so time consuming so it's not really easy to play both those games and do everything what is really necessary to have a full experience from every single game. I just give up ACNL for now, maybe I will come back later on, but in one condition, I have to stop playing any other iteration of AC.
I agree, at the end of the day Nintendo is a business and you can see them trying to pull in money as much as they can with the online subscription. I view Nintendo as a business and not as a company that tries to fulfil their customer's wishes. They make fantastic games but are notorious for not listening to feedback from customers (see Paper Mario) as I understand they design games to be played how they want it and not how the customers want it. I understand this due to the difference in culture as Nintendo is a Japanese game company. And I agree on the free updates. I never viewed it as Nintendo being "nice" to us, it seems like a marketing strategy to make the game appealing to new players.

I would absolutely pay for an NL HD but I don't ever see that happening as that would detract attention from NH and would probably not net them enough revenue for them to make it. I dread the idea of paid DLC to make NH a huge step up from other games (as in, a WHOLE lot of new features), but I think it might be inevitable as Nintendo really are just a business at the end of the day. These free updates don't actually include much when you think about it, so a big update will probably cost money. Oh well
I would absolutely pay for an NL HD but I don't ever see that happening as that would detract attention from NH and would probably not net them enough revenue for them to make it. I dread the idea of paid DLC to make NH a huge step up from other games (as in, a WHOLE lot of new features), but I think it might be inevitable as Nintendo really are just a business at the end of the day. These free updates don't actually include much when you think about it, so a big update will probably cost money. Oh well

Personally, I don't believe NL will come back anytime soon, however ACNL is selling really good and I understand (from business perspective) sooner or later will be time to reach our pockets again and try to get some money. I'm not trying to say I can predict the future, but IMHO there's still something beyond winter update, where almost all year cycle will be completed, there's no point to tempt new players with some small updates (free) but it may be a time for something bigger, but not for free.
Just as example: "Breath of the Wild" - two paid DLC's have been released and players willingly paid for those (myself included). Why not to do the same with ACNH?
But maybe Nintendo will have a different approach? Easier and quicker one? As mentioned previously, with 20th anniversary of Animal Crossing will be not a big effort to release first and original one, even for a smaller price comparing to ACNH.
I can be wrong and maybe they planning something difference, but I personally have a feeling, the strength of Nintendo is their game library which never gets old. Always is "come-back" to old, but always-good-selling-titles like: Mario/Luigi franchise, Zelda, Animal Crossing etc.
Couple weeks ago, I wrote something (completely unrealistic) where if I would be releasing new AC, I would release ACNL (in HD), using existing engine - shown on video in previous post in this tread and merge it with HHD adding something extra (no idea what).
Whatever happens, I will stick with ACNH most probably until the summer and then, definitely we will be having some news, if this game will be updated, or maybe winter update + necessary patches will be the end of updates, free or paid.
Hasn't the lead designer gone on record saying that they have updates planned for three years? I dont think it is a question of if they will update the game. Just a question of what they are going to do with it.