Mistaking villagers for other personalities?


New Horizons
Feb 4, 2016
Orange (Fruit)
New Horizons Token
Zipper Sakura
Pink Hybrid Cosmos
Pink Hybrid Lily
Chocolate Cake
Father's Day Carnation
So I saw a picture of Rooney, at first I thought he was a jock, but then found out that he was a cranky, he looks like both, any other villagers?
Sometimes I see a snooty who I think could pass for a normal or peppy. Especially in squirrels. For example, Blair could totally pass for a peppy/normal, and so could Mint imo. There are a few others I could list, but I don't feel it's necessary.
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There are so many villagers like that. imo Rudy could pass as a lazy due to his child-like room and apperance it's so weird he's a jock.
there are plenty of villagers who are jocks that look anything but athletic. Ribbot comes to mind, he's a small frog, and on top of that he's a robot. but a jock?!
Al's house made me think he was a jock, but he is actually lazy.

i thought robin was uchi, but she's actually snooty
I've done that. For the longest time I thought Chadder was a jock, not smug. So I thought I had 4 jocks, and 1 cranky male villager, but it turns out he's smug. SO then I had 3 jocks, 1 smug and 1 cranky. Those villagers are all gone now, except for Kid Cat, it was a while ago :/
I've mistaken Cheri for an uchi before, she really does look like an uchi to me. I've also mistaken Genji for a cranky, his grumpy face just makes him appear like a cranky, tbh though I think he'd be much better as a cranky I have him in my town and he honestly doesn't suit being a jock to me. Although maybe he is kinda like a jock, because I can imagine him being like one of those teachers of the ancient arts but other then that he seems like a cranky to me. Another one is Marshal, although he's pretty good as a smug as well. It'd just be more fitting if he was grumpy. He'd probably gain more even popularity too tbh. As some don't like the smug personality.
When I first started playing this game, I started out with Whitney in my town and I thought she was a normal. Took me a while to figure out she was actually a snooty. I was surprised because snooty villagers in this game are NOTHING like they were in the GC version. In that one, they were flat out rude and would blatantly insult you. Same with cranky villagers; they're both so much nicer in this game.
To me Rudy looks more like a lazy....everything from his shirt to his house.
I'm pretty sure that's why he's the only jock I love though, because he appears so much more chill and his house is so playful rather than full of gym equipment.
And for some reason Drago reminds me of a cranky....couldn't tell you why though
When I first saw Mac I thought he was cranky. That face of his makes him look like he's all grumpy, lol.
There are sooo many!! Like Pecan and Blaire are both snooty, yet they are both the sweetest little babies you could ever find! Also, O'Hare seems like much more of a lazy island dweller than a smug villager.
I'm still really confused about benedict lol i didn't know if he was lazy or a jock or normal. Never bothered looking it up
I thought Twiggy was jock at first but then I realized she's peppy! Wrong gender and personality there.
I thought Pashmina was a Snooty, and I'm so happy she's not... If she was, I'd have three Snooty villagers in my town.
Somewhat related. When I first started playing I saw a guide that said that a certain project could only be suggested by a normal villager. I thought what is a normal villager? Aren't they all normal? That didn't last long. I agree that some of the villagers behavior and such don't agree with their personality type.