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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies

dont you agree that clay was the cutest character ever and that he shouldn't have died
seriously i thought finding out apollo had a friend would lead to some character development
but nope. he had to die :((

thats prob my only complaint about the game tho... clay dying

Well, I certainly can't say that was the first thing that crossed my mind when I came across his dead body.

On a separate note, I like how unorthodox Athena's resolution to the 3rd trial was. Scuttlebutt and Robin were a hoot in that case.

Also while I like seeing Pearls and Edgeworth return, I kinda wish it had more recurring characters.
speaking of ace attorney, they're making another one :^))
I thought Capcom was broke.

Heard it's gonna be an iOS though? The 3DS was so surprising. The animation, quality, story, and characters are so amazing (so far). Just got the game yesterday ( f i n a l l y ) and I'm barely on case 3 atm and holy crap I kind of had to stop because as much as I love AA, I get scared sometimes >_> The suspense is killing me, haha.. Also because I have school -_- Can't wait until I have all the time to finish and then I can get back to this thread and discuss blah blah

EDIT: Oops, okay idk about it being iOS anymore.
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Also while I like seeing Pearls and Edgeworth return, I kinda wish it had more recurring characters.

me too
i really wanna see maya again. like an actual 27 year old maya, not a memory of her
also gumshoe <3333 and ema
and also i want to see more of the minor characters return since i liked how they handled that in previous games (tho i dont care to see much of wendy unless edgeworth is with her)
i'd love to see wocky, cody or viola return, they were some of my fav characters

but the people that handled dd said that they didn't want to put older characters in just for the sake of 'fanservice', they wanted them to be related to plot. while i do agree, i still want to see maya ;;
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me too
i really wanna see maya again. like an actual 27 year old maya, not a memory of her
also gumshoe <3333 and ema
and also i want to see more of the minor characters return since i liked how they handled that in previous games (tho i dont care to see much of wendy unless edgeworth is with her)
i'd love to see wocky, cody or viola return, they were some of my fav characters

but the people that handled dd said that they didn't want to put older characters in just for the sake of 'fanservice', they wanted them to be related to plot. while i do agree, i still want to see maya ;;

Considering what happened to Bobby, I'd say there's a pretty good chance of seeing one of the detectives show up (At least, I hope so.)

I guess that makes sense, let's just hope the next cases they have give the developers a good reason to bring back an oldie.
I just played the demo for this game (I know; I'm so late, but I only downloaded the demo last week) and I absolutely *loved* it! I had never played an AA game before but it was a lot of fun (even though at first I had no idea what I was doing and kept presenting evidence at the wrong statement, LOL). Now I'm considering getting the full game, though I'll probably read a few reviews first to see if I should or not (since there's a huge difference between a demo and a full version). ^_^
Well, after reading a few reviews, I decided to get the game, so I bought and downloaded it. I'm really looking forward to playing this! Hopefully I won't need a guide/walkthrough too soon, though. ^_^' Also; if there is any advice someone can give me, that would be great! Like; should I press the witness on every statement they make? Or is there anything else I should keep in mind? Having never played any of the series, I'm a complete newbie, LOL!
Well, after reading a few reviews, I decided to get the game, so I bought and downloaded it. I'm really looking forward to playing this! Hopefully I won't need a guide/walkthrough too soon, though. ^_^' Also; if there is any advice someone can give me, that would be great! Like; should I press the witness on every statement they make? Or is there anything else I should keep in mind? Having never played any of the series, I'm a complete newbie, LOL!

well there isn't much advice to be given since it is a visual novel but
you don't have to press every statement, sometimes you need to but for the most part it's unnecessary. i only do it if i want more conversation between the witness and the courtroom (larry and franziska ///)
if you want good dialogue you should examine everything in the room (especially stepladders)
also save your game often

but really the most important advice i want to give is play the other games, if you like dd enough
(but they don't have clapollo so that's a downside ): )
I finished the first case today (I played day 1 yesterday and day 2 today) and I have to say that I'm absolutely loving the game so far! It's a lot of reading and pressing A, but it's actually quite fun. It's different from what I'm used to, but I'm really enjoying it. ^_^ So far I've been pressing every statement which is sometimes overdoing it (thanks for the advice about that, Volvagia!), but the extra dialogue is nice and I love the characters' reactions and faces they make. ^_~ Time flies when I'm playing, though! Most of the time I have some idea of how much time has passed but here that's different. Which I actually think is great, haha! I also love how there are days in the game, it gives something of an endpoint I can reach and then end my game (though I'm guessing in later cases the days will take more time, so I might have to play them over several real days, which is cool too, except knowing myself I'll be going 'Just a bit longer...' ^_^'). Anyway, I'm glad I got this game (the music is awesome! I'm actually playing this game with my sound on whereas for most of my other games it's off)! I also got the extra episode which I'll play probably this weekend or so. Now let's see how long it takes before I need a guide or walkthrough, haha. ^_^
Don't worry, you'll need one soon enough. I've watched the videos for the final case so many times I know exactly what happens.
dual destinies was actually really easy compared to the other games (rise from the ashes)
you might need it a few times for the last cases but usually the answer is really obvious
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Don't worry, you'll need one soon enough.

Why am I not surprised? ;)

dual destinies was actually really easy compared to the other games (rise from the ashes)
you might need it a few times for the last cases but usually the answer is really obvious

Glad to hear that! I don't mind if it's every now and then, as long as it's not too often (and it doesn't sound like that from what you're saying, so I should be fine :)).
I am currently on the third case and this game is causing me to be a zombie at work (meaning I go to bed way too late because I just want to keep playing). :p I'm having a blast with this game; I'm so glad I bought it! :D

I'm actually considering getting one or two of the previous games. Thing is... I don't know which one(s) I should get! :confused: So, if anyone has any advice as to why I should (or not!) get a specific game, please tell me! :blush:

Thanks! :)
I am currently on the third case and this game is causing me to be a zombie at work (meaning I go to bed way too late because I just want to keep playing). :p I'm having a blast with this game; I'm so glad I bought it! :D

I'm actually considering getting one or two of the previous games. Thing is... I don't know which one(s) I should get! :confused: So, if anyone has any advice as to why I should (or not!) get a specific game, please tell me! :blush:

Thanks! :)

haha this thread keeps rising from the ashes

i'd say get the first three games but if you want one just start off with the first one. after those three you should play apollo justice. u can even play aj without playing the first three but i wouldn't recommend that.
also there's a spin off game (aai) but it's not really connected with the main story so you can skip it, but if you just want some extra stuff you can play it
haha this thread keeps rising from the ashes

it certainly turnabout big tops every now and then

if you don't feel like hunting down hard copies of the original trilogy, there's an ios version available (which is how i played the first three)
if you don't feel like hunting down hard copies of the original trilogy, there's an ios version available (which is how i played the first three)

Sadly, I don't own an iPhone or iPad or I would definitely consider getting the trilogy. :(

I've been searching for (used) hard copies, but they're quite expensive (shipping them from the UK costs half of their actual price, which makes them nearly as expensive as Dual Destinies).

I did find something here about the trilogy getting a remake for the 3DS, so I might wait for that one to come to Europe (whenever that happens, haha).
I'd start with the original and move your way forward. It's always nice to play through the story that way, though they don't really follow each other.
I want to play this game so bad, but i dont want to pay like $40 for the game and then like $6 for each dlc episode ugh

capcom is so freaking greedy they annoy me so much