Overwatch General Thread

I finally got to platinum yesterday, which is super exciting since I've been in gold for the last two seasons. I think I'm currently 2600ish, so hopefully I can go a bit higher before the season ends.
When the whole squad has 4 stars :lemon:
Ohhh that Zenyatta with gold weapons looks awesome. How many gold weapons do you have currently?
After 3 seasons I finally got my first golden weapon. I mainly got my points from the end of season rewards which is why it took me so long. I decided to go with Mercy and her golden broom/pistol.
Congrats on your first gold weapon! I'm a little over halfway towards my second gold, which will go to Ana. ��
Congrats on your first gold weapon! I'm a little over halfway towards my second gold, which will go to Ana. ��

Thanks! Good luck on your second. It takes me forever to get the gold weapons because I don't play competitive regularly. Ended at Diamond this season so that was a nice 1200 points. Solo queuing is just too unpredictable for me to hope to ascend anywhere too high. That and my recent fear of the rise of mouse users on consoles.
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too tired to play anything, i'm so behind. maybe i'll play soon, just lost a lil bit of interest since i grinded ctf during the event for like 24+ hours.
Got placed at 1600 but managed to climb up to high platinum through solo queuing. Season high was 2989 (1 win off diamond :( ) Goal next season is to get to diamond. Also got this halfway through the season.
I started in the 1800's and managed to climb up to 2780ish, which I'm still really pleased about. Hoping next season to make it to diamond.

Also I remember why I don't do mystery hero that much anymore, there is only so many times I can be Mcree in one match.
Meanwhile I'm just here not caring about competitive or my rank.
I always place in low gold (or 48 in S1 which was about gold iirc), play maybe a few games after placements, then I'm done with it until next season. I'm just a bit under 1.6k points (almost all of them are from the end season rewards) but I don't really want ANY gold weapons, they just look tacky to me unless you have the right skin and I don't really want to change any of the ones I use just to make a gold weapon look nice. :/
If I did play comp regularly I could maybe get to platinum, but not any higher than that. Also me playing with a controller on PC could be a problem
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I placed around 2500 and kinda just left it there. My internet has been spotty (THANKS COMCAST), so I really avoided Comp this season as I didn't want to lose points because of something out of my control. Kinda mad I did, if I worked hard enough to reach Diamond I could have a gold weapon for Mei or Dva right now.
I wonder how season 4 will be. If it's similar to S3 placements, then you should still place +/- near ending SR, depending on placement game scores.

I got Ana's gold weapon. ;;;