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How often do you take breaks from your town?


Jun 24, 2016
Silver Mailbox
I usually play new leaf in really big, short bursts. Sometimes I'll play the game for hours for a couple weeks straight and not touch my DS for a few months. It makes me sad, but I just don't feel very motivated to play. Also, I think I was so excited for a new animal crossing title to be released, the disappointment from E3 really hit me Q_Q
Depends on my real life schedule. Ideally, I'd be playing 365, 24/7 if I didn't have to be an adult and need food to survive.

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when im in a playing phase, i’m almost obsessed, but when i’m in a nonplaying phase, i dont think abt it at all
im polar opposites all the time!
I was OBSESSED with it back in '13/'14 and a bit of '15 but then I put it down and haven't picked it up properly since then.. which is like 3 years. I really want to start again but the though of map resetting and grinding to get back to the level I was at really puts me off. Also I have a digital version and a cartridge version and I don't want to delete either but I think if I do pick it up again I'll have to wipe both for it to feel like a proper fresh start.

I miss my daily visits to Brewster so dearly.
I usually take fall/winter breaks because there's not much to do/catch, and then during the summer I usually explode with activity because not only is the environment prettier, livelier and more lush but it doesn't feel as dead and barren. There's more going on in the warmer months, plus my siblings get out of school which means I actually have someone to play with/a reason to go to the island. Selling my town and starting over has helped a bit with that too.
I took a massive break right around the beginning of this year/end of last and I hated it, being bored of acnl is terrible, no matter how long it lasts for!
When I am super into what's happening in my town and I am motivated, I will play it everyday for hours, for months at a time. After a while I start to drop off for a bit and only play it a few days a week.

At the moment I am sort of in between that, but I am trying to keep active on it because I am trying super hard to landscape and perfect this town.
I'd probably consider myself taking breaks now. I only play my town once or at most, twice a week. I usually do that once I'm done landscaping and decorating houses. I'm not much into badges, completing the museum or acquiring every item.
I hardly ever play AC anymore tbh. I've played New Leaf at most 4 hours in the last 10 months. But when I do get back into it I usually play it for a month or two then take about that long of a break from it.
It just depends. Sometimes I'm really into it and other times I prefer to play other games and don't think about it
It's funny, I've always been very on and off with WW but the level of customisation in NL has kept me with it from the beginning. It helps that I'm super ill so I have loads of time for it as I don't work. Muffy keeps coming to find me and tell me to go to sleep 😂
I don?t recall ever taking a break from one of my towns. I?ve sold my copy of New Leaf, but I wouldn?t call that a break because I cant return to my original town.
I usually play new leaf in really big, short bursts. Sometimes I'll play the game for hours for a couple weeks straight and not touch my DS for a few months. It makes me sad, but I just don't feel very motivated to play. Also, I think I was so excited for a new animal crossing title to be released, the disappointment from E3 really hit me Q_Q

Disappointment from E3 hit you... me as well. They will release an Animal Crossing for the switch, we just have to wait longer I guess. If I had to bet though, I would say this fall we would get some news.
Yeah, I'd say before having sold my prior copy, I would often play during my vacations (anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months), but once a new semester started I was typically too busy to be checking up daily, so I'd have to stop playing for around 3-4 months. Stopping for months was a bit helpful though so I wouldn't get as bored, since my town at the time was practically perfect!
I'll likely be doing the same this time around, and trying to play as much as I can before the fall semester ;;v ;;
I usually have a few days every month where I'm really into it. Every other day I still play, but only to let people in for signatures and to stop whoever is moving. I usually have a cycle where I play a certain game for a few days, then another one interests me more.
Sometimes I am more into it than others. At the moment I am a bit fed up because I can't get the PWPs I want so I am not doing a lot. But I expect I will be crazy into landscaping when I can get going again.

If I am really busy in real life I will sometimes put AC aside for a few weeks but it's not really from choice. I am always happier and calmer if I can relax and escape into AC for a while each day.
Just whenever I get sick of it. As soon as booting up the game starts becoming a chore, I'm out of there for a couple of months just to keep it fresh.
I just got back into it after almost nine months away... I'm hoping to finish all of my badges before the new one comes out. But typically I only take 1-2 months off at most.