Little known fact about you

I am a published writer. :) Well, not in the way you're probably thinking, though. I have written and published a peer-reviewed research article in an international studies journal. My article was about the political structure of Russia and Russia's problem with democratization. It was originally just a term paper for a political science professor, but he liked it so much he got me to publish it haha. Felt pretty neat! But nobody I know will read it :p. To be fair it's very dry. It's kind of funny to me to watch them realize that they really don't want to read it. I'll be like, "I'm published now!" and they'll be super impressed like "Oh wow cool!!!! can I see??". Then I send the link to them and they're kind of like "Oh wow...... 🙃" LMAO
One time I accidentally discarded my yoshi egg on my phone because it was in alphabetical order and y is near the bottom and the discard button and verify button were too close and i pmed justin and he didnt reply to me then a few years later i pmed him again and i pmed him again now and idk it's just hard, but it gives me something to work toward . like a future . (no hate to justin)
Post something in this thread that other tbt users can't tell about you from basic responses on threads.

For example, I talk in my sleep. Like, really talk and almost hold conversation with people.
im terribly scared of needles, i even fainted once!
I’m afraid of most fish and deep sea creatures. The weird way they move and their odd faces are just so alien to me. I used to avoid swimming in lakes because of potentially touching one.
I can't do long division lmao, never learned how cause I was in homeschool in 3rd-5th grade and I barely retained anything 😅
In school, I never actually passed Earth Science which was supposedly a requirement to graduate. I got withdrawn from the course and took Anatomy and Physics to make up the credit. Somehow, I managed to pass those and still received a high school diploma. I think it’s crazy how I couldn’t pass a simple science class but got passing grades in both Anatomy and Physics. I was really good at math, okay?

So yeah, I graduated without meeting necessary requirements.
Apparently other than my school and parents, almost nobody knew I have Asperger's.

It surprises me because even the people I've been with my whole life didn't know until I tell them.
As a kid people assumed I'm a boy, as I had short hair and just looked a lot like a boy. I thought it was always pretty entertaining when my mother explained that I'm a girl. (I don't mind either pronouns, nor does my Mom) :ROFLMAO:
Okay, so I have a few for this;

I'm very short, obviously not a little known fact if you know me IRL, but I'm 4ft 8 :'D I have also been told I am a good singer, but regardless of it or not, I am VERY loud. I also according to an app I have, have a pretty decent range. :D I am very good at picking up languages. I am related to a Pendle Witch, by marriage and a bit of a stretch. I am also supposed to be related to a family from the plague village of Eyam in Derbyshire. Basically when the Black Plague hit, Eyam ended up being infected by some fleas on leather which got delivered. But it sealed itself off, basically stopping the plague from spreading. My alleged relative, Elizabeth Hancock, buried 6 of her children and her husband herself who all died within weeks of each other. She then left and found her son who was working as an apprentice in Sheffield. Also, from doing my family tree, I've found a couple of my relatives moved to Buffalo, New York in 1916. One of them had 2 sons and a daughter, the 2 sons serving in the American forces during WW2. A number of my relatives also fought in WW1, some are buried over in France not having made it back. My grandad fought in WW2 and was part of the efforts to distract the Germans while Normandy happened. He ended up being stuck in France looking to get home for a few weeks, hitched a ride on a fishing boat and landed in Dover, not having eaten or drunk properly, and was pestered by a reporter on the steps. He apparently fired a 'warning' shot at him. He then got 'volunteered' to go to Borneo, and fought with the Americans and Burmese over there. He was a Seargent and got demoted twice, once for getting the colonel's horse drunk on whatever alcohol the could find, and once for doing the Indian rope trick :D I am also a serious history nerd, if you can't tell, with the Titanic being my favorite, WW2 being second and WW1 being 3rd :D
im, uh, really really interested in speedrunning. i dont speedrun myself, but i find myself drawn to speedrunning commentaries, videos, and breakdowns. glitches and glitchess, blindfolded or whatever. i dont think that’s really special since a lot of people also watch speedrunning videos, but idk. it’s just something i’ve never told anyone, since i dont know anyone in my vicinity (online or irl) who shares the same interest.

I'm 4ft 8 :'D
I’m very pleased to know that I’m taller that someone here LOL. I’m like almost 4’11” (4’10” if we’re rounding down, haha….) and I‘m pretry much past the age of growing so. haha. ; w; small people stick together i guess.
I’m very pleased to know that I’m taller that someone here LOL. I’m like almost 4’11” (4’10” if we’re rounding down, haha….) and I‘m pretry much past the age of growing so. haha. ; w; small people stick together i guess.
Haha! I'm way past the age of growing too. Guess some of us took less time to prefect then others ;D
-I have schizoaffective disorder bipolar type, it's essentially schizophrenia with bipolar disorder combined
-I played violin in my schools orchestra when I was in elementary school and throughout middle school
-I've lived in 4 different states
-I have panic attacks sometimes
-I'm learning to play the ukulele
-I LOVE horror movies
-I took an Italian course during college
I started dying my hair blue when I was 15. The reason is pretty unknown to literally everyone. Prior to my surgery, I had really bad teeth, and my teeth were always the first thing people notice about me, as with everyone. (The first thing you notice about someone is their teeth, 99.9% of the time. It may be unintentional but you can’t deny the facts.) Dying my hair blue, I’ve had little kids point at me at say “blue!!!” and for that split second I was happy. People compliment my hair all the time and even call me “Blue” sometimes. I’ve kept my hair blue since and it’s become a part of who I am. That split second of happiness really boosted my confidence and made me smile.

I’ve had other colors throughout that time, but blue was my main color and I don’t plan on changing again.
Whenever I don't have anyone else to talk to my emotions become bottled up in my mind forcing me to be happy all the time, act like everything is fine, and whenever I see people enjoying their time I don't want to ruin their day by talking about my issues the moment they ask me "Whats wrong?". Its something I have to suffer with everyday and I have days where I ask myself "Am I bad person?" or "Why is it that I'm the one getting all this hate?". I grew up in such a bad toxic environment as a kid that made me had a spoiled mindest and made me think that I was the one who was making everything a big deal and how I should just "suck it up" whenever I'm going through a bad time. I don't even know what to think anymore.
I used to be deathly obsessed with The Legend of Zelda in the 7th grade. While I do talk about the game series quite a bit on this forum (and essentially everything on my profile, i.e. username, pfp, title, signature, etc. makes it super obvious), I was so obsessed with it I made Zelda my entire personality. It's all I played and I would NOT talk about anything else. I'm glad that as I got a bit older (to present day) I play other games and talk about other things. 😅

Also, I have a bit of a weird ("advanced") vocabulary for a teenager because I don't understand modern slang.