Pink Town Name ❤️

Hi. Firstly..the hearts in the forum titles you make are they're not necessary in any way..but some ideas are Pinkville, Pinkchan, Pinkchu (it's suppose to sound like pikachu if you play pokemon) and Pinkhill
My suggestions MidnightPink Pinkrose Alphapink. I can't think of any others that are good...
Can I use that name for my town?

You CAN. I don't own the name but I liked being the only one (That I know of) To have that name of the forums....
Like I said I don't OWN the name and I don't want to be rude and say "NONONONONO!!!! ITS MINE!!!!!1!" But I would be happy if you choose something else. (sorry if this seems rude... I am just being honest)
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My suggestions MidnightPink Pinkrose Alphapink. I can't think of any others that are good...
Only "Pinkrose" would fit. The other names are WAY too long, 8 character limit.

I've got some more!

Pink Hat
Pink Way
Pink God
Yes Pink
Pink Sun
Pink Run
Pink Bay
Pink Eye
Pink Owl
Pink Pen

Eh... That's all I've got. (Although, AkaneDeath's "Pink Tea" suggestion sounds adorable as heck!)
feelin accomplished bc i suggested pinktea ayyy (ノ*゜▽゜*)

Great minds think alike ^^. I had been staring at the pink town thing for awhile when it popped so I decided to see if it had been suggested and saw you had it up so just seconded it. I really love food themed names.

- - - Post Merge - - -

That's cool. It's the name of a space probe and Rosetta stone. I like it because it reminds me of the 'ette' added to girl names like dude to dudette. ^^
Here are a bunch!! Lol, halfway doing this for dust, halfway for fun.
  1. PinkVale
  2. PinkLoom
  3. PinkHue
  4. PinkGlen
  5. PinkDale
  6. PinkCove
  7. PinkVibe
  8. PinkMist
  9. PinkPalm
  10. PinkNook
  11. Pink Loom
  12. Pink Jet
  13. Pink Purl
  14. Pink Mist
  15. Pink Zest
  16. Pink Vibe
  17. Pink Jolt
  18. Pink Dart
  19. Pink Flux
  20. Pink Puff
  21. Pink Sway
  22. Pink Zen
  23. Pink Byte
  24. Pink Echo
  25. Pink Muse
  26. Pink Opal
  27. Pink Lush
  28. Pink Nova
  29. Pink Iris
  30. Pink Aura