• Thanks for playing! The closing ceremony for TBT World Championship 2024 has been posted. Congratulations to the winning team, Squirtle Squad! Update: The Master Ball raffle winners have now been announced and rewards have been distributed. Time to spend your Arcade Tokens!

Jeeze, 4 bucks for a lemonade!?


total a-hole
Jun 19, 2005
Hey everyone. I'm back from my kick-bum vacation, and for those of you who care, I'm here to tell you all about this pwnsome tripeth. I'll divide it into sections, in chronological order.

Oregon Beach:
Okay, the first thing I'll state here, (And I know you all saw this coming.) the Oregon babes are HOT HOT HOT. I <3 them. I talked to a few, and I learned a lot about them. Okay, anyway. This beach is perfect for skim boarding, which I did a lot of. I already knew how, but now I'm much better. I surfed just a tad, but the water was way to cold to stay in for too long. I buried my sister in sand 3 times, twice she couldn't get out. I got the escapes on video, but it's not digital.

:( There was also some other acticities to do at Seaside Resort, but that was the biggeth thingeth.

Seattle, baby!
Okay, I love Seattle. We mainly came here to see the Yankees play, but we did a helluva lot more.

Space Needle:
The Space Needle is one of the tallest things in tha world, and I got to go in it. It has three elevators, and a revolving resturant with an awesome view.

Science Fiction Museum (SFM):
Mmkay, the SFM was da JarJar Binks pwnage. They had thousands of SF artifacts, such as Darth Vader's helmet, lightsaber, old stuff from Flash Gordan, and litterally hundreds more. It also had pieces of SpaceShipOne, M&Ms that were flown to space, and a SF hall of fame.

Science Museum and GameOn!
Okay, the Science Museum had a lot of interactice fun stuff, but I mainly came here for their featured exhibit, GameOn! It was only in for like, 3 more days, and I needed to see it. I'm glad I did. I played the very first, ORIGINAL video game, Pong, Donkey Kong, and dozens of other gaming articfacts all in mint condition. I also saw things like ORIGINAL drawings by Myamoto himself, Pokemon artifacts, VirtualBoy, and so much more. They also walked you through the gaming design process. There was a multiplayer arena, with SSBM, and Halo 2. I got pahjinned at Halo, so I stepped over to the C-Sticking noobs and owned them. The losers were playing stamina, which is so retarted it's undescribable.

2 Yankees-Mariners Games:
W00T W00T W000TT0T0T0T! I LOVE MAH YANKEES! These games were awesome, especially the first one, even though we lost.

:( We won the other, though. It was a slaughter at like, 9 to 2. The stadium pwns, and it's fun conversing with my fellow Yankee fans. I even got my face painted half navu and half white just for the game!

:p (True story.)

I also got a chance to see batting practice, where I was 5 feet away from Yankees players!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!1!1111

Seattle Aquarium:
Here I saw some of the strangest and most awesomeest fish and aquatic creatures of my life. I also dived with a shark, which, I'll admit, was scary as beep.

Experience Music Project (EMP):
EMP was awesome; they had thousands of legendary instruments, interactive things, and a PWNsome resturant called Revolution (ZOMG COINCIDENCE LOLNESS). Anyway, the coolest thing was that I got to meet Bernie Williams, a Yankee veteran!!!!111!

Redmond hotness:
We also went to Redmond for a bit, where I got to see the Microsoft building, and, da da da da, NINTENDO HQ, BABEH!

NHQ had some interactive games stuff, but I didn't get to see much, because we had to go.

:p I bought a cool shirt, though.



That was my trip. Oh, and, as luck has it, my sister forgot to bring her digital camera. >_>
Got to see the Northwest, huh? Sounds nice. I'd like to see Oregon and Washington myself, and I have a relative somewhere near Los Angeles.

Anyways, sounds like you had a pretty good trip. How'd you get out there, though? Car? plane?
^_^ *reads* I saw GAMEON when it was in Chicago, when I was on a trip. It ROCKED! I schooled everyone in SSBM. XD. Glad you had a great vacation!

Oh yes, and I've been to EMP when I went to Seattle. It was VERY cool.
Nah, didn't see ]
Ah, yeah, that's terrible. At least there's more to the landscape out there than in New Mexico...5 hours from Albuquerque to Farmington...


Anyways, we may go on a vacation to see Yellowstone and Mt. Rushmore next year...by driving. So, yeah, I feel your pain. :yes:
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
Nah, didn't see ]
Ah, yeah, that's terrible. At least there's more to the landscape out there than in New Mexico...5 hours from Albuquerque to Farmington...


Anyways, we may go on a vacation to see Yellowstone and Mt. Rushmore next year...by driving. So, yeah, I feel your pain. :yes:
...Terrible? Flying there is what's terrible. Driving across the US = best thing ever.

But yeah...


Nice overview of your vacation, glad to know you had fun. Although... Twins > Yankees.

Yeah, I have like, aerophobia.. I hate planes. Oh, and I've already seen both Mount Rshmre + Yellowstone.


Yeah, I played Virtual Boy.

Wow sounds pretty awsome trip except that you went for the Yankees Im a Rangers fan myself and I saw then whoop the Yankees it was a good game Ive aslo see the Angles and Dogers. I need to see a B-Ball game and Football.
Yeah, I have like, aerophobia.. I hate planes. Oh, and I've already seen both Mount Rshmre + Yellowstone.


Yeah, I played Virtual Boy.

Eh, I liked the plane ride. It was my first time, and it was fun.

The really fun part, though, was the return trip. The plane was taking off from the runway in Albuquerque, and was going up (you could feel it pretty well), and then, for some reason, it was literally starting to turn to its side, almost vertically straight. It didn't, but it felt like it. Everyone else was freaking out, but I though that was fun.

Monkey09 said:
Wow sounds pretty awsome trip except that you went for the Yankees Im a Rangers fan myself and I saw then whoop the Yankees it was a good game Ive aslo see the Angles and Dogers. I need to see a B-Ball game and Football.
I'm not too much of a sports fan, but I wouldn't mind visiting Seattle. Seems like a nice city. And I hear Portland is pretty nice, too.