How much time do you spend listening to music a day?

How much time do you spend listening to music a day (on average)?

  • Less than one hour

    Votes: 17 19.3%
  • Between one hour and two hours

    Votes: 18 20.5%
  • Between two hours and four hours

    Votes: 28 31.8%
  • Between four hours and six hours

    Votes: 14 15.9%
  • More than six hours

    Votes: 11 12.5%

  • Total voters


Sep 20, 2013
How much time do you spend listening to music a day? I listen to music quite a lot. I definitely listen to music at work with one earbud in. I work five to seven hours, depending on the day. I’d say I listen to music more than the average person, but I’m curious to know how much others listen.

However, it usually ranges from two to four hours when I am not working. Music just helps the work day go by faster.

This is just including music and not video media.
voted less than 1 hour. i dont listen to music that often, but ill occasionally listen for a bit. i used to listen to music a lot more, i just havent felt very driven to listen lately.

if the next job i get is one where i can have earbuds in, im sure ill have to change my vote
I rarely listen to music anymore. I used to listen for an hour or two occasionally at work plus in the car on my commute, but Covid and working from home changed things.

Both headphones and earbuds give me headaches if I wear them for too long, and I have to wear them about 4 hours every day for meetings now. So in between meetings I just want them off my head.

I still listen to music when I'm driving, but I don't have to go out every day now so that's very minimal. I'd say I'm listening to music a total of 1 hour every week now at most.
Probably between 2 and 4 hours a day. I’m able to listen to music at work for about that amount of time which is really nice. I work at a desk on a computer and in the mornings I do a few things everyday that don’t require a lot of brain power so I listen to music during that time until I get assigned other projects
midweek i only listen to music if i'm out running

the weekend i could easily listen to 6 hours +
i voted between 2-4 because it really depends on what i'm doing. i used to listen to music while sleeping, but i've managed to wear off the habit because the headphones made my ears sore. every morning, right after waking up, i'll listen to my current favorite 3 or so songs (the first one is always the same) at full volume, which probably won't be great for my hearing in the long run, but it's all about the experience so i don't care asdfghjk, and then i'll listen to some others in my main playlist while i brush my teeth. if i plan on editing/writing, i'll listen to music the whole time, which can be anywhere from 2-10 hours depending on what i'm making, and it's usually the same playlist on repeat. sometimes i'll switch over to another one or put my whole library on shuffle, but it depends. if i'm not writing/editing, i usually won't listen to music again until the next morning. sometimes i'll play some same 3 songs right before going to bed, just to get some scenarios going to help me fall asleep to, but it depends how i'm feeling. i also listen to music in the car, but it's not often i go out, and we usually don't go anywhere that takes longer than 10-15 minutes, so.

i used to have my headphones all but glued to my head back when i was in sixth form. even during free periods, sometimes. since we did exclusively coursework, most of our lessons involved researching for and writing out assignments. listening to music kept me from getting distracted by my friends etc. and i'm an obscenely fast typer, so it was a combination that put me so far ahead of the class they once had to stop giving me work to let everyone else catch up rip. i can't imagine working in a job where they don't let you listen to music if you can. i'd find it so hard to focus without it.
I'm basically always hooked into music. When I'm gaming, working out, or even sleeping, I have the same 80+ hour playlist on. I don't keep track of the exact time, but given that I get around 8 hours of sleep almost everyday, work out for around an hour most days, and play games for around 2, that already puts me well in the highest category! Beyond that, I listen to it sometimes during work and school, and while writing (which is a lot of the remainder of my time). I may listen to music a bit much...
I work in a heavily client-facing role but still manage to listen to music during the morning or late afternoon while answering emails/chats/texts or working on spreadsheets. I usually turn it down when on the phone or helping people in the office one-on-one. Sometimes they'll vibe with my kpop though. 🙌

On average I'd guess two to four hours per day. Don't listen to it much outside of work except for browsing occasionally at home. I usually have something else on like a YouTube video, Twitch stream, or game audio if I'm playing something.
According to my spotify wrapped, last year I listened to about 3.75 hours of music per day on average, which sounds about right. I like to listen to music when I draw and freelance. I also spend some time outside of this listening to podcasts. I always have music on when I'm driving and running errands, and sometimes I wear earbuds in the store to make it less stressful. I also keep music on when I do housework, so it winds up keeping me company a lot. ^^
I usually listen to music less than an hour or an hour.
Sometimes few hours or more when I listen.
I listen to music when driving and half of my shift at work every day. The other half of my shift I listen to true crime. So I’d say a good 4 hours a day.
Very rarely, probably closer to less than an hour per week, let alone per day. When I do listen to music, it's nearly always instrumental rather than lyrical, typically soundtracks (mostly video game, sometimes movie). I prefer songs where the music tells the story rather than having the story spoken to me, if that makes sense.
I'd say 6+, gotta drown out any possibility of a thought occurring at all costs

I listen to it as I go to each class, during lunch/break, sometimes during class, the drive to and from school, walk home, and that's not even including the 6+ hours after that where I mostly chill in my room... Iiii don't have a lot going on
I don't.

I mean, I used to. I'd make playlists to sleep to, study to, exercise to and basically live to but as I've gotten older and my day has become filled with noise at home and work I just don't want another source of noise (however lovely that noise may be) in my life.
Only when I'm driving in my car. Or if I go for a walk I'll listen to spotify but other then that I don't listen to much music.
i don’t really listen to music as much as i used to (2-4 hours per day) as i’ve been busy as of late and life has been hectic, so my listening time has been reduced to around 1-2 hours per day.
Probably around 2-4 hours a day for me, I listen to it on my way to and from school everyday plus when I'm doing schoolwork or drawing or something at home. Small noises bother me when I'm trying to focus on stuff so I like to have music playing so I don't get distracted by them.
How much time do you spend listening to music a day? I listen to music quite a lot. I definitely listen to music at work with one earbud in. I work five to seven hours, depending on the day. I’d say I listen to music more than the average person, but I’m curious to know how much others listen.

However, it usually ranges from two to four hours when I am not working. Music just helps the work day go by faster.

This is just including music and not video media.
it honestly depends on what i do during the day but i think about two hours? i usually listen to music while doing homework or gaming, and when i commute!